Girl Gamers GG
Girl Gamers GG
11 Agustus 2007
Bhs. Inggris
Semua Diskusi > Group Info & News > Rincian Topik
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Reporting a Member
When to report a member
At Girl Gamers, we pride ourselves on providing a safe and friendly community for everyone; but unfortunately, you may occasionally come across a member with malicious intentions. This can include, but is not limited to: racism, sexism, bullying and abusive language, homophobia, discrimination of any kind, scamming (both attempted and successful), threatening behaviour or acts, offensive profiles (or those that breach our rules), etc. If you find yourself conversing with one of these people, please report them to a moderator or admin straight away.

Please note that Girl Gamers will not remove a member over personal issues, such as arguments, disagreements or difference in opinion. These issues do not threaten the group as a whole, and are therefore not our responsibility to resolve.

How to report a member
If you wish to report someone, you must provide sufficient evidence. Unfortunately we cannot make decisions based on the word of someone we do not know, on a situation we know nothing about. We therefore require evidence so we can fairly assess each individual issue, and deem whether a kick is appropriate or not.

Our preferred evidence is in the form of screenshots; this way, we can store it away and access it again should we need it in the future. Screenshots may be uploaded to:
We may accept other external website links, but that is at the discretion of the moderator handling your report.
If you are reporting an offensive profile, no evidence is required; only the link to the offender's profile.
Terakhir diedit oleh Kejebra; 2 Nov 2017 @ 4:56pm
Semua Diskusi > Group Info & News > Rincian Topik
Tanggal Diposting: 19 Jan 2016 @ 11:54pm
Postingan: 0