26. März
Hey guys
We're all pretty new to this whole FunnyBean thing, so I thought it would be cool if we could list our main killers/survivors
Killer: I like me some pig and billy right now, but the killer I probably have the most hours in is wraith
Survivor: I gotta come clean to you guys and admit that I am a M*gHead, I love sprintbursting, I love free health states and vaulting very sneaky like. I go down very quickly if I don't get my 3 seconds of 150%.
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Honestly I barely play killer these days because I'm pretty burnt out from killer, but I used to be a really dedicated Nurse main. Playing with only aura perks usually, I've never taken Lethal Pursuer out of her perk slots (unless i was memeing), and I always used to give last survivor hatch. I can't play as much as I used to, so I can't really afford to be as kind so anytime I do play killer, sometimes I'll get an egghead who gets mad but I don't really care. As a survivor, I play Sable atm, but have the most prestige on Steve the juicer man. If I want bloodpoints, I'll farm on steve. I am still a steve main, but really like sable atm (as everyone else does)
Hello other FunnyBeans, it is I, Funny_Bean89.

The killers that I like to main are mostly Huntress / Ghostface currently
Survivors are Leon, Jill, Ada, and now also Sable. We love goth girls around here
I main Deathslinger, have about 1k hours on him and I'm still bad lol. I play a lot of Merchant and Sadako as well, used to main Twins and Legion. I like running four chase perks and snowballing super hard, bc dopamine. Also, meme builds please my soul.

As survivor, I really only play Ace and usually stay stealthy and do gens. However, I've gone on more than a few five gen chases (even though I am actually crazy bad at survivor). Used to run a lot of Aftercare + Empathic Connection to make solo queue a bit easier, but these days I usually just have Bond on.

I prefer to play sfw or killer, since in solo there's always a pretty good chance that the randoms will actively try to kill you lol
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Geschrieben am: 27. März um 0:04
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