Monster Summer Game 2015 MSG 2015
Monster Summer Game 2015 MSG 2015
11 June, 2015
All Discussions > Ban Appeals > Topic Details
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Group Chat room #4
Consider this unban appeal also as report.

Nickname: Coldsaw
Profile URL:

Date of ban: 15.06.
Time of ban: ~19:10
Ban Reason: Having a different opinion. (yup)

Banned by: [MSG15 MOD] Mith

Explanation of what happened:

he said to us we are leechers and we should be more grateful because i was upset that they did not announce 1 + 2 on the main chat room (no insults etc.)
i told him that i do not consider me as a leecher and that i think that the afks without script are leechers instead
he warned us to ban and i was first loling. thought its ridiclious and asked ironicly if he really wants to ban us for having another opinion
the other guy said the chat was all fine and good till he came

(wich is true i almost 24/7 ed the chat yesterday and we brainstormed together how we could get all actives in one lobby, did maths together and answered questions)

-> banned

Closed the chat did not know that there is something like this. Maybe one of you mods have it in your history or maybe the mod shows some balls and apologizes for banning 2 of the most active players here.
Last edited by Master; 17 Jun, 2015 @ 10:07pm
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Master 17 Jun, 2015 @ 9:38pm 
Quoting from the Chat Rules:
Originally posted by MSG15 ADMIN xᴄᴀᴠᴀ86x ☂:
12. Give staff respect. The staff of this chat are volunteering their time to moderate and keep the chat clean. If you're saying one of the moderators are bad, or publicly ranting about something bad the mod did, that is a bannable offence.

Furthermore, opening a discussion to appeal to a ban stating
Originally posted by Coldsaw:
[...] maybe the mod shows some balls and apologizes for banning 2 of the most active players here.
Sounds like asking for troubles.

For what matters me, I reject this appeal.
Klimaterrorist*in 17 Jun, 2015 @ 9:53pm 
I already got unbanned since logs got leaked to some other MSG Admins. The Mod got revoked his rights for 1-2 days and he calmed down.
I was not asking for troubles I was upset and I just reported the incident I was not disrespecting anyone. How else am I supposed to report someone without telling the negative thing she/he did?

Thanks for your answer anyways.
Master 17 Jun, 2015 @ 10:07pm 
Originally posted by Coldsaw:
I already got unbanned since logs got leaked to some other MSG Admins. The Mod got revoked his rights for 1-2 days and he calmed down.
I was not asking for troubles I was upset and I just reported the incident I was not disrespecting anyone. How else am I supposed to report someone without telling the negative thing she/he did?

Thanks for your answer anyways.
Telling someone to "show some balls" isn't reporting an inappropriate behaviour.
I am well aware of what happened, there's no need to reiterate. I've only assumed you were still banned (and if it was for me, I'd keep you banned at this point, since you doesn't seem to understand the meaning of "Giving the staff respect".

Mith expressed a very personal opinion, he didn't accuse you or anyone else, but you've merely misunderstood his words.
As for the other guy he was much more disrespectful than you've been.
At any rate, the bottom line is to show some respect for those whom you don't agree with. Especially when they're members of the staff; if you think they're abusing their power, or being disrespectful with the users, take a screenshot and post it here.
Last edited by Master; 17 Jun, 2015 @ 10:09pm
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All Discussions > Ban Appeals > Topic Details
Date Posted: 15 Jun, 2015 @ 11:11am
Posts: 3