14 December, 2012
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Rules Discussion and Suggestions Thread
If you feel there is an issue with the rules and have an idea that will help the group, feel free to post it here.
Last edited by Azrael; 2 Jan, 2017 @ 3:28pm
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BAZ 19 Mar, 2015 @ 12:32am 
two helpful links, as long as this site remains up, or even works

edit: seems the site never loads
Last edited by BAZ; 19 Mar, 2015 @ 6:02am
Crewdroog 27 Sep, 2015 @ 3:25pm 
I do not understand rule #9 with the gifting difference from the chart posted. if someone could explain it a little better, I would appreciate it :)
Azrael 2 Oct, 2015 @ 10:22pm 
Originally posted by Crewdroog:
I do not understand rule #9 with the gifting difference from the chart posted. if someone could explain it a little better, I would appreciate it :)
If we take a look to both Rule #9 and the stats page for the members[] on Steamgifts:

In "Sent" we see the number of giveaways created by each member that had a winner and the gift was marked as received.

In "Received" are the number of giveaways won in this group by each member. This value is used in Rule #9, in the table under "No. of Wins (Gifts Received)".

The "Gift Difference" is the difference between those two ( Sent - Received ), and its result is the second value used in Rule #9, in the table under "Allowed Gift Difference".

For example, if a member in the group has won 65 times and has made 30 giveaways, that means that he has a Gift Difference of ( 30 - 65 ) = -35. Now if we take these values (Received = 65 and Gift Difference = -35) to use them in the chart/table, we can see that 65 is between "61 to 80", and those values have an allowed Gift Difference of -8, which is a higher value than the -35 this imaginary member has. This means that if he wants to stay in the group, he needs to stop entering giveaways and create over ( 35 - 8 ) = 27 giveaways with winners to keep his Gift Difference over -8 if he wants to enter more giveaways.

Although this was an extreme example, is not that hard, actually. This rule was created to keep a balance between all members, so everybody has a chance to win. That way we prevent "involuntary leeching" by some members winning games that maybe they will never play or don't need, and increase the chance of winning for those who really want to play them.

EDIT: Explanation no longer valid, the chart has been changed and updated. Now it should be more easier to understand and to use. More info here:
Last edited by Azrael; 29 Nov, 2015 @ 2:11pm
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Date Posted: 22 Oct, 2014 @ 11:21pm
Posts: 3