2 April, 2019
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Berva 7 Aug, 2019 @ 4:31am
Rules for TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town)
How to Play

In TTT, three different roles are randomly assigned to players each round: Innocent, Detective, Traitor.
  • Innocents: Your job is to roam the map and try to spot a player committing a traitorous act (shooting players, killing, etc.), and kill all of the traitors you spot, while not killing any other innocents. When all traitors have been killed, innocents win the round!
  • Detective: Your goal as detective is to assist the innocents in hunting down the traitors using various tools and methods to ensure Innocent victory.
  • Traitors: Your job is to assassinate every innocent without being caught by other players. When all innocents have been killed, traitors win the round!

General Rules:
  1. Do not Random Death Match (RDM) fellow players. You need sufficient evidence proving that a player is a traitor to kill them.
  2. Do not ghost - Giving out any information about the game to alive players while you are dead using any method of communication.
  3. No Prop Killing.
  4. Do not door spam.
  5. Do not prop surf or glitch on any map.
  6. Do not kill rule-breakers or seek revenge - only shoot in self-defense and not for previous rounds reasons.
  7. No claiming rooms or areas.
  8. Must have a name identifiable by all players on the server.
  9. Must move out/away from a player's personal space after being reasonably told at-least twice by said player. This player must give a reasonable amount of time for the encroaching player to move away.
  10. Anyone can taze anyone without asking for permission.
  11. Committing a Traitor Act makes you a traitor.
  12. Do not accuse people publicly in chat or over mic about RDM. Simply report it to admins using !calladmin in chat.

Rules for Innocents:
  1. May not random-death-match (RDM) - cause damage or kill innocents or detectives unless acting in self defense (includes using map objects).
  2. May not present a player as a traitor without a valid reason.
  3. May not traitor bait - Making it look like you are a Traitor when you're actually an Innocent.
  4. May not camp and must be actively playing the game. It delays the round and causes players to not enjoy their time on the server.

Rules for Traitors:
  1. Traitors must work together in order to complete their objective.
  2. Traitors must actively attempt to complete the objective.
  3. May not kill or damage other Traitors unless acting in self defense (includes using map objects).
  4. Claiming you are a traitor to everyone without prior knowledge is considered griefing. Don’t do it.

Rules for Detectives:
  1. The Detective must actively fulfill the role of a detective and assist the team as needed.
  2. May not random-death-match (RDM) - cause damage or kill innocents or detectives unless acting in self defense (includes using map objects).
  3. May not present a player as a traitor without a valid reason.
  4. May not kill a player for disobeying orders.


Random Death Match (RDM)
    (RDM) When an innocent or a detective damages or kills another player for:
  • An illogical reason.
  • No reason.
  • Assumptions based on how a player moves and talks.
  • Throwing grenades away from other players.
  • Disobeying an order.
  • Pointing a gun at someone.
Last edited by Berva; 7 Aug, 2019 @ 4:45am
Date Posted: 7 Aug, 2019 @ 4:31am
Posts: 0

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