o.W.n (Our.World.Now) legit o.W.n Rulz
o.W.n (Our.World.Now) legit o.W.n Rulz
2014 年 7 月 9 日
关于 o.W.n (Our.World.Now) legit

o.W.n (Our.World.Now) legit

Screw Redmond and Blutarch Mann! JOIN US AND WE will oWn these maps!
Do reply with a smile if your intrested =D

The Rules:

1.Always respect the enemy. Bring them to our side unless they are a threat to our cause

2.Everything must be done with the approval of The Spy or Medic

3.Betrayals will not tolerated and The Medic will hunt you down and make you suffer if you even think about... and he'll know

4.Never loot the enemy's weapons. Respect the dead... that is unless you meet them again after respawn

5.Outside of combat, you can do whatever you want EXCEPT for torturing prisoners or combat not from self-defense unless approved by The Medic

Note to all:

You are a human merc of oWn.
You have a mind of your own.
You are neither a drone nor a robot.
Follow The Medic's orders but don't be
afraid to question him.
Follow your heart as much as The
Medic's will.

How to download mods
21 条留言
King Toxik 2016 年 4 月 6 日 上午 11:49 
Greetings my fellow mercs I am here to give a challenge. RECRUIT AS MANY BLU TEAM MEMBERS AS YOU CAN. Also second order of buisness I have news regarding my activity. NEXT MONTH I WILL RETURN TO TEAM FORTRESS 2 AND GARRY'S MOD. oh and any one of the newbies enjoy your stay.
King Toxik 2016 年 2 月 12 日 上午 8:30 
good news everyone o.W.n has reached a milestone
jesse 2015 年 7 月 3 日 下午 2:48 
Even though this is a fake oWn group, whatever. Hey everyone :)
King Toxik 2015 年 5 月 29 日 下午 11:27 
Did anyone miss me?
Issacon 2014 年 10 月 30 日 下午 2:28 
P.S it might take a day or two to fix
Issacon 2014 年 10 月 30 日 下午 2:26 
hey guys my main computer is broken so i wont be able to make the event sorry (im using a public computer btw) -RedAronZ
2 聊天中
2014 年 7 月 9 日