Inside Mac Games IMG
Inside Mac Games IMG
30 October, 2007
Ripper 4 Dec, 2012 @ 5:22pm
Mumble Voice Server :)
I have a Mumble voice server I use for Mac gamers. Me and my friends are regularly on playing Black Ops or Borderlands 2 or just hang out. Anyone is welcome to join and participate as long as they aren't jerks :P

Some games have built in voice chat, but its sometimes PTT only which is annoying. Mumble lets you be hands free. Or sometimes it has just badly done voice chat. Mumble is always clear and low latency.

Instructions below.

1. Download the file at Mount the .DMG and drag the Mumble app to your Applications folder.

2. Boot the program, It should ask you run to the Audio Wizard. if not go to Configure-->Audio Wizard and run through all the steps. Make sure you select the right input device for your microphone. If not using your internal microphone select your headset or USB mic. For example mine is "Astro Chat."

3. Go to Server-->Connect. In the menu click on "Add New…" In the bottom left.

4. For each field:

Label - Whatever you want, this is for your own reference, is used in the server list.

Address: Put in:

Port: Put in: 32438

Username: Whatever you want your username to be. Example I put Wumpus or Ripper.

5. Hit "OK" then click on the server (will be named whatever you put in for Label) and click "Connect" In the bottom right. It should only take a few moments to connect to the server. If it asks you to verify a certificate, click YES. Then try joining a channel like "Lobby."
Last edited by Ripper; 4 Dec, 2012 @ 5:23pm
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Frigidman 13 Apr, 2013 @ 7:41am 
I actually like mumbles built in PTT with audio squelch plugin. I run in 5.1 surround, always (cant play with headphones god). So PTT + Squelch is wonderful. Just make sure the PTT key isnt the same as an in-game team chat PTT key HAHA. I had a guy in a team once that did that by accident, and no one knew wtf he was talking about half the time ;)
Ripper 13 Apr, 2013 @ 10:57am 
Lol, that's great. Any chance I'd see you on my server sometime? :)
Frigidman 18 Apr, 2013 @ 5:52am 
Maybe, when I find more time to spend gaming, and not dealing "that thing that shall remained unnamed" ;)
Ripper 18 Apr, 2013 @ 9:22am 
Haha, sounds good :)
pantheon0918 28 Mar, 2017 @ 9:03pm 
i think its time for someone to create a Discord chat server???
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