29. Dezember 2018
 Dieses Thema wurde angeheftet; es ist wahrscheinlich wichtig
Our main competitor: Osu!
Tell to your friends who play Osu! about Intralism. Ask them what they think and if they wish to try it :P Motivate them to try :bracket4left::bluesun::bracket4right:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ace of Hearts; 29. Dez. 2018 um 21:10
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Newt! 31. Dez. 2018 um 4:18 
well.... its really diffrent from osu but ill give it a shot and tell others... :bracketleft:btw is it just me or is this game more simmlar to dance dance revulotion and guitar hero? really makes you think:bracketright:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Newt!; 31. Dez. 2018 um 4:18
Ais 31. Dez. 2018 um 7:27 
Yeah, I also think it's more like DDR or osu!mania in terms of gameplay. Trying to compete with osu!... That's some lofty goals! But I really like Intralism and I'll do my best to promote it to osu! players I know! :happyBUD:
Dratak 27. Jan. 2019 um 11:10 
I never played Osu! and i'm not planning to I already have this great game :buckingbacon:
#toocoolforosu :dealwithit:
Bhtk 28. März 2019 um 8:31 
Osu users are hates combo system. This game is so important the combo so 1miss is low score maybe someone like combo system, but osu users and normal players hates combo system. How about perfact timing score like osu? I think that probably better combo score :D
And so slowly fade miss arcs. So can't focus on the upside arcs.
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Geschrieben am: 29. Dez. 2018 um 8:00
Beiträge: 4