Game Giveaways and Trades! GGaT!
Se requiere invitación para ser miembro
Game Giveaways and Trades! GGaT!
14 de abril de 2014
 Este tema se ha marcado como fijo, por lo que probablemente sea importante
Bubba 2 MAY 2014 a las 10:14
Group Rules
Discussion Rules
1. No begging for games/items
2. No harrasment to Admins/Members
3. Respect others
4. Talk English as much as possible
5. No complaining about the group
6. No personal refferal links, third party links or other group links without Admin permission
7. If you have a giveaway, post it in the Giveaways Section, not in other section or you will have your post deleted and possibly get kicked\banned.
8. When a giveaway is finished, do not delete it, Update it's title with [ENDED] in front of it!
9. If you have a trade, post it in the Trading Section, not in other section or you will have your post deleted and possibly get kicked\banned.

Chat Rules
1. No begging/trading during a chat event, such as a giveaway
2. Try to speak English as much as possible
3. Other members cannot create chat giveaways\trades when there is an Admin hosting one already
4. When a game key is dropped and you fail to grab it first, don't complain. (Example: "duplicate")
5. Don't ask what will be the prize or stuff like that.
6. No excesive using of Caps Lock letters (Example: LIKE THIS)
7. No personal links without Admin permission
8. No harrasment to Admins/Members
9. Respect others
10. No spamming
11. No excesive spamming with emoticons

Thank you for your time reading our rules, if you do not respect the rules, please leave the group or you risk getting kicked\banned.
Última edición por Bubba; 19 JUN 2014 a las 2:04