กลุ่ม STEAM
Ghoul Society of Australia GhoulAU
กลุ่ม STEAM
Ghoul Society of Australia GhoulAU
23 มีนาคม 2015
เกี่ยวกับ Ghoul Society of Australia

Basic information

In order for you to be recognized by both other ghouls and the CCG. It is first required that you start at C Rank Ghoul. We will see your abilities and hear what you can give for the Society's gain.

You will be given tasks and orders by SSS Rank and The Prince in order to be chosen for the ability to reach a higher rank.

Your tasks will vary, but be careful! Each task has a risk of death. There will be a Percentage out of 100% in danger of your mission.

Each mission has different difficulties. At a stater level, you will be given a 'special' Meat which is inedible for Ghouls S rank and lower.

--'Special Meat'--

With this meat, you will be able to summon the aid of SS, and SSS Ranked ghouls which will basically make it that your first mission will be completed immediately.

Becareful! This Special meat is a "One of a kind" per Ghoul and is very rare to find. You may be given it by an SS+ for doing great tasks, or it may be a lucky find on your quest. (Your tasks will be decided and moderated by Administrators of the mission and they will decide whether you will be given a 'special' meat.


There will be other Special and Unknown goodies which you can find, which can be given as an offering to SSS Ranked, or the Prince himself.

(Becareful what you wish for! The Prince is very picky on what he is offered. If he doesnt like what you give him, then you will possibly be killed and will have to start at a lower rank, which depends on how bad your offering is.)

(The one you offer the special item to will decide whether you will be slaughtered, warned, thanked or owed to. Mood, emotion, relationship and attitude will all make 'fate' all that much worse for you. So be careful on how you act within the Society!)

There are numerous ways for you to be upgraded into the higher ranks, which will be listed as time goes on.


To Create your own "Crew" or "Gang" whilst still listening to SSS Rank and The Prince.

Your Gang will be your source of sharing information with your ghouls. In order to create a Gang. You need to offer to the Prince a worthy object and give him a respected request. he will put it into consideration and then reply with his answer. If you are accepted, you will be given a permit (Non-existant) and the ability to have an S-SSS Ranked Ghoul follow you and help you with creating your group!

For example. If I was to offer the Prince the heart of a Senior Investigator from CCG and he accepted it and I asked that I am permitted to create a Gang, then he will consider it by putting into consideration what you have offered him. And what you have done for the Society in the past. If he was to accept me, then I would be given assistance with creating my Gang, naming it. What its purpose is, and what the recommended types of people to join are.

After a certain amount of time with one of our S-SSS Ranked Ghouls assist you. They will leave you and allow you to run the Gang on your own. you may setup Ranks which will consist from

New Member to Lieutenant. As the Gang leader, you may also set two people as your bodyguards. Take into consideration their abilities, their weaknesses and try to setup the best duo for your protection. Because if the Gang Leader falls. Then so will the gang.

Every now and then, you will also be required to pay tax to the Prince for allowing your Gang to beunder the Society's contract.

--Illegial Gangs/Crews--

There is also the ability for players to create "Ihō kurū" or "Illegial Crews." Illegial Crews/Gangs act as the "Underground" or the"Shadows" of the Society. They are Gangs that haven't been officially recognized by the Prince and are thus despised by the Society.

But they also tend to be quite powerful if given the chance to grow. By having an Illegial Crew/Gang, you must first either own an official Gang, or Be an A Class Ghoul+.

If you own an Illegial Gang, you are capable of fighting other Gangs for their Loot, Fame, or even their lives if you just want to kill them. As an Illegial Gang, if you are successful in multiple battle, you may have an S-SS Ranked Ghoul join your ranks which will bosten your fighting skills greatly!

When an Illegial gang reaches a certain strength, you are capable of challenging the Prince and his SSS Ranks to a battle, if you are successful in this fight you will be given Special loot that is exclusive to fighting the Prince. You will also earn a 'Special favor' from the Prince, which can be used in many different ways for your gangs advantage.

(For further information Regarding Gangs, please refer to The Forum topic "Gangs" under the Help section in the forums)

--To be Continued--

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23 มีนาคม 2015