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GW2 Schadenfreude GW2HAHA
STEAM グループ
GW2 Schadenfreude GW2HAHA
Islamic Republic of Iran 
GW2 Schadenfreude について

MMO Cool Guys

We play together, so that we don't have to play with other people.
13 件のコメント
Acierocolotl 2012年7月21日 19時04分 
Oh my god I am so bored playing this. I hate this sort of hyperbole, but really, I'm bored. I'm catastrophically bored. Battles have been approached by simply mashing buttons as fast as they light up, it's a game of whackamole with a pretty UI.

I will be playing this only because my wife wants to and for no other reason. Marriage is sacrifice, y'all.
Raiddx 2012年7月19日 17時35分 
ehmry bay sounds fine by me
Ghost Robot 2012年7月18日 21時19分 
Overall I've been pretty satisfied with the game, at least as a Warrior. As long as I keep moving in combat it doesn't get too bad, though it does feel a lot like circle strafing. That gets even more apparent with the rifle, which is rather overpowered but does a good job of showing that it's not supposed to be an exclusively melee class.

Events have been about what I expected. I didn't go in expecting it to be the second coming of Christ or anything, just nice ways to get experience and expand the world. Overall I expect to spend a good amount of time playing it on release.

Additionally, since they're wiping stuff including home server for the next BWE, where do you think we should play for this one and probably on release? This is a reasonably comprehensive list of servers and who's going where:

I'm fine with everywhere except where /vg/ ends up, but Ehmry Bay looks like it won't fill up five seconds after it goes live.
Raiddx 2012年7月9日 13時38分 
Well I went into it knowing they weren't going to be able to deliver all they were promising because hey, that's PR for you. So far I've found it an enjoyable way to spend time, which is all I'm looking for in the game.

As I enjoy the guardian, however, I continue to be frustrated with melee combat's shortcomings. The game was definitely designed with mobility in mind so trying to go toe to toe with an enemy that keeps running away while the ranged characters are free to continue damaging it makes me feel ineffective.

To say nothing of trying to use symbols that harm enemies while helping allies, neither of which will stay in it for more than half a second.
DeadGuySaysWhat 2012年6月28日 13時03分 
So how has GW2 panned out for everyone so far I have so far been incredibly underwhelmed.
Ghost Robot 2012年5月15日 17時17分 
If we can start over on another server next BWE, Deldrimor seems like a good choice unless the Goons or 4channers take that ♥♥♥♥ too.
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Islamic Republic of Iran