Fire Arms: Source 2.0 Resurgence Group FAS2Surge
Fire Arms: Source 2.0 Resurgence Group FAS2Surge
Fundado em
10 de maio de 2014
United States 
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Confirmed DOS attacker
Commonly goes by the name "donaukinder", used that name on FA:S forums and other places, steam profile here:

Confirmed attacks from multiple IPs, here is one IP that he attacked from (the IP for his FA:S server):

He was given a chance to stop (told him he could just stop and I wouldn't take action to expose him) but he continued attacking all FA:S servers relentlessly so here we are.

He seems to have some neo-nazi affiliations and interests since he goes on this forum that has strong nazi themes (notice the S in CS is styled like the nazi SS symbol):


Here's him posting there (check his avatar with nazi symbols): or write together these two in the address bar - http://forum.csmania + .ru/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=40348
cached version -

Here's their website forums at christmas time with swastika snow:

This is another web cache of the website since sometimes it disappears (you can see the SS styled S in CS):

Here's his youtube channel and a video showing him playing CS with skins that have a swastika on the arm:
Троллинг в Counter-Strike:Source.Вычисление по IP !!! 12 летний хакер.
Рудольф Битлер
Also note his channel translates from Russian to English as "Rudolph Bitler". He has another channel as well "Ivan Ivanov".

Update (23rd Dec 2016):
He never could explain to me why he used Nazi symbols for his avatar if he doesn't like that ideology. I just think it's relevant for people to understand why he was banning foreigners and attacking people. People are free to believe what they want, I just posted stuff that's publicly available.

***EDIT 2***
23rd Dec 2016:
added stuff above about his youtube

***EDIT 3***
23 Feb 2017
since the cached websites don't quite work I'm putting a picture of this post above or view here (not it says no-steam):
Última edição por Thundercracker; 22/fev./2017 às 6:17
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Bru-hah 15/jun./2016 às 20:37 
This needs to be shared!
Thank you cracker for finally putting 'im up here. I hope that there will be some chance to retaliate and that someone will be able to to file for legal actions on this behaviour. DDOS'ing is no joke, and it should be taken serious.
Plague 30/ago./2016 às 17:47 
if the jackass starts again pm me i have some friends I will contact who just "love" them neo-nazi types
ONCE AGAIN 22/dez./2016 às 4:47 
Just find him and put him in gulag.Thats the way we do it!
Thundercracker 23/dez./2016 às 1:40 
Made an update and announcement

You rarely get an opportunity to catch a DOS attacker and then bring him to justice.
Vodest 23/dez./2016 às 6:35 
Man... and i thought that there wasn't a single chance of happening to such a great game.

Surely , He mustn't know the time and effort that was placed into this mod.
Hope he know's the consequences.
Thundercracker 23/dez./2016 às 21:23 
Here's his youtube channel and a video showing him playing CS with skins that have a swastika on the arm:

Троллинг в Counter-Strike:Source.Вычисление по IP !!! 12 летний хакер.
Рудольф Битлер
Also note his channel translates from Russian to English as "Rudolph Bitler". He has another channel as well "Ivan Ivanov".
Thundercracker 1/jan./2017 às 4:10 
He only just now made his profile non-private... he seems to be trying to save face and appear innocent.
ONCE AGAIN 1/jan./2017 às 8:49 
Escrito originalmente por Thundercracker(AUS):
He only just now made his profile non-private... he seems to be trying to save face and appear innocent.
looks preatty god damn suspitious
Plague 17/jan./2017 às 10:50 
Escrito originalmente por SHOWER POWER:
Escrito originalmente por Thundercracker(AUS):
He only just now made his profile non-private... he seems to be trying to save face and appear innocent.
looks preatty god damn suspitious
no shit right I did how ever report him to some friends of mine with links of proof who can do more than what steam can and also reported it to steam that I had notified some people with authority and if they wanted to look good to law enforcement they should take some sort of action
Thundercracker 17/jan./2017 às 19:03 
I have a packet capture of the attack, I just don't post it public because it could potentially give compromising information of my system.

It's VERY rare to have an opportunity to catch a DOS attacker because most people would be smart enough to spoof their IP address (hide the address showing where the packets are coming from) and so usually you can have no idea where the attack is coming from. He didn't do this, and like I stated they are from his server IP ( which you can go observe easily at this time from the server list. It is theoretically possible for someone to have inserted that IP as the source address to pretend to be him... but we also have him confessing and bragging about it.

It seems people in authority and some senior people in the old FA:S community don't seem to care. When the FA:S forums were still alive I tried to ask the "moderators" for help with this or even just advice since at that time I was a novice with source and managing servers, but their lack of response showed me they didn't care one bit, only with making sure I didn't reveal how this guy was posting threads on a "NO-STEAM" Nazi themed forum... I think most of these people don't care because maybe because they haven't been DOS attacked themselves. It's worth noting that this is ILLEGAL activity on the Internet and is very serious, he should be made an example of since it's very rare to catch someone doing this.

Some people argue with my (privately) that this is somehow all my fault and that I'm the bad guy, despite all of this, as if I provoked the attacks. To be clear, these attacks were occurring before I provoked this guy AND to servers unrelated/unaffiliated with me. One of the existing server operators told me how this guy had threatened him before (in the past before I came on the scene) and that's when my suspicions were roused/confirmed (bit hard to remember exactly if I was already suspicious at that point). I would observe this guy come online (put his server up) and he would either enter his server or another server and then I would watch the whole server list disappear (I would be clicking refresh) one by one for all servers except his and the official FA:S server. Often I'd be in one of the servers with one or two other players and sometimes he would enter and then we/the server would freeze or, without him entering, we would all just freeze in the server and not be able to move or chat and sure enough you would see his server was online and he had just recently connected to his server. It wasn't until I made my own server that I could do a packet capture and catch him red-handed. It seems his motivation, given the evidence, is to somehow force everyone to go to his server which is interesting since he tried to tell me in private (just recently) that his server is just for him and his friends (private). This is why I don't believe things he says. Why would he be concerned with other people in that case? If he's worried I'm calling him a nazi like he seems to say, I haven't said it anywhere here I just said "He seems to have some neo-nazi affiliations and interests..." and gave evidence. Also, like I just said, these attacks were happening before I came on the scene and they were not just happening to me so that is NOT the reason he was doing this and I certainly didn't provoke him into this (as if that's an excuse anyway). I am not the bad guy here, I just had to take steps to protect the community and our servers so people had a place to play, otherwise they'd have to play on his broken server and broken mod and have 0 choice.

I also want to say (again) I haven't taken over the FA:S community or anything, people are free to do what they want, I have no real power or authority if someone wants to make another update/mod or wants to associate with this guy or run vanilla and build up the player base and organise events I'M NOT STOPPING YOU. I have given up on this mod personally because the servers are currently being held hostage by a certain player who keeps exploiting the gameplay and the game non-stop, through various means and it's too hard to manage someone who is going to do that with such a small player base since we can't ban them (or even reason with them it seems) or the other players will go all SJW on us and argue that it's all my fault like they even argue that it's all my fault we get DOS attacked. I don't want to play on a game where I can't escape the threat of this person coming and ruining a game with their various exploitative behaviours and sabotage of gameplay. They are scaring people off as quick as we are bringing them in, so they have maintained the player base to a point where they are effectively 10% of the player base and unbannable. The only authority I wield is over this PRIVATE group (you are free to make your own and even advertise it here if you want) and I will not let people who are just trying to spite me take it over. There's no reason to need to do that. I am able to (and have done already) promote people to moderator which gives them the power to organise events on this group and make announcements, they just don't have the power to "kick" or choose "player of the week" which is not something that's really needed. Anyone can make discussions but it doesn't seem many people frequent or read the threads so I don't see why anyone is upset with me. I just will not promote people who have shown with their behaviour that they are willing to sabotage the FA:S community just to spite me for some weird reason where I have given so much freedom and liberty to people to choose what they want to do and how they behave on the servers. Based on our rules some of these people should have been banned multiple times JUSTIFIABLY but they don't appreciate that they have been allowed to remain with only the most minimal and infrequent punishments you would find in a game/community. In any other community they would be banned permanently for repeated exploits and misbehaviour. And as far as me "sabotaging the mod so only I know which weapons are OP and trying to get rid of 'good players' ", these people know this is ludicrous because I gave one of these people personally complete rights to testing for 2.0.4u for as long as they wanted so if they take issue with weapons being "OP" then they and others should take issue with him and as I just said how lenient I have been with disciplinary action and rather than punishing with even moderate strictness I would avoid playing myself and sit in spec since it would avoid myself becoming personally upset over the issues of exploiting and sabotage of gameplay. It seems to bother some of the more hardcore players less when this person exploits and sabotages maps and gameplay so it was better for me to just not play. This may be because I have a very high ping and so when people stack against me as well as genuine exploits etc. it can get annoying because it's hard enough to just play moderately with 350 ping. So really I can't even make my own private server since most people will have very high ping (mostly Europeans play FA:S) and it would suck for them so I just don't play now which I think was the goal of these people anyway so I hope they are happy. The only rule is there are no rules; you win!
Thundercracker 17/jul./2017 às 7:09 
L 05/30/2014 - 20:41:59: [SM] Flushing log file...
L 05/30/2014 - 20:50:41: "asdf<5><STEAM_ID_PENDING><>" connected, address ""
L 05/30/2014 - 20:50:41: "asdf<5><STEAM_0:0:89125491><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 05/30/2014 - 20:50:58: "asdf<5><STEAM_0:0:89125491><>" disconnected (reason "Disconnect by user.")
L 05/30/2014 - 20:51:48: [SM] Flushing log file...
L 05/30/2014 - 20:54:23: "asdf<6><STEAM_ID_PENDING><>" connected, address ""
L 05/30/2014 - 20:54:23: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><>" STEAM USERID validated
L 05/30/2014 - 20:54:39: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><>" entered the game
L 05/30/2014 - 20:54:47: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "what do you want"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:55:13: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" say "i want to call you coward"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:55:21: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "alright"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:55:26: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" say "give me your fone number"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:55:53: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "if you have a problem just say it"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:55:59: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "i'm working on some stuff"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:01: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "so type"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:04: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" say "27 cpus ready to dos you"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:09: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "lol"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:25: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" say "coward and noob"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:42: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" say "tell one word to kinder"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:45: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "you do realise your steamID, IP etc. is recorded here?"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:47: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" say "just sorry"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:53: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "sorry for what?"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:58: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "i said sorry already"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:56:59: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" say "neo nazi"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:57:00: "Thundercracker(AUS)<2><STEAM_0:1:1112784><#SDK_Team_Spectator>" say "are you stupid?"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:57:07: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" say "bb"
L 05/30/2014 - 20:57:10: "asdf<6><STEAM_0:0:89125491><#SDK_Team_Unassigned>" disconnected (reason "Disconnect by user.")
L 05/30/2014 - 21:01:37: [SM] Flushing log file...
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