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jRPG Inn jRPG Inn
28 February, 2009
Making Time for JRPGs
I am wondering if anyone who is in their mid-20s or older have any time management strategies for tackling JRPGs in their personal game collection. I ask because I have quite a few on Steam, Playstation Network, and my Game Boy Advance SP, but it just seems like there's never enough time to commit to a series of long play sessions in order to beat the game.

Granted, I am a completionist by nature, but lately, it seems I can barely get through the start menu before work, family, friends, or something random comes up.

Any helpful advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks! :OrbGetMage:
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
13xforever 4 Aug, 2015 @ 9:04am 
Well, I mostly play on my commute to work and back, while on the bus. And then there are rare free weekends. What can I say, it's not easy to play games when you get older.

Another strategy is to live up to being a senior, have a lot of free time, then tackle the backlog :SD_Valkenhayn:
BrevonUltima349 4 Aug, 2015 @ 9:18am 
Good thing I still have my handhelds. Maybe if I carve out an hour or two each weekend, that can help.

I've also wondered what it'll be like to be video gaming in my 70s and beyond hahaha
Beardybot 20 Jan, 2016 @ 12:06pm 
I know this is an old topic, but I think it's still worth discussing.

My two cents:

I actually find it easier to make time for JRPGs than most other games. They're largely kid-friendly, so I can play even with the sprogs watching, and most recent titles have either generous save points or save-whenever systems. Of course, you can always pause and come back later, which is much easier now nearly every device has some kind of on demand access. I definitely find it easier than the likes of Call of Duty and FIFA, where stepping away to rescue a toddler/make food/play in the garden is frowned-upon at best and completely impossible at worst.

Since becoming a dad, puzzlers and JRPGs have been my sanity-savers.
BrevonUltima349 20 Jan, 2016 @ 2:38pm 
Now that I have a 3DS, I can take advantage of the restore point feature for virtual console games and just do a level at a time when I feel like it (or an area at a time). I know the Dragon Quest games and Final Fantasy tend to be long to complete, ranging from 25-75+hrs, depending on how invested one is with sidequests. Since my post, I've found it helpful if I pick a small handful of games, say 3-5, and bounce between them and just go as long as I can before I feel like I am done for the day. Helped me get through Final Fantasay IV and Tomba! 2, so something seems to be working so far.

Yeah, I agree Sandypants, games that are more active like FPS or sports games that spell dire consequences if you avert your attention for a brief moment are more demaning JRPGs, which are nice when you can just sit on the overworld map or just save/pause whenever without it affecting game progress :)
CleanWater 24 Feb, 2016 @ 12:11pm 
Just reserve a time of your day, week, whatever to play your games in peace. I usually play the entire afternoon at Sundays.
yidaki 11 Sep, 2018 @ 12:27pm 
Depends on the game. With games that autosave, or where you can save often, I prefer to do one hour per day. That way it's fresh in my mind. With other types of saves, doing weekends is better. But yeah, I like the one hour before bed strategy. :)
Stormy Dawn 9 Dec, 2018 @ 7:43pm 
It's not an easy thing to do.

As sad as it may sound to some people, playing games (and usually JRPGs) is what I spend most of my life doing. I'm not particularly close with my family, nor do I have many friends (especially those that I would hangout with).

So, when I'm not at work or running errands, I'm usually at home playing games.

It was a choice I made. I've thought about maybe being more socialable, going out with friends, reconnecting with some of my family, etc. However, I usually prefer my private time with gaming and the like.
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