LazyPurple's Fantastically Phenomenal Fellas LP's Group
LazyPurple's Fantastically Phenomenal Fellas LP's Group
2 September, 2012
Showing 1-10 of 65 entries
50 Shades of Purple (Part 1)
grorious moderator
The Magical Mercenary Drama in a Nutshell
I’m Rick Harrison and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss, and in 23 years I’ve learned one thing. You never know what is gonna come through that door.
RIP Sticky Jumper ;_;7
Originally posted by Officer Onslaught:
Originally posted by Leeevog:
Raising the hate shield, but gunna hail mary it.

Sticky Jumper was not only nerfed because how realism would apply to Sticky Jumping, But how a Demomen could overextend and simply jump away; a similar problem that was applied to Escape Plan pre-nerf (People really love charging at enemies and calling what they use OP.). While it is arguable Sticky Jumper is balanced due to how it deals NO Damage, keep in mind that Demomen has 2 arsenals capable of killing enemies where his Stickybomb Launcher fails. 2 Quick Loch n Load or Grenade Launcher Shots can THKO a enemy. Similar strategies apply when Eyelander or other melee weapons are used for Demomen. This also allows Demomen to capture points much faster should he have Pain Train. Sticky Jumper does give more mobility than Stock Stickies or Splendid Screen, which is not Valve's intentions in the design. Like stated above, Demomen can overextend, kill enemies with his Melee or Primary, and jump away as if he wasn't there. This is why Escape Plan Nerf was highly looked down upon; Too many people overextend only to abandon every knowlegde of teamwork, safety, and objectively thinking. Sticky Jumper can also lead to getting behind enemy lines, and disruption, which may also lead to spawncamping, while weaker due to him not having actual stickies available, but with some skill and luck, he can pull it off easily, and escape when shit hits the fan. In conclusion, Sticky Jumper was nerfed because too many people overextended, and only focus on kills.

And don't give the "BUT WE'RE TRYING TO HAVE FUN!!!!!!11111111111111" reason if you're replying; that is probably the most weakest and most child-like reasons you can provide. It's a war themed Hat simulator; there is no fun in hat simulations.

I agree with leee. Stop the fucking bitching already about the nerf.

we can complain all we want, lol. No need to be a bitch about it.
Originally posted by Leeevog:
Raising the hate shield, but gunna hail mary it.

Sticky Jumper was not only nerfed because how realism would apply to Sticky Jumping, But how a Demomen could overextend and simply jump away; a similar problem that was applied to Escape Plan pre-nerf (People really love charging at enemies and calling what they use OP.). While it is arguable Sticky Jumper is balanced due to how it deals NO Damage, keep in mind that Demomen has 2 arsenals capable of killing enemies where his Stickybomb Launcher fails. 2 Quick Loch n Load or Grenade Launcher Shots can THKO a enemy. Similar strategies apply when Eyelander or other melee weapons are used for Demomen. This also allows Demomen to capture points much faster should he have Pain Train. Sticky Jumper does give more mobility than Stock Stickies or Splendid Screen, which is not Valve's intentions in the design. Like stated above, Demomen can overextend, kill enemies with his Melee or Primary, and jump away as if he wasn't there. This is why Escape Plan Nerf was highly looked down upon; Too many people overextend only to abandon every knowlegde of teamwork, safety, and objectively thinking. Sticky Jumper can also lead to getting behind enemy lines, and disruption, which may also lead to spawncamping, while weaker due to him not having actual stickies available, but with some skill and luck, he can pull it off easily, and escape when shit hits the fan. In conclusion, Sticky Jumper was nerfed because too many people overextended, and only focus on kills.

And don't give the "BUT WE'RE TRYING TO HAVE FUN!!!!!!11111111111111" reason if you're replying; that is probably the most weakest and most child-like reasons you can provide. It's a war themed Hat simulator; there is no fun in hat simulations.
That is a retarded thing to say, people should be able to have fun at all times when they play a game, even in a War based game. Not everyone has to constantly kill eachother, there is a thing called freedom but only if arrogant people like you would notice that.
All These RP's...
The Heavy Mafia (Rp Group)
Showing 1-10 of 65 entries