Group Fortress G-Fort
Group Fortress G-Fort
20 октября 2016 г.
United States 
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Moderator applications

Heyo, I'm Jay, your guide for today. I am the general staff admin and will guide you through the process of becoming a moderator on our shiny servers.

What do you need

Before I let you read through tons of ♥♥♥♥ you're problaby ignoring anyways, you can check if you're up to the task by using this checklist:

* You need to be at least 15 years old

* Have no recent trade / VAC bans

* No bad record on our servers

* Frequent visitor of GF

* Be overall nice and mature

Checklist checked, what now?

Now that you've finished the checklist, you'll have to do the following as moderator:

* Despite being a ranked person, it does not allow you to act higher than anyone else.

* Ensure our servers are a friendly enveroinment to everyone

* Have overall command knowledge

* Be able to take hits from community ragers, and strike back with reasonable force

* Always listen to admins

* Do not abuse your commands in any way (Giving yourself / other players an unfair advantage or using various unallowed commands.) You will be demoted if done.

> Please do NOT bug us to promote you or ask for admin powers; It takes time, be patient ^u^.

Your application

Now it's finally time to rise and shine! Take a deep breath, answer each and every question as best as you can, then post it. An example application is in the comments section, further down this page. Below is the copypaste.

Copy paste

What is your name?

How old are you?

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?

Anything else you want to say?


If you've come this far, it's time to put it to the test. Simply post your application below. Once your application is reviewed, I (Jay) Or Krazz will add you to take off a small test. See ya!Layout from Ex6tenze

Отредактировано Papa Jay; 16 ноя. 2016 г. в 6:59
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Сообщения 115 из 29
Curious to Know How to Become an Admin?
As a member of Group Fortress, it is a big responsibility to be an admin. Even when you see admins abusing commands and such. DO NOT DO THAT

Here are a few basic things to becoming an admin xP:

> No asking for admin privileges
> No abusing admin commands
> No changing the map without permission
> Follow all generic rules of the server

How to Become an Admin:
> Be friendly! Everyone likes people who are friendly and funny. Simple as that.
> Be well-known. This includes being known on the server as a good person. Talking to admins, talking to other people, attending events, etc.
> Be mature for gods sake. We're not going to make you an admin if you cant be mature... Simple as that (as well).
> Show that you are able to become an admin. Being on a lot, detecting cheaters, etc.
> Not asking for admin privileges. Doing so, you have a greater chance of becoming one. If you continue to ask and/or ask for admin stuff done on you (ei: resizing, drugging, gravity, etc) you will not become one...

This discussion will be modified...

We are on the look out for a few.

Please private message either Wanderer or myself for further questions and or if you're interested.
We will contact you if we think you would be a good admin c:

Wait list not shown...
Отредактировано Wesker's BB; 31 окт. 2016 г. в 14:40
What is your name?
Rick "Alex" Chiemingo

How old are you?
I am 19 years old

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?
I would be a good addition to GF because I am a frendly, kind, forgiving person who is looked up to by all of their friends as a mature leader. I think I will make this community fun and safe for everyone!

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?
I was an admin on a Garrys mod Server Called Aidan's server, It was run by my friend Aidan and I.

Anything else you want to say?
I live in California and was born in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Thank you for looking at my forum, Good day!
Отредактировано Wesker's BB; 13 ноя. 2016 г. в 17:26


i would be good because i can help keep the server clear when the admins are not on and i have alot if the admins on my friends list so i could always get one if it gets to dirty and im nice and i like being friendly

no i havent but when i was in eGO i would do the mods and admin jobs by warning and then getting admins if needed

i live in missouri and i want to say thank you for listening and hi ma
Отредактировано Frostbite; 13 ноя. 2016 г. в 17:30
Автор сообщения: (Soldat) Apocalypse
What is your name?
Rick "Alex" Chiemingo

How old are you?
I am 19 years old

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?
I would be a good addition to GF because I am a frendly, kind, forgiving person who is looked up to by all of their friends as a mature leader. I think I will make this community fun and safe for everyone!

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?
I was an admin on a Garrys mod Server Called Aidan's server, It was run by my friend Aidan and I.

Anything else you want to say?
I live in California and was born in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Thank you for looking at my forum, Good day!
Are you officially apart of Group Fortress?
Автор сообщения: Mathias (Frostbite)✞


i would be good because i can help keep the server clear when the admins are not on and i have alot if the admins on my friends list so i could always get one if it gets to dirty

no i havent but when i was in eGO i would do the mods and admin jobs by warning and then getting admins if needed

i just want to say thank you for listening and hi ma
Mathias, you're 14...
Are you officially apart of Group Fortress?
I play on the servers, but I have only recently joined the group
I do include myself in the community and I am a part or Group Fortress
Sorry if I was confusing
Thank you for asking the question
Отредактировано CJR; 14 ноя. 2016 г. в 7:04
What is your name?
Armani Osorio

How old are you?

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?
Im friendly and I try to enjoy the people that are around like my friends: Krazz,Jay,Wanderer,Frostbite,Greninja,and more <3. Hackers are the number one things I hate but if one is spotted i will be sure to give warnings and/or kick them. If someone is disrespectful or is caught swearing I will give a warning if it continues kick said player I think everyone should have a fair chance at playing the game as intended to be.

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?
Some Gmod servers and I think one minecraft server.

Anything else you want to say?
I love all of you <3 and everyone plz be nice to each other
Отредактировано Armaniiii; 14 ноя. 2016 г. в 17:34


I enjoy having fun playing video games as I think everyone does. One can only have a fun multiplayer gaming experience if everyone else is playing fair and being friendly. Unfortunately there are those people who do not agree with the above, and as an admin/moderator I would make sure those people were dealt with properly, through warnings, then eventually kicks and bans if necessary. It would be nice to have more moderators if possible to spread the load of watching everyone and I think I could help with that.

I have hosted some servers to play other games with some friends, but unfortunately no real moderating experience.
What is your name?

How old are you?

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?
I'm a well-known moderator to handle stuff. I am aware on how to deal with bad people and how to apply consequences to then.

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?
I am an active moderator at Jump Academy (33K-34K members) and was a trial live supporter at scrap.tf.

Anything else you want to say?
I've been part of Jay's group, VG, and he invited me here.
Отредактировано Papa Jay; 16 ноя. 2016 г. в 4:53
What is your name?

How old are you?

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?
Im a well-know for being good at handling problems and im all around a great person
I now how to deal with bad people and how I should apply the consequences.

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?
Yes I was a co-owner of a unturned server erveryone that join the server seemed to think I was fair with them.

Anything else you want to say?
I was on the server with wander and he said I should try out.
-What is your name?

Joseph Cooley. (That's not a joke, I inherited it from my grandfather.)

-How old are you?

Already discussed this with Pumpkin, but I'd consider it sensitive information.

If you really want to know, send a voice call and we'll talk.

-Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?

I have experience with the technical side of the Source Engine, and have a genuine desire to contribute to this community in any way possible.

I spent some time on the FF server today and helped Pumpkin and Wanderer out with network parameters to adjust the download settings, so I think it could benefit the server to have someone with first-hand knowledge.

-Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?

I administrated and mapped for a Team Fortress server in the past.

The map served as a great attraction and featured many inside jokes and secrets that would fill up the server almost every night.

The server was eventually defunct and I took a hiatus from Team Fortress up until now.

-Anything else you want to say?

I homeschool so I'm online almost all the time, so feel free to reach out to me whenever.

However, I'm involved with a band(s) and gigging so I may have days where I can't always be present.

If you'd like to speak with me to get to know me better, we can talk on Curse, Teamspeak, Discord, Skype, Steam Voice, or whatever you use.
Отредактировано guitarfreak392; 2 дек. 2016 г. в 8:04
What is your name?

In-game one, Lockhart, James
Real life name: Carlos Jaime

How old are you?

I'm 15

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?

Well I really like the server because I can play with the people I've met before, and well I can play with my bunny there too~
Also I would make an effort and stop cursing (I promise)

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?

Yeah, in the now dead joke, eGO

Anything else you want to say?

It's Lockhart, not lockheat or lockheart.
Автор сообщения: Sir Lockhart, James
What is your name?

In-game one, Lockhart, James
Real life name: Carlos Jaime

How old are you?

I'm 15

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?

Well I really like the server because I can play with the people I've met before, and well I can play with my bunny there too~
Also I would make an effort and stop cursing (I promise)

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?

Yeah, in the now dead joke, eGO

Anything else you want to say?

It's Lockhart, not lockheat or lockheart.

Nope, thats wrong. It's not Lockhart, Lockheat, or lockheart. It's lockie. And it ain't Sara, Sasha, or bunny. It's Sashie.

Jk, I love you both
~Papa Jai (see what I did there lockie ;D)
Автор сообщения: Ex6tenze
What is your name?

How old are you?

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?
I'm a well-known moderator to handle stuff. I am aware on how to deal with bad people and how to apply consequences to then.

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?
I am an active moderator at Jump Academy (33K-34K members) and was a trial live supporter at scrap.tf.

Anything else you want to say?
I've been part of Jay's group, VG, and he invited me here.

I'm still waiting ;v;
Автор сообщения: Sir Lockhart, James
What is your name?

In-game one, Lockhart, James
Real life name: Carlos Jaime

How old are you?

I'm 15

Why would you be a good addition to Group Fortress?

Well I really like the server because I can play with the people I've met before, and well I can play with my bunny there too~
Also I would make an effort and stop cursing (I promise)

Have you ever had any previous experience as moderator?

Yeah, in the now dead joke, eGO

Anything else you want to say?

It's Lockhart, not lockheat or lockheart.
"dead joke" .... Alrighty then.
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Все обсуждения > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы
Дата создания: 13 ноя. 2016 г. в 17:16
Сообщений: 29

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