Monster Summer Game 2015 MSG 2015
Monster Summer Game 2015 MSG 2015
11 June, 2015
geekahedron 18 Jun, 2015 @ 7:50pm
AutoJoin script that actually works! No more JoinGame spamming
There are numerous problems with using JoinGame() and especially using setInterval scripts to call JoinGame(), mainly because JoinGame() will forcibly remove you from your current room every time it is called, whether you join a new room or not.

  • If you are using a setInterval script or simply spam the JoinGame command too quickly, such that you call JoinGame after you have successfully entered a room, you will leave the room and no longer be allowed to join the room you just left.

  • If you are in a room and trying to join another room using JoinGame, but the target room is full, too high a level, or one that you have previously quit and cannot enter, you will be forced out of your current room even though it's not even possible to enter the new one.

    I have created a script that bypasses the JoinGame function and calls the ajax API directly, handling the error messages and only leaving your current room if you need to.

    The script adds a text entry to the game lobby where you can type in the ID of the game you wish to join, then press the Auto Join Game button and let the script do its thing (stop at any time using the Stop button, of course)! If there is an error that will not allow you into the game,it will be displayed as normal; otherwise, all errors are handled intelligently by the script and only show up in the console log.

    Here it is:
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
nago 18 Jun, 2015 @ 7:58pm 
God bless.

Looking over the code, it seems that it will make you leave your room *if* you get the "Leave your room!" error, and then immediately try to rejoin, so it still carries the risk of losing your current room, because it can't synchronously batch the leave/join commands -- but it does try again immediately, which is an improvement over manually clicking "OK, I'll leave my room" and then trying again, so it does appear to minimize this risk to an acceptable low level.

Still, with everyone using it, the odds of a race condition during ROOM RUSH moments seems likely to cost people their spot in a room, so I would caution against telling people that it won't cause them to lose their room.
Last edited by nago; 18 Jun, 2015 @ 8:02pm
dumpytime 18 Jun, 2015 @ 8:14pm 
So I am assuming you must be in a room first? Usually at the start of the day I just sit at the main screen and spam JoinGame until I can get in one of the announced rooms (during room rush).
geekahedron 19 Jun, 2015 @ 3:29am 
@Dumpy Time: No, the script still works of course if you are not in a room yet!

@nago: You will only *get* the "leave your room" error if you do not get one of the other error conditions first; eg, if the room is full, you will get that error instead. It will not leave your room unless there is nothing else in the way of you getting (if the room asynchronously fills up while you are still trying, well that's always been a possibility and is probably unavoidable to have some risk).
freq 19 Jun, 2015 @ 4:09am 
Thanks for this. Good work, man.
geekahedron 19 Jun, 2015 @ 10:27am 
They changed some of the server responses with today's reset; namely the JSON response for trying to join a room when you are already in one. The AutoJoin script has been updated and optimized for all of the current changes.
Red Eagle LXIX 19 Jun, 2015 @ 12:08pm 
doesn't appear to do anything for me on no level next to resume and no field for entry, script shows enabled in GM.

Currently running (or attempting to) v2.8
Hitting F12 and watching the console I can see the script does work to some part because I see:
"Current game: 47092
autojoin.user.js (line 44)"

however, as mentioned, nothing near the resume button, and no join game entry field.
Last edited by Red Eagle LXIX; 19 Jun, 2015 @ 12:40pm
Elegy 19 Jun, 2015 @ 12:42pm 
bump for respect + credibility + gratitude for getting me into lobbies
Red Eagle LXIX 19 Jun, 2015 @ 12:55pm 
Since the game itself seems to have crashed for multiple rooms and people and Valve/Steam now think I am not in any game the additional text fields and buttons show. They do not show when the Resume button exists.

Play button = all other fields
Resume your game button = nothing
Last edited by Red Eagle LXIX; 19 Jun, 2015 @ 1:06pm
RoseBuster 19 Jun, 2015 @ 5:38pm 
I used your script today to enter one of the top games conveniently with minimum effort and I wanted to thank you so much for sharing it! +rep! Peace, bro. :)
geekahedron 19 Jun, 2015 @ 7:15pm 
Version 3 is out now! Previous issues with buttons not showing up in certain cases or certain languages have been fixed, and you are now allowed to enter a list of room numbers (comma-delimited, no spaces) to join instead of one at a time!
Red Eagle LXIX 19 Jun, 2015 @ 7:18pm 
Originally posted by geekahedron:
Version 3 is out now! Previous issues with buttons not showing up in certain cases or certain languages have been fixed, and you are now allowed to enter a list of room numbers (comma-delimited, no spaces) to join instead of one at a time!
Yes, the buttons and the current room number now show on the resume button. Thank you for a speedy update. :)
Zeus 25 Feb, 2017 @ 12:49pm 
Sorry to resurrect this thread, but anybody found a viable documentation for the stem api the current one doesn't use examples(Using Node Angular for latency to host express-gen to handle my requests and MongoDB to store data and renew it using an async water fall to avoid getting beaned for too many requests [getting friends]) I'm just messing around with it tbh I wanted to try to make my own steam client starting with the browser just to see if ti's a possible.
Ducc 14 Apr, 2017 @ 10:30pm 
Originally posted by Zeus:
Sorry to resurrect this thread, but anybody found a viable documentation for the stem api the current one doesn't use examples(Using Node Angular for latency to host express-gen to handle my requests and MongoDB to store data and renew it using an async water fall to avoid getting beaned for too many requests [getting friends]) I'm just messing around with it tbh I wanted to try to make my own steam client starting with the browser just to see if ti's a possible.

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