Monster Summer Game 2015 MSG 2015
Monster Summer Game 2015 MSG 2015
11 June, 2015
Kenpachi 12 Jul, 2015 @ 12:43am
Last edited by Kenpachi; 12 Jul, 2015 @ 4:35pm
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Hieronymus Cock 12 Jul, 2015 @ 3:37pm 
Ostensibly, your conglomeration of doohickeys materialized a desolate state. Is this a Machiavellian endeavor at hornswoggling the miscellany of community members vis-à-vis averring a fallacious communiqué?
IntrinsicVoid 10 Sep, 2015 @ 4:03pm 
I really like to know how you even find those words. Can you tell me how you do that?
Hieronymus Cock 12 Sep, 2015 @ 6:40pm 
Originally posted by UnstableVoid:
I really like to know how you even find those words. Can you tell me how you do that?

All that is required is a mighty intellect.
IntrinsicVoid 13 Sep, 2015 @ 6:12pm 
Originally posted by Sir Kermit Esquire:
Originally posted by UnstableVoid:
I really like to know how you even find those words. Can you tell me how you do that?

All that is required is a mighty intellect.

That would only bring one halfway, since you also need to be exposed to a simulair vocabulairy in advance.
Could you give me any advise on were I might be exposed to such an extensive vocabulairy? Some advanced reading material perhaps?
Hieronymus Cock 14 Sep, 2015 @ 2:26pm 
Originally posted by UnstableVoid:
Originally posted by Sir Kermit Esquire:

All that is required is a mighty intellect.

That would only bring one halfway, since you also need to be exposed to a simulair vocabulairy in advance.
Could you give me any advise on were I might be exposed to such an extensive vocabulairy? Some advanced reading material perhaps?

Finnegans Wake. I highly recommend it, although its use of words may discombobulate you. :steambored:
IntrinsicVoid 15 Sep, 2015 @ 6:44am 
"It is significant for its experimental style and reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the English language."

'Discombobulate' will likely turn out to be an understatement.
But thank you I'll read some more reviews of that book and decide whether I give it a try.
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