Christian Gaming Community CGC
Christian Gaming Community CGC
1 сентября 2007 г.
United States 
2,041–2,050 из 2,069
Discussion area for testimonies?
All these prayers that will go unanswered.
Crusades: What is your view and opinion?
Well I've already shared this video on the forums in another topic, but because of ✠Wichert✠'s posts it seems apt to post it again. There's a present and ongoing battle of the flesh going on in the world today, there's no doubt about that, and the short video will speak to that. But the question is, do those in Christ Jesus fight in the flesh over worldly things like land, or are things like this actually some kind of tool the Most High uses as a threshing floor or refiner's fire? America has been called a Christian nation a lot, and a majority of people have checked the Christian box on paperwork, it's an easy thing to do, and it's often just a cultural identifier (what your parents and/or grandparents were), when Christian heads start to roll (and they will, it's just a matter of time) it will be much less common.

I know that God knows my heart, and I don't believe I can lose my salvation for defending my house with lethal force, it's more about where my heart is, though, almost as if striving in the flesh shows a lack of faith on my part. When I was new in Christ I walked in love and was bullet proof, I faced off on occasion with some very violent opposition, right up in my face, it didn't phase me, I walked in love, knew that God was in control of the situation... here just recently a crazy neighbor was raising his voice and I'm still struggling daily to put my flesh down over that, it seems so unjust, he needs to be put in his place after all, for being so disrespectful. But then, I mocked and hated on Christians for most of my life as an atheist, surely I need to be put in my place, after all.......

A Friendly Atheist
Автор сообщения: Soresu
I previously had not heard about "Zeitgeist" before today and I'll take your word for it that it is hateful toward Christianity and I'll steer clear of it. I was mistaken about the virgin birth of Krishna but he wasn't concieved of hair implants I don't believe. The God Vishnu put himself into the womb of a women and then was born as Krishna.

Why didn't you mention the hair at all, are you unaware of it?
Vishnu is said to have taken two of his hairs, one black and one white, and implanted them in Devaki's womb. Just before their birth the two hairs-turned-offspring were miraculously transferred by way of Vishnu's maya to the womb of Rohini, a woman who had desired a child of her own, so as to save them from Kamsa's tyranny. Rohini gave birth to two boys, one dark in color and the other light. The black child was named Krishna

And you mentioned Horus originally, but now have nothing to say about that? If you did not get these sweeping misconceptions from Zeitgeist, then may I ask where you did pick them up, as it's a pretty safe bet the grapevine leads back to Acharya S.

You say it originated far earlier than Christianity, well, Isaiah is far older than Christianity:
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

Автор сообщения: Soresu
The idea that a deity would implant a divine child into a women who didn't need sexual intercourse to give birth originated in a myth far older than Christianity.
Well you've certainly boiled the concept down to its most general reading possible, perhaps if we generalize it a lot we can find some other examples of it. Well, where are the examples? Even granted some could exist by sheer coincidence, or by some evil supernatural influence, I keep hearing of supposed parallels and every time I actually research them I find out that yes, again, it's an outright lie/fabrication, the biggest offenders have been Acharya S. and Jordan Maxwell, to a lesser extent you've also got Sitchin, Icke, Tsarion espousing very similar things, because they all come from the same circle of fabrication.

Автор сообщения: Soresu
I'm not foolish enough to suggest that this disproves the notion of a Christian God, my point is that Christianity is an amalgamation of old ideas with new and unique ideas that have formed a convincing narrative.
There isn't a shred of evidence to prove this, even the epic of gilgamesh(though I digress from the Virgin birth here) is just the retelling of God flushing the toilet of evil fallen angel-human hybrid nephilim to protect human blood (and the line of David)

When the roots of Christianity rest on the oral traditions of Abraham's line, how can you ever be so certain that Christianity is just some rehash of various older religions? You cannot accurately date an oral tradition, their origins are forever lost to time. Why are you so convinced you are right about this, when you don't even seem to have any source for it? Did a friend who watched Zeitgeist, or read Acharya S. or Maxwell etc, convince you? Have you been inducted?
Автор сообщения: Soresu
What you see as the Devil twisting events to deceive people I see as yet another person rewriting someone else's myth to conform to their beliefs or to their culture's beliefs. Take Christianity for example, the story of a child born to a virgin mother and a miraculous resurrection predates the story of Jesus Christ by hundreds if not thousands of years. Take a look at the stories of the Egyptian god Horus, the Zoroastrian deity Mithra, or the Hindu god Krishna for near identical stories to Christ. A way to understand how I feel about Christianity is in a way how you feel about Islam, they are both versions of an older story twisted by the cultures who created them. I personally don't believe that Jesus Christ ever lived like how he was portrayed in the Bible, but even if he did live at one point then it would be more likely he would be from the older stories that are far older than any story ever written in the Bible. Thanks for the relply though I am always interested in others points of view :caster_happy:

What you say is patentedly untrue, I can only imagine you've watched Zeitgeist which uses Acharya S. as its source, Acharya S. is a fiction author (as well as fictional author :B1:) who takes herself too seriously, and has a burning hatred for Christianity specifically. You should read these mythologies firsthand so that you will not be deceived by the snake oil salesmen, FYI Zeitgeist is an induction video, to let you know "We control everything, there's nothing you can do about it, join us or die." They have to try and dismiss Christ Jesus as an alternative, because the prophecies of the Bible are the only ones on earth which say there will be a tyrannical global government in the last days, and Jesus Christ will destroy it.

But back to the point, more specifically, re: mythologies, pick up an Egyptology book. Horus' mommy put his chopped up daddy back together, had relations with him, and Horus was thus conceived. Just what is your definition of a virgin birth? This isn't up for debate, walk into your local library and get some Egyptology books on the subject, I challenge you. Krishna was conceived by hair implantation (?!?!?!) and on and on it goes. See the difference between God and the mythologies, is that the former is explained just by His Power(God the giver of all life says a virgin will be with child, and by the Power of His SPIRIT it is so, and the latter have to go hanging fairy tale lanterns on everything to try and explain that some magic something or other was responsible, like a golden member or hair etc.
Автор сообщения: Soresu
Автор сообщения: Ultrix
The God of Christianity is NOT the god of islam.

No way.
Where did you pull that out from?
If in doubt compare their book against God's true Word, the Bible.

Christ is the only Way, and the Bible is filled with all the truth.
That all happened.
Not stories, but historical events.

The history of our planet.
God is real, and you better not be someone who thinks Christianity == islam == Judaism and maybe even all the religions.

Christianity isn't a religion, it IS a RELATIONSHIP with the REAL, LIVING AND ALMIGHTY GOD.

Peace man.
I'll pray for you.
Don't be deceived.

Hello and thanks for your input this thread continues to be extremely interesting. You very clearly stated that there was a huge difference between the Qu'ran and the Bible but I tend to disagree. The Bible and the Qu'ran both share an all-powerful God that single-handedly created the universe. Both believe that Jesus Christ was born to the virgin mother Mary to later perform miracles and help the sick and the elderly. There are over 50 "characters" from the Bible that appear in very similiar portrayals in the Qu'ran. Once I had read both the Bible and the Qu'ran I found that the stories portrayed in both were very similiar and shared many "historical" events with eachother. The main difference I have found between the two is that Muslims don't believe Jesus Christ to be the son of God but just another prophet, whereas Christians believe in the Holy Trinity and that Jesus died on the cross for mankind's sins.

I implore you to study the Qu'ran and its texts to better understand where each viewpoint is coming from. Thanks and I hope to hear back from you soon :squirtyay:

You get an A for being polite and civil, when I was an atheist, I took pleasure in insulting and mocking Christians.

As for the topic at hand, first you have to have read the Bible, then you would see it is an ongoing narrative between God and man, the ultimate plan of redemption for these "end times" was started thousands of years ago when Abram/Abraham was called out of Ur. But I'm not implying that reading the narrative will save you, quite the contrary, Jesus said "No man can come to God unless He draws him to Him first." If a thousand angels had appeared to me and ministered the Gospel to me when I was an atheist, I would've swore it was ergot poisoning or something, hallucinations, I would never have accepted it in that state of deception.

So the narrative does involve the Judaism of Jesus' day, modern Judaism though? A shell of its former self, in many ways it is a "newer" faith than Christianity, defined my the talmud and midrash, insane ramblings of medieval-era Rabbis etc, but Islam really takes the cake. I can respect a lot of religions for a lot of reasons, but I see absolutely no redeeming qualities about Islam, it was founded in a pool of blood by a pedophile warlord, and continues to be violent to this day, it is one of the fleshiest, most carnal, unspiritual, religions I've ever studied, which is really a feat when weighed against LaVeyan Satanism, whose actual ongoing conscious aim was to be as carnal as possible. The Islamist looks forward to flesh rewards in heaven, worships the "Best Deceiver", Allah (They will try to sugar coat this one and say it really means Allah is the "Best Planner", but then, I guess, it means he "planned" everyone when he supposedly superimposed Jesus' face on a common criminal during the Crucifixion... no, yeah, "deceived" is the appropiate word....), they have no spiritual authority, and don't even know how to fast properly, their idea of fasting is to not eat... during daylight hours pretty much :B1:

See, I recognize that far-eastern religions are dabbling in the occult even if they don't realize it, seeking to channel powers we shouldn't mess with, but even so, I would have to give Buddhism a peace prize, they seem to legitimately be concerned with peace, they are not supremacists(at least not the domineering variety) To follow the Quran properly, means forced conversion is good and fruitful and just. Whereas Jesus said to share the Gospel and move on, some will hear it some will not, it is a spiritual battle and spiritual things are happening, but to the Islamist, at least in practice, everything is flesh, they have forcefully converted/killed millions, forced little girls of other faiths/cultures into kangaroo court marriages which amount to little more than Satan-sanctioned pedophilia/rape, etc...

Now, there are many "Muslims" in the west, who are liberal, and have very liberal interpretations of the Quran, and very liberal "Imams" who scratch their itching ears. Just as the only True Christian is the Fundamentalist Christian(Taking Jesus at His Word) The only True Muslim is the Fundamentalist Muslim(Taking mohammed and his word), and so the devout muslims are the ones forcing marriage on prepubescent girls, cutting off heads and arms, splashing acid on Christians, blowing themselves up etc, and the devout Christians are the ones turning the other cheek, digging wells for strangers halfway around the world, ehhh, etc, etc, etc (I will not toot the horn of my brothers and sisters who are better than me, their reward is in Heaven)

I think to get a realistic view of what has actually been happening in the world, and what will continue to happen, you need to watch this video that's under five minutes long, from someone who was actually raised in the environment, instead of say, lamestream media news controlled by 6 multinational media conglomerates who do not have our best interests at heart.


Crusades: What is your view and opinion?
A Friendly Atheist
2,041–2,050 из 2,069