LazyPurple's Fantastically Phenomenal Fellas LP's Group
LazyPurple's Fantastically Phenomenal Fellas LP's Group
2 September, 2012
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Dood_D_C 3 May, 2013 @ 1:50pm
The Heavy Mafia (Rp Group)
This is the official thread fer the Heavy mafia, led by yours truly. We ain't criminals 'ere - Jest some regular joes tryinna make a livin'...that ain't no crime in my books

You wanna join us? Put yer name down in the comments and ye can be part a' the mafia in no time

App Rules:
-NO COPYING NAMES. Always check the list of members to make sure your chosen name isn't already being used - name copiers will automatically be dismissed
-BE FUNNY, DON'T BE INSANE. I don't mind funny or humerous applications, in fact they're some of my favourites. We need people who will be co-operative however, so try to keep humour minimal - Apps like "I worship spongebob and kill with dildos" will be ignored
-MITTEN SPECIALISTS DON'T EXIST. That one is fairly self explanatory, the only reason this rule exists is due to a slight trolling incident.
-WE ARE NOT A HEAVY ONLY MAFIA. This isn't really a rule as such, but i feel the need to point out you do not have to be a heavy, the heavy mafia accepts scouts, spies, hell - ANY of the classes can be part of the mafia

App Format:

Name/Title: Heavy Mafia _____ (replace ___ with your name or a chosen title e.g. brute/grunt etc)
Specialities: (E.g. guns, demolitions, stealth etc)
Backstory: (Doesn't have to be long, just how you got involved with the mafia)

Current members

Heavy Mafia Boss (ME)
If ye came 'ere fer secrets about my past yer on a wild goose chase, I cover my tracks well boy. All ye need ta' know is I created this mafia, I lead this mafia, And nobody fecks widda mafia - Capiche?
--The Heavy Mafia boss has a checkered past which he has done his best to hide and shroud in mystery...over the course of many Mafia RP's the boss' Secrets shall be revealed--
Revealed Secrets about the Boss:
His Real name is Chuck

Ramone's our informant. De guy's got a nice seat of power an has great connections. Da guy works as our ace in da hole, clearin' our names for crimes, organisin' drug deals, information ta' help us out in a pinch, heck - I'm jest waitin' fer Ramone to summon a ♥♥♥♥♥♥' rabbit out of his ass.

Heavy Mafia Grunt/Jakes the Strangler
-Real name Jakes, This boy was a factory worker fer a couple years until the saw bit back an' took off 'is arm fer breakfast! Couple a weird techno docs were able ta' give him a robot replacement, and he put it ta' good use stranglin' every single one of those sonnsa' ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Couple weeks later we caught wind o' this guy and, I ain't gonna lie, we played a nasty trick on 'im at a 'party'. Truth is we wanted ta' test this fellas metal in battle - and boy did 'e pass with flyin' colours. I personally asked the fella' ta' join us, and since den he's been a valued asset with a valued vice grip.
Da guy's become my most valued informant - An' I don't mind tellin' ya he's valued to us.
-Specialities: Working with machines, Biotic Arm enhancement, Strangling

Heavy Mafia Infiltrator
-Jackson 'ere used ta' be a gun fer hire....hell, 'e was onna da best - I lost a couple men ta' this guy in fact. He was too good ta' kill, so we knocked 'im up a lil' bit an' reached an agreement! He's now still the same ol' assasin, he's just got a couple brawlers on his side and a good deal a' dough in his pocket.
-Specialities: Assasination, Stealth, Disguise, Sabotage

Heavy Mafia Hitman Sniper
-Now, Tommy's a bituva wild card...he used ta' be on da police force see? He wasn't half bad either.....He eventually realised he wus on da wrong side though, so he turned his tail and came ta' us with a ton of info on da cops and deir plans....He's become a deadly assasin and a valued informant, not ta' mention he really knows how ta' mind ♥♥♥♥ a cop *chuckle*
-Specialities: Sniping, Assasinations, Silent Kills

Heavy Mafia Agent
Jakes' twin brother, our 'agent' over 'ere took it upon himself to impersonate a cop, badge 'n all so he could get close to his brother. Once he discovered Jakes was widdus, He took all the info he could and joined up with us. A valued informant with gun skills to boot, he's one helluva guy.
-Specialities: Recon, Disguise,

Heavy Mafia Golden Tank
Ye'll never find a guy who had more blood in 'is childhood. this sonna ♥♥♥♥♥ was a murderer since his teen days, an' he joined up to da mafia at age 30, and boy oh boy wus he welcome! Dis crazy bastard can kill one...nah, 10 men with his bear fists, and he'll take a million bullets before he flinches!
-Specialities: Hand- to- Hand Combat

Heavy Mafia Lookout
Zach here has done lotsa business before da mafia, He wus a lookout fer all sorts a heists, murders an all kinds a' money makin' goldmines. Whenever dere's trouble, he's gone with the warning wind. He came ta' us when we promised him actual cash fer his duties. I ain't looked back since, even if he is a bittuvan 'off his tits' kinda guy
-Specialities: Sneaking,Hacking, Recon

Heavy Mafia Bodyguard
-Bob wus a famous bodyguard pretty sought afta' in the world a' celebs an' VIPs. Dis guy wus hired ta' protect da frickin' president o' da Russian Federation - unfortunately a crazy accident wen' down when he literally gave his arm ta' prote't the president from a spy assasin. About 2 years lata' he recceived a bionic replacement arm jest like Jakes'. Da guy joined up afta' we offered him a chance ta' get his life back on track - he's become valuable fer protectin' important people during massive drug deals or other VIP missions.
-Specialities: Bodyguard work, Hand-To-Hand Combat

Heavy Mafia Blade
-Bladey boy 'ere's a bituva weirdo if y'ask me....but hey, the guy's good widda sword an' that's all I can give two cents about. The guys lethal widda blade, and any samurai who wants ta' work widda mafia is more den welcome, an' techno-savy samurais? Even more so
-Specialities: Melee Battle, Hand-To-Hand combat, precision, hacking

Heavy Mafia Skulltaker
Damian is one cold blood lustin' figher extreme boy...He grew up on a couple a' blood stained streets where he learned ta' fight from 'is child years. The boy came ta' us fer an insurance policy at first, but since den he's become pretty happy any time we give 'im the chance to rough somebody up.....which means he's happy a lotta da time
-Specialities: Hand-To-Hand Combat, One on One battles

Heavy Mafia Tank
We got all the baddest badasses in the world on our team, so how about a mudda ♥♥♥♥♥♥' pyroshark?!
This 'guy' if ya will used to be a bloodsuckin' pyroshark until a massive flux in de weather changed him into a humanoid....the guy crawled onta' land wi' skin rough as a road. You ever met a vampire widda blood lust? Well dat vampire quakes in fear whenever tank's aroun'
-Specialities: Dueing, Hand-To-Hand Combat

Heavy Mafia Guard
Cooper here likes ta' hold on ta' memories....almost as much as he likes to hold onta the cash we steal *chuckle*
The guy used ta' rat fer the police, but wised up and joined us fer a bigger payment. He wus dear durin' one of our major bank raids where he straight up slaughtered da cops and helped us run away with the dough....He's a valuable asset who don't take ♥♥♥♥
-Specialities: Stregnth, Loyalty, Skilled with Shotguns

Heavy Mafia Knuckles
Mr Darwin's a real sheep in scientists' clothing....a zoo-ologist normally, his beard hides a stone cold killer with 2 deadly weapons in his arsenal...left fist and right fist,
The guy joined up with us durin' a little 'discussion' involvin' fisty cufffs - and now he's taggin' along to uphold a little deal we made, but he can't fool me....I know he loves ta' kill, and as long as the cops keep givin' us target practice we'll have him as a friend for a long time...
-Specialities: Hand-To-Hand, Boxing

Heavy Mafia Cook
Garnet's probably the biggest freak on dis mafia, he's a real headcase...but he's a headcase who can cook like crazy, an' lord knows thievery is ♥♥♥♥♥♥' hungry work.
But there's one t'ing ya gotta keep in mind widdis guy....cook means skilled with a knife, skilled with a knife means murderer.....murderer means get tha ♥♥♥♥ outta this guys way when he's in a bad mood
-Specialities: Cooking

Heavy Mafia Scout
Dis kid's gotta lotta potential in his future fer one big reason....he joined da mafia fer fun - and he's stayed here fer the funna killin' people. He's a speedy gonzales type runner, and he's earned a lotta respect already
-Specialities: Intel Gathering, scouting, speed

Heavy Mafia Grease Monkey
Mr Pendragon here is a regular....well less be honest, grease monkey. The guy's still a liability as far as I'm concerned - he's only workin with us ta' keep 'is precious wife safe an' as long as 'e keeps supplyin' us with the mechs she'll be fine....heck, I've got 'er a nice appartment with all sortsa' flowers....Consider it my good will
-Specialities: Building, Technical issues

Heavy Mafia Carrier
Dis boy is jest the newest victim of a blind cop aprehension....poor bastard got nabbed fer a rumour fueld suspicion! So we figured we'd give 'im a nice little boost witddus - in exchange for a quick intel nab o' course
-Specialities: Hit and Run, Knife skills

Heavy Mafia Whisper
Kinda true to 'is name dis guy's hush hush about his guy burnt his birth certificate, erased his police file and 'e 'as a 'Bad' habbit of killin' people. We call 'im Donovan but I'm convinced dats not 'is real name....course I dun really give 2 ♥♥♥♥♥ 'bout dat - What matters is 'es experienced in da underworld trade and e's got a promisin' future....
-Specialities: Lockpicking, knives, avoiding detection, forgery.

Heavy Mafia Psycho
Now, Arron has a past fittin' fer a Stephen King book. His parents beat 'im tons as a kid, but in a perfictly violent twist he killed 'em both - orphanin' himself. The guy grew up ta' be the nototious phsyco of the streets - Yeah, dis is dat guy.
The bastard's killed a few a' my top men in da past - But if there's one 'ting I've learned, it's that the past is a cruel ♥♥♥♥♥ - And it's best not ta' dwell on 'er. What matters is the guy's on our side now - And though 'is sanity's not all dere - His skills wi' axes and fire are ALWAYS dere.
-Specialities: Pyrotechnics, Unpredictable fighter

Mr H
Ramone gave us dis guy....highly reccomended.
Dis bastard's hell bent on keepin himself to himself - I ain't got no problems widdat of course. I gotta put it out dere do - If he steps outta line Ramone knows people.

Heavy Mafia Train
'ow dis guy's still alive is well and truly beyond me. Da guy's insane - An' I can safely say dat cus 'e don't know what insane means. The guy signed up by accident, but his mental instability don't change the biggest fact: He's a stone cold killer who'll do absolutely anyt'ing we tell him to. Also he's one stealthy mother ♥♥♥♥♥♥.
-Specialities: Stealth, Assasinations

Heavy Mafia Hunter
Kiara is jest about as sentimental as you'd think - bein' a woman an' all. Don't gemme wrong, the girl is one helluva hunter but she's never made her true intentions secrets - She's only taggin' along so she cen hook up with her long lost friend. As far as I care? She cen shoot a bullet and we outnumber her if she tries ta' pull any funny ♥♥♥♥.
-Specialities: Assasinations, Sneaking, Sniping

Heavy Mafia Batter
-Nitpickin' fer money off da streets, Lorin 'ere came ta' sit with us on high fer a nice paycheck and nicer protection. Lorin knows how ta' batter up, batter down and jest plain batter the ♥♥♥♥ outta anyone who fecks widda mafia.
-Specialities: Hand to Hand Combat, Scavenging, Distractions

Heavy Mafia Drunk
-'dis fella perfected the ancient art a' flying......and added explosions just cause 'e ♥♥♥♥♥♥' can. Robert is a drunk who joined up fer dough ta' continue 'is little addiction. In all honesty I don't mind one bit, drunken men don't have limits when murderin' - dey'll go ta' any legnths.
-Specialities: Karate, Explosive-based leaping

Heavy Mafia Runner
-A well trained assasin who took to da bonk fer a while, 'dis guy joined us fer money to fuel his Bonk addiction. The guy's insane with a lotta rep, a welcomed blade weildin' addition to da team!
-Specialities: Assasinations, Sneaking, Intel Gathering, scouting, speed,blade specialist

Heavy Mafia Tagger
-'Red' is a master of da sacred art of Cocainum - an' he showed a lotta promise in da cocainum dealin' department which was welcomed wi' open arms into our money makin' business.
-Specialities: Speed, Hit n' Run, trafficking

Heavy Mafia Bounty
-John 'ere fell victim to da cursed grunt gang, a buncha rag-tag gun weilders who took his daughter's life in a violent attack. John 'ere's a little goody two shoes out fer revenge, but any enemy of the Grunt gang is more dan welcome in our mafia - 'specially one with a vengeful grudge against 'em
-Specialities: Hit n run, sneaking

Heavy Mafia Resputan
-Sawtooth 'ere is an amnesiac with an unexplainable fetish fer fire. We found day guy dodging copper fire after he burned down a school - Yeah, dat happened - an' he headed fer us ta' escape with all his tackle in tact. He's a nice addition with a nice flamethrower
-Specialities: Pyrotechnics

((I should note if you join the mafia it isn't a permenant bind to the group or anything, you'll just be easier to accept/recognise when we do Heavy Mafia Roleplaying))
((I will spruce this thing up a bit/ add more detail when I can be bothered, i have 2 rp groups to look after now xD))
Last edited by Dood_D_C; 1 Sep, 2013 @ 1:28pm
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Showing 1-15 of 297 comments
Arthen 4 May, 2013 @ 3:04am 
Name/Title: Heavy Mafia Infiltrator. Real Name: Jackson (Jack)
Specialities: Assassination. Stealth. Master of Disguise. Machine sabotage. Absolutely Sexy.
Backstory: Started out as a simple mercenary taking assassination jobs and earning the income. Because of his ability to disappear and blend in with the crowd, no one could really catch him. Until the mafia did. Two choices were given, offer your service or die. Jackson only said one thing: "As long as it pays."
kobold 4 May, 2013 @ 3:24am 
Name: Heavy Mafia Hitman Sniper Real Name: Tommy (Tom) Quartz
Specialities: Assasination, Sniping, Silent Kills
Backstory: Because of lack of business, this rogue police sniper decided to change sides. He still wears his Police Badge, if only just to make his enemies wonder, Who is this Man?
Before even joining the police, Tommy had a long life of crime, having experience in Fingersmithing (Call it Pickpocketing, I DARE YA), Lockpicking, and he even smuggled a couple of high-calibre weapons for the mafia beforehand. His weapon of choice is "Ol' Sally", a Sniper Rifle that fires many custom bullets, from sleep darts to minigun bullets. He has great experience in manufacturing bullets, and he once took out the Chief of Police because the Chief called him a 'Crazed Killer'. He's a professional. And professionals have standards..

Last edited by kobold; 4 Jun, 2013 @ 4:37am
glizzy goblin 4 May, 2013 @ 8:21am 
I am appliyctaing to this awesome group of Mafias, I am imposter pro!
glizzy goblin 4 May, 2013 @ 8:25am 
Name: Heavy Mafia Agent
Specialties: Scoping things out, imposting, disguising as Policeman
Backstory: After he found out his twin was on the Mafia, he decided to kill a policeman and steal his badge to impost the police. He brought plenty of information to the mafia and now he still has a Policebadge, for imposting reasons
: ) 4 May, 2013 @ 8:42am 
Name: Heavy Mafia Golden Tank
Specialties: Pretty much strong, A tank, Fists are my strong part,
Backstory: In an orphan school he was fat, a nerd that everyone laughed at him, no one actually knew what he could do. After 30 the hate made him decied to take revenge, he took his fists and his bandana got to the kids that laughed at him, basiclly, a lot of blood. After that he decided to get in the mafia, he knew he was ready and he knew this is what he was born for. With his fists, he could defeat every elite cop and even a whole S.W.A.T squad.
Last edited by : ); 4 May, 2013 @ 8:49am
Mister Ebon 4 May, 2013 @ 8:49am 
Name: Heavy Mafia Lookout (Scout Lookout in-game)/Zach
Specialties: Sneaky, sees for long distances, can watch over drug deals, can hack things if needed, good with a sawed-off shotty.
Backstory: This guy has been watching over many things: bank heists, art heists, even gum deals at elementary school! But when they go wrong, he's already gone. After he caught word of a mafia that acually paid lookouts, he joined there.
Name: Heavy Mafia Bodyguard
Real name: Bob
Specialities: Protecting VIP
Backstory: Was Bodyguard of the President of Russian Federation until spy nearly killed the President and cut his hand off. After 2 years one-armed and with no job he got mechanical arm which is actually more powerful than normal arm could ever have been. He likes Buffalo Steak Sandvich and, in case of emergency, he can give it to VIP or go punch some guys who is threatening the VIP.
Last edited by Arcane Intelligence; 5 May, 2013 @ 2:44am
Lyric 5 May, 2013 @ 12:27pm 
Name/Title: Heavy Mafia Blade
Specialities: Melee weapons, hand to hand, good aiming, front liner, hacker.
Backstory: A famous worldrenowned samurai that took to technology to advance his skills, Blade joined the mafia so he could get money to support his family.
Limeball 6 May, 2013 @ 4:10am 
Heavy Mafia SkullTaker
Name: Damian Stone
Specialites: Hand to hand, brute force, taking on tougher enemies
Backstory: Taught to fight through all his life in a bad area, Damian excells in fighting unarmed, or with whatever he can find. He joined the mafia for protection, but also to fulfill his need for combat
fyrvex 6 May, 2013 @ 4:31am 
Heavy Mafia Tank
Specialities: Strong, powerful and kills everything
Backstory: Used to be the Leader of the Pyrosharks, the weather changed and now most pyrosharks are dead. He joined the mafia for war, heads and blood.
Last edited by fyrvex; 6 May, 2013 @ 4:36am
Twisted Wizard 6 May, 2013 @ 5:02am 
Heavy Mafia Guard (Real Name Cooper)
Specialties: Strong,Loyal,prefers shotguns,Ex footballer, Wont let anyone pass and loves to kill.
Backstory: used to rat for the police(i still have the badge to remind me of those days) and then changed sides because i realised who the winning side was.I have helped in a bank raid with the boss and wear a football helmet to remind of when i was a footballer.
FrankenHoovy 6 May, 2013 @ 10:39am 
Name/Title: Heavy Mafia Knuckles (Real Name Sir Darwin Pootis)
Specialities: Close combat/fisticuffs, boxing, wrestling
Backstory: Normally a humble zoologist, Knuckles is a sort of puncher for the Mafia. He got involved after bargaining to get a sum of money, and now he plans to stay and return his side of the deal. He carries a lot of melee weapons, but prefers to use his fists when he needs to make someone talk. His elderly, humble appearance hides a cunning, brutish killer that will punch first and not bother asking questions later.
Magma442 6 May, 2013 @ 3:24pm 
Heavy Mafia Grunt (real name Benchini Don Hoovy)
Specialities: Fist, Shotguns, and long silent weapons
Backstory: a simple drifter who has a love for fedoras and works for the guy who pays with lots of cash. will take care of anybody no questions asked
WildGarbage 6 May, 2013 @ 11:23pm 
Heavy Mafia Grunt (Real Name John Mc Dah)
Specialities: Mittens, Sneak Attacks, and Taunt Kills
Backstory: After losing my family to an explosion at the Dildo Factory I decided to join the Heavy Mafia to make sure that the dildos payed for what they did to me.
Heavy Mafia Grunt (real name Tony Swee Pootis)
Specialities: Fist, Shotguns, Assianating, And Mittens
Backstory: i spent my intire life worshipping at the church of doubleswee. but one day a spy with no hats came running in and destroyed the church. but doubleswee showed up and fought him while japanese music started playing. doubleswee was defeated and spongebob cried. so i joined the heavy mafia to get revenge on these no hatted freaks.
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Date Posted: 3 May, 2013 @ 1:50pm
Posts: 297

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