Die Vereinigten Kaiserlichen Königreiche Von Großdeutschland VKKG
Die Vereinigten Kaiserlichen Königreiche Von Großdeutschland VKKG
게임 중
2012년 1월 24일
Die Vereinigten Kaiserlichen Königreiche Von Großdeutschland 정보

Validity and faith in our Fatherland!

Die Vereinigten Kaiserlichen Königreiche Von Großdeutschland is an Enlightened Absolutism Plutarchy on Steam, and is one of the many role-playing groups. It is ruled by Hanzawilhelm honorable with the Plutarchy.
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬|☩|VKKG| ☩▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●

●▬▬▬|☩| Information |☩|▬▬▬●
~ Population: 30,500,000
~ Language: English
~ Religion: Religious Tolerance
~ Currency: Mark
~ Treasury: 20000 ℳ

●▬▬▬|☩| Imperial Family |☩|▬▬▬●
~ Kaiser:Maxawilelm
~ Kronprinz:
~ Großfürst:
~ Fürst:
~ Prinz:
~ Prinz:
~ Großherzog:
~ Herzog:

●▬▬▬|☩| Government |☩|▬▬▬●
~ Chancellor: Kaiser Dustin von Österreich
~ Prime Minister: Sultan Odenwalder
~ Ministry of Foreign-Affairs: Nikolay Romano
~ Ministry of Internal-Affairs:
~ Ministry of War:
~ Ministry of Enlightenment: Kaiser Dülan von Minden
~ First Lord of the Admirality:
~ Minister of the Exchequer:
~ Minister of the Press: Zalex
~ Minister of Recruitment: Ghost [FinArCo]

●▬▬▬|☩| Governors |☩|▬▬▬●
Governor of Bavaria: Nikolay Romano
Governor of Baden-Wurrtemberg: Dülan von Minden
Governor of Hesse:
Governor of Saarland:
Governor of Schleswig-Holstein:
Governor of North Rhineland-Westphalia:
Governor of Thuringia:
Governor of Rhineland-Palatinate:
Governor of Saxony-Anhalt:
Governor of Lower Saxony:
Governor of Mechklenburg:
Governor of Saxony:
Governor of Brandenburg:
Governor of Austria: Eric II. Prins av Skandinavien
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Full up the positions plz und mass invite :D
댓글 11
mage 2012년 4월 13일 오후 5시 54분 
Ministry of War, bitte und danke :D
Hanzawilhelm Longbowman of Crécy 2012년 2월 2일 오후 11시 10분 
Lol xD
Hanzawilhelm Longbowman of Crécy 2012년 2월 2일 오전 5시 46분 
I supposse...
Chewbaccaaa 2012년 2월 1일 오후 3시 18분 
can i be a general
Hanzawilhelm Longbowman of Crécy 2012년 2월 1일 오전 6시 29분 
Kk, :D
Squigley 2012년 1월 31일 오전 10시 08분 
Minister of Recuirtment, Please
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2012년 1월 24일