Cs Go Raffle Time Cs Go Rt
Cs Go Raffle Time Cs Go Rt
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2014년 10월 24일
Cs Go Raffle Time 정보

Cs Go Raffle Time!

Hello and welcome to Cs Go Raffle Time! I will post a thread when we have an active raffle. Most raffles will cost one key per entry. The raffles are 100% legit and at the end of every raffle I will post a video of me choosing the winner. I do not favor anyone. I use to choose the winner. How it works: Lets say billy gives me three keys, that will give him three entries into the raffle, so I would put his name into a list three times giving him a higher chance of winning. Every key gets one entry, so if you give me one key I will put your name into the list once. Once all the names are in, I generate the randomizer once and whoevers name is first, wins!

Lets say I am giving away a 50 dollar item i will start the give away once we have about 25-30 entries that way i can giveaway the item without losing any money and i can make a bit of extra money after each raffle which allows me to buy more expensive items and do bigger, better and more expensive raffles and i can start doing knife raffles and more. I do not expect anyone to join and I am not forcing you to join, I am just putting the opportunity out there for people who would like to get better chances of getting a good item instead of wasting money on cases.
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Join my friends raffle group!
댓글 7
RatStyle 2015년 1월 15일 오후 2시 12분 
Hey everyone, my friend LegoGlass has a raffle group that you guys may be interested in, he does many raffles and im sure you could maybe get some nice skins from his group.
chef 2014년 10월 25일 오후 7시 51분 
okk cool! haha glad i joined! :P
RatStyle 2014년 10월 24일 오후 7시 54분 
I am inviting people in casual matches, they can chose to join or to ignore the invite. I just made the group and i am trying to get members so i can start to do raffles! :D
chef 2014년 10월 24일 오후 7시 46분 
why did i get invited to this groupe lol?
chef 2014년 10월 24일 오후 7시 45분 
Can you kille me 2014년 10월 24일 오후 6시 11분 
A csgo raffle group.
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0 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2014년 10월 24일