30 May, 2016
Metbert 1 Nov, 2016 @ 5:51am
Afton family's fate
Now we all can agree that the soap opera represent Afton's family.
The vampire said that he obteined a kid's restaurant so I think is a clear message that him represent Afton, Clara represent his wife and the kid represent his kids.
Now why Vlad and the child is a vampire and the wife not? Be a vampire means live almost for eternity(I'm not counting being killed) so if this is a message to say that the wife died?
This can explain the actions of the family.

Brother: Like some researches said, when a parent died the childrens can react in different ways, one of them is become less respectful for rules or people and usually become rebel \ bully ... I guess that this can fit perfectly for the brother, don't you think?

FNaF4's Child: Another reaction may be close in yourself, in this case the kid close himself in its immagination made by his immaginary friends (the peluches, especially Fredbear), probably he tought that was Fredbear to talk and not the father.

Sister: another reaction can be find a new paternal\maternal figure or a distraction, we know that her favourite character was Baby so maybe Baby was her distraction or whatever.
Then being more rebel + curiosity of childrens and ADHD (another effect of traumas for loss) may explain why she don't obey to his father's orders and went near Baby.

Father\Afton: being alone, means that he have to work more and stay less time at home, so this can explain why he create those cameras for watch his childrens.


Now I'll show you my ideas about who is Eggs Benedict.

1) If Eggs is a random guy, simply when Ennard stole his body, it will roam for the world enjoying its freedom (I know very unprobable but still possible)

2) if Eggs is the brother.

Now, from the minigames seems that the brother is a teenager and I guess he has 17\18 years.
Anyway let's see the events from his point of view.
Mother died, Sister died for a robot, he killed his own brother by putting him inside a robot. Now maybe he started to hate the robots don't you think? and this is why he accepted the work from his father to go underground and zap the robots(so that he could make a ittle revenge, for the sister at least).

When his body is stolen; what would do Ennard? Sure it want revenge against the humans and especially Afton.
So Ennard or I should call it Pink Guy(the one that appear in "take cake to children " and "Foxy go go go") , killed kids in the pizzeria to make bad reputation about the place and make the company and Afton fail.

But then Afton(Purple Guy we saw in "save them") probably don't know that his last child died and think that's him so decided to hide the proofs of his murders (Is his last member of the family still alive afterall) However if Scott used two different sprites , there must be a reason don't you think?
Eventually Afton was already a criminal so one more crime, one more less wasn't a great change and anyway is strange that someone is able to kill those childrens and not being discovered... is more probable that he had a helper ... and how better helper than the boss of the company.

3) If Eggs is Afton

In a similar way like I said before, maybe he started to hate the robots and went underground to have his revenge personally by schocking them.

When his body is stolen, Ennard take his place... is goot at pretending afterall.

But then something happened... the brother went crazy for the guitl feelings and when he saw a child outside the restaurant that remember him about his brother , he was blinded by rage and killed that child; same thing during "Foxy go go go", see Foxy make him remember about his mask and his blind rage exloded again and guess whoi there was in "save them" near the dead kids... Mangle, so a fox ... that remember him about Foxy ecc...

In all of this Ennard hide the proofs, because it used a lot WE , so we can speculate that it don't think only for itself but even about its kind ... and I think that it wouldn't disagree with more "living" robots. Also it had its revenge against human without move a hands and risks of being discovered.

This can also explain why the purple guy\pink guy when died in fnaf3 there is blood, isn't an animatronic but a simple human.

Anyway mine are ONLY SPECULATIONS , so what do you think?
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phlogchamp 1 Jan, 2017 @ 3:20pm 
Vlad doesn't own a kid's restaurant, Vlad bought a kids meal, the other evidence seems accurate! I won't question why a soap opera is intentionally meant to explain someone life, so I'll stop talking now. :D
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