F1 2012™ F1_games
F1 2012™ F1_games
12 de Agosto de 2012
137 comentários
. 29 dez. 2024 às 11:04 
Someone up for a coop career? f1 24
Magnussen Cube 28 jan. 2022 às 5:17 
mr_k1ll3r239 28 jan. 2022 às 3:27 
helo anybody up for some f1 2012
Halls 22 nov. 2021 às 9:47 
lolxdanton 23 dez. 2020 às 3:56 
quien despues 25 unas carreras
Filip 11 ago. 2020 às 4:02 
hi guys
wanna play f1 2018?
SHINIGAMI 10 ago. 2020 às 13:15 
C'e qualcuno dei Ita che gioca ancora a F1 2018?
FederPi 11 dez. 2018 às 16:05 
hello i'm new. who has f1 2012 or 2014 write me in chat thanks
Gustavo 31 jan. 2017 às 13:57 
Hello! Whatsapp group of F1 2016 PC:
Gustavo 1 jan. 2017 às 12:13 
Bora jogar F1 2016, galera!
TheFiveFace 18 set. 2016 às 9:18 
Jemand lust auf nen Koop sasion mit mir in F1 2012 einfach anschreiben
uwu 23 jun. 2016 às 11:48 
KOOP fahrer gesucht fragt mich an oder schreibt
AntNelsom 4 mai. 2016 às 14:30 
cool place to exchange ideas on f1 2012
pty. 31 jan. 2016 às 9:05 
Wer willmit mir 2011 oder 2012 oder 2013 oder 2014 fahren
Hawkeye 18 jan. 2016 às 8:25 
Hat jemand lust auf eine F1 2012 Koop Saisonß
Piet 6 jan. 2016 às 16:22 
Ein wenig tote hose auf den servern. Wär hätte bock auf ne runde? Kann von mir aus F1 2013 bis 2015 sein.
Dschlewi 15 ago. 2015 às 14:00 
Moin moin. Ich suche jemanden gegen den ich in einer Koop-Saison fahren kann. Hat jemand Lust? :-)
Zuzuarregui 16 jul. 2015 às 15:42 
Xgamepro esta por organizar un torneo de F1 2015 original para pc, con premios!.
La info basica son: Carreras al 50% Quali de 15 min , sin ayudas solamente la linea de trazada, Es los domingos a las 22:45 hora argentina. con reglamento y todo. para mas informacion agregenme como amigo. y hablamos! saludos y gracias!
ROEEEEEE 9 set. 2014 às 6:12 
F1 2013 steam gift -> 8 key :soviet:
Vizzup 21 jul. 2014 às 7:55 
😭 es ging super jetzt hab ich S offline neu gestartet weil ich jetzt ein Lenkrad hab aber jetzt startet es net mehr wegen Zitat:"Daten stimmen nich überein "entweder 8 GB Hochladen oder runter. gibt's ne bessere Lösung das es startet .Kann im Moment nichts runterladen!
76561198072015761 19 abr. 2014 às 8:23 
will jemand f1 2013 spielen? :)
Sevro auBarca 14 abr. 2014 às 12:08 
[H]-5 Dota2 keys [W] F1 2013 game.
Cygnov / RUS 86 5 abr. 2014 às 11:41 
привет всем
Scumbag 4 abr. 2014 às 14:41 
Looking for people to play online with or play a league. Add me if you want to play online.
DerNik00 18 mar. 2014 às 7:44 
Hi Leute kann mir jemand helfen ich hab f1 2013 und nach dem vorspann stürzt es immer ab wie kann ich das problem lösen ??? :(
vaS 15 mar. 2014 às 21:55 
Anyone want to play 2013 right now?
Darek 30 jan. 2014 às 12:13 
A zajebac ci? 14 dez. 2013 às 7:02 
anybody want play now?

Sudaca 23 nov. 2013 às 13:18 
vdice que hay 109 personas jugando y no veo a nadie... donde estan?
KALI0011 8 nov. 2013 às 4:59 
Hello everyone! I very like this game and I want to play online with all countries, but I don't see servers or players. Can help me please? What I must to do?))
Gzawx 18 out. 2013 às 16:37 
Chain_sMoker 23 set. 2013 às 9:53 
100% monza #specialone
moogleslam 19 set. 2013 às 19:22 
Hi guys, if you are in North or South America and speak English, we have sign-ups underway for our F1 2013 League. Wednesday nights at 9pm EST. 15 minute qualifying followed by 50% distance race. All assists allowed except Pit Assist. We will have AT LEAST 4 divisions. This is going to be huge and very successful league! You can sign up here:
P-Tox 13 set. 2013 às 14:20 
Alguém ai ja comprou o 2013? Quem quiser jogar me add ai!
76561198100930088 13 set. 2013 às 12:02 
hey guys, how are do for play with you in online?
Dingo 9 set. 2013 às 14:10 
Does smbody race at wednesdays
Qvist- 3 set. 2013 às 8:33 
someone wants 2 play sprint race now ?
oowoo 29 ago. 2013 às 8:08 
Fragleague Round 1 now!
Dingo 24 ago. 2013 às 18:52 
18:00 UTC+2
Dingo 24 ago. 2013 às 18:49 
Is somebody playing online Wednesday at 18:00
Mikes 22 ago. 2013 às 6:51 
Any Online races??
dionatanrios 2 ago. 2013 às 15:18 
como faço para jogar online alguem pode me ajudar?
BambiiS 26 jul. 2013 às 22:46 
No english?
76561198072788943 23 jul. 2013 às 9:27 
Ребята всем привет! Мой братишка участвует в конкурсе - "фотоохота", кому не сложно, поставьте пожалуйста лайки под этими фото - {LINK REMOVIDO} . Благодарю за понимание!
Billy i7 3960x 18 jul. 2013 às 13:13 
procurem este grupo (formula1tunngle) galera do brazil
Dominik 15 jul. 2013 às 14:13 
melzinha 12 jul. 2013 às 11:05 
to dentro
meaatstiick 9 jul. 2013 às 21:17 
whenever i try to search for an online race it tells me there is no races for me to join when there are thousands of people in game. Why is this?