Drow Brotherhood {DROW}
Drow Brotherhood {DROW}
11 January, 2014
All Announcements > Announcement Details

The Ring of Dragons

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Alton Velg'larn 18 Feb, 2014 @ 8:27am 
Hey. Before you left ... hmm ... how to say. I've got an information from my source. We waited too much. It has been already stolen. One man. His name is Adraam. He payed thief to steal it. Now it's time for that ring to be stolen again. It's work for you, Dinin.
i see things 18 Feb, 2014 @ 8:09am 
I see it's another time when only Velg'larns can help. It's time for our family to rise.
Rho Ophiuchi 18 Feb, 2014 @ 7:44am 
And now, who go with me?
Rho Ophiuchi 18 Feb, 2014 @ 7:44am 
Allright. Im sure we waited more than enough and now we must go. Do it as soon, as we can. We can't wait anymore. We must get the ring! Im ready to go. If you dont want to help - dont need. I will call those, who are ready for dirty job.
Rho Ophiuchi 4 Feb, 2014 @ 2:34am 
another job? huh. Lets do it!
{Hellenic} Λ Boru Λ Seleucus 31 Jan, 2014 @ 5:31am 
The mounts are ready, lets go.
{Hellenic} Λ Komoto Λ 30 Jan, 2014 @ 8:30pm 
The contact in Skullport has news about a group that just came from the underdark and they are going to leave port in 2 days. We must act fast.