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- Board of Directors - -| BoD |-
2017. március 30.
Összes téma > Általános témák > Téma részletei
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Application for a Director
Requirements to Apply
● Must be the owner, head admin, assistant admin, or moderator in a Roleplay group
● Must have experience in both running and participating in Roleplay
● Must be willing to be apart of open discussions about the community
● Must complete the Application below

Can be an active or retired Roleplayer to apply.

Current Group:
Current Group Rank: (Owner, Admin, Moderator)
Current Position:
RP Experience:
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Thomas Lawford; 2017. márc. 30., 13:21
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United States of America.
Democratic Presidential Candidate
One Year
Gerballs eredeti hozzászólása:
United States of America.
Democratic Presidential Candidate
One Year
Could you ellaborate on your experience please?
Name: ^
Current Group: United Kingdom of America
Current Group Rank: (Owner, Admin, Moderator) Admin
Current Position:( within rp?) Commander of the Coast Guard and Duke of California
RP Experience: I've done many rps in my almost 3 years of experience. I have been in charge of a few groups, but personally I prefer being an assistant admin. I feel that I have more of a chance to help out but still have fun IC. I'm almost always willing to help with all groups
Name: Celticus
Current Group: Senātus Populusque Rōmānus (:Roman:)
Current Group Rank: Owner
Current Position: Retired RPer
RP Experience: Joined the Kingdom of Ios in 2012, became SPQR member in February 2013, Consul from April 2013-September 2013. Enjoyed fruitful Roman RP for around eight months. Founded nova SPQR soon after the old one vanished. Founded Invictus, a group almost identical to this one in January 2014, enjoyed activity until Fall 2014, retired from RP by 2015. May or may not have wiped out 80% of RP in his free time. Details Details.
Name: Rapid
Current Group: Kingdom of Kassia
Current Group Rank: Owner
Current Position: King of Kassia
RP Experience: Joined RP about 3 years ago, owned and participated in a large number of groups
Name: Tristanxh
Current Group: Kingdom of Great Britain
Current Group Rank: Admin
Current Position: Leader of the Conservative Party
RP Experience: Paradox Off-Topic Forumgame for a couple of years, joined Steam Roleplay in like 2015, after some rather interesting roleplays I joined the United States Roleplay in late 2015 and then the Kingdom of Great Britain tier in 2016 and became Prime Minister. May or may not have kept serving as PM in United Kingdom roleplay in mid 2016 (I did), and then hosted some RPs of my own- disowned them after they were done with and then joined Kingdom of Great Britain again here now in 2017.
Name: Jakeman
Current Group: The Glorious Russian Empire
Current Group Rank: Admin
Current Position: ...Security admin bloke
RP Experience: Lurker until 2014, fought RickMyDick, was an admin of Invictus.
Name: Phillip
Current Group: 12eme Regiment de Infanterie
Current Group Rank: Owner
Current Position: Captain
RP Experience: Glorious Russian Empire, SPQR, Napoleonic Wars RP (Current), Promania RP (Current), and Templars of Caliban (Current). Total of 6 years experience with abilities in administration,accountability, and leadership.
Name: Vahtli
Current Group: TYA
Current Group Rank: Moderator
Current Position: Leading the Kingdom of Spain
RP Experience: I have been roleplaying on Steam for six years, engaging in mostly nation roleplays. At first it was casual, in Gradwitz's community though upon discovery of such communities as Varus' CERP I made the move towards more serious roleplay. I admined in his Medieval Tier as well as TYA until resignation owing to real life circumstances. I have attempted character roleplays, and continue to do so, alas it is not my forté!
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