Dune 2: The Golden Path by Jesse Krizik Dune2Online
Dune 2: The Golden Path by Jesse Krizik Dune2Online
Fundado em
12 de setembro de 2009
United States 
81 comentário(s)
WTF.VAG 23/dez./2021 às 10:59 
yo, where can i get this game and what version is better
Zyzyx 16/out./2020 às 8:13 
send me a DM if you wanna do some matches
Krasz 5/ago./2018 às 12:33 
Anyone still playing?
DrunkenRine 4/out./2016 às 0:28 
Hi! Found this awesome game recently! Is anyone still playing?
気 Mantikko マンティコー 17/jan./2016 às 16:23 
hi there, i will try to play some games the next days. Anyone interested in multiplayer may add me on steam. Just leave a small message so i know it is about this game ;)
Sphinx 27/set./2015 às 2:00 
Hi there i'm a newbie:)
liskahause 13/set./2015 às 7:47 
hi all, I am in the chatroom from time to time....would like to try D2TGP MP too..
Gunfog 24/set./2014 às 12:18 
hi i am new here and like to play multiplayer, pleas invite...
i´m from germany! würde mich freuen wen mich deutsche spieler einladen oder anschreiben =D
NudeBioz 17/mai./2014 às 1:53 
OMG!!! I LOVE this remake!!! DUNE for ever!!!
Otzot 16/mai./2014 às 8:27 
Hey guys, I think it is time to rediscover the awsomness of this game! What would you say about some kind of action? If there is someone willing, feel free to contact me.
frontliner2 12/abr./2014 às 10:58 
Hi we play gaMES And it is fun!
Zyzyx 14/set./2013 às 17:53 
Im still up for doing some of more of this awesome dune game, just add me to friends and lets do some battles, my fremen will kill your sardaukar :)
Genjyuro 26/ago./2013 às 22:20 
Hey guys, does anyone still play this game? After playing for a couple of days it seems pretty cool but I couldn't find anyone in neither the chatroom (the one in the website), nor here.
Godspeed 15/jan./2013 às 14:40 
If someone using linux and need support to run Dune 2 TGP contact me.
Haconen 15/dez./2012 às 4:58 
any aussies that play this game, add me and im always on everyday
Krasz 8/set./2012 às 12:23 
I'm on IRC channel every day, if anyone want to play I will be waiting there...
Krasz 8/set./2012 às 7:33 
Someone wanna play today?
Haconen 24/ago./2012 às 18:55 
thanks mate i wouldn't have throught of that :)
Krasz 24/ago./2012 às 12:56 
You need to be logged in to see the links.
Haconen 24/ago./2012 às 0:59 
im probly just stupid but where can i download the official maps, i did see the IMPORTANT map info but i couldn't find the download link
please help :)
Haconen 22/ago./2012 às 5:29 
hey mate welcome
| Lt_Kitty | [0\\'n4g3] 21/ago./2012 às 9:51 
Hey, I'm Atreides Commando on the D2TGP forum. I just wanted to introduce myself to this Steam community. Sup dudes.
frontliner2 19/ago./2012 às 10:20 
76561197971998298 28/jul./2012 às 14:02 
hi im german and i like play dune2
Haconen 21/jun./2012 às 4:27 
hello any games up
Muadika 19/mar./2012 às 17:42 
Hi all !!! im a die hard Dune fan and want to play an online match. but im relativally new at the game and may not be a challenge to a pro XD
frontliner2 1/dez./2011 às 7:54 
Ur a BAWZ, go to the new chat channel :-)
Royal Canine 24/out./2011 às 8:06 
Hi everyone. There are so many members but no one is ever at steam chat or webbased chat. I would like to play with somebody.
Krossfire 24/set./2011 às 18:30 
Just found The Golden Path on FilePlanet... OMG, it's freaking AWESOME!
MicroBit 7/set./2011 às 23:26 
hello there ! i want to play dune 2 ... im in the steam-group ... but i cant write some messages because i dont have some games on steam ... crap ... an in the browser chat is no one ...
frontliner2 3/jun./2011 às 8:04 
Hi Spitfire, I recommen using the browser chat to find others to play with you :-)
Spitfire'd 27/mai./2011 às 12:15 
Hi everyone! First time posting. Looking to play a match sometime tonight, but consider me an extreme noob it has been years since I played the original lol. This is such a cool project, thank you to everyone involved with it!
frontliner2 15/abr./2011 às 12:16 
Hi Everyone. I would like to ask you if you want to match and play to join this chat channel, also usable without Steam!
All You Need Is Love 5/abr./2011 às 11:15 
Hey iam total noob use to play D ages ago (it was my 1st game on 386 IMB) iam totaly stoked to play this one online... only one problem i dont have any steam games so i cant add anyone or i cant even get to the group chat ... how cool is that :D is there any other place where i can find sameone to play quickly ?
frontliner2 1/mar./2011 às 12:10 
Denlock 21/fev./2011 às 4:55 
anyone want play dune 2?
Lunaticman 19/fev./2011 às 7:18 
Who is playing CoH ?
Ferret 1/fev./2011 às 13:30 
Good day sir! :)
76561198037595366 31/jan./2011 às 10:51 
frontliner2 18/jan./2011 às 12:09 
Hi Tom frame! Have you visited the forums? Please join us there and ask if someone can introduce you to the game. I know there are manuals available too. I think someone there will definately help you out if you ask for a little help.
Framer 14/jan./2011 às 10:20 
So Im new at this. Is there some kind of tutorial? I have never played the original Dune 2, but I am fascinated by old classic strategy games.
neXITem 22/dez./2010 às 3:54 
anyone know where i could get the original Dune2K music as ogg?`i want it while playing dune 2 :P
neXITem 22/dez./2010 às 2:47 
:) hi
frontliner2 4/nov./2010 às 12:20 
Welcome now :)
ROLEPLAYER 26/out./2010 às 13:02 
wow guys this is some awesome stuff so many memories from when i played this game so many...
Drackbolt 14/out./2010 às 9:13 
All questions/suggestions should go in the forums, so they can be answered in due time, and everyone can benefit :)
frontliner2 13/out./2010 às 9:21 
hi Gunman, nice to see you here. I guess that would be to much of a difference compared to the original dune 2
Zyzyx 13/out./2010 às 3:20 
really liked the new patch. But a tip for some of the devs, why not add Omnious faction to the game? or the Cybermechs from the Battle of Corrin chapter of the Dune series.