Christian Gaming Community CGC
Christian Gaming Community CGC
1. September 2007
United States 
Ergebnisse 2,051–2,060 von 2,069
Christians and Muslims
Ursprünglich geschrieben von zowieN *DDsport:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1:
Remember also that Islam is a culture like any, Chinese raised in a traditional Buddhist culture, catholics, etc, and they've been told what to believe by other men, by their parents, when it is merely a battle of cultures it is entirely in the flesh/carnal, and Jesus isn't a culture He is the Way burning through the world to this day. Jesus said no man can come to God unless He draws him to Him first, so the #1 thing to do in this situation is to pray for them, if you want to talk to them, pray hard for them first, pray and fast too if you can, then while you are talking to them, pray unceasingly in your mind and ask the Holy Spirit to help guide your tongue, that you may do everything you can to honor the precepts of Our King, that it is not His Will that any should perish(2pet3:9) but that in all things, Thy Will be done.

Hope this helps
They are saying like "Islam is best,other religions are false".Some text from previous message with same guy:
Jesus , Christians And Other Religions
they are Shit
They think That they have Other God they dont believe in Allah
And They dont know that Ther is only Allah And They all are his Sons
Allah is one And Only God There is no God Except Allah
Muslims Are (heart)
Just be Muslim And Pray (smile)"

But its hard to talk about Jesus and real God to them.They are "staying behind own words".
Just remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood, prayer makes a difference, etc.
Serious doubts
Share your favorite Praise and Worship songs with your brothers and sisters
God doesnt punish us
Check out my Christian Channel, I posted a few videos of which you can see here God bless!
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Toxic Zero Obliv:
Hello guys, I recently started making videos for the people of Christ that are being misled by a few things that involve games, addictions etc.. Here are two links for both of my videos! Thanks And remember Yeshua loves you all!

First one is a music video I made for the broken hearted

And the second video is exposing a game known as Bioshcok infinite and how it has subliminal and evil messages !

Thanks guys and share to your brothers and sisters in christ Shalom!
Good job, I guess you know already the only reason your video has low (1:1) ratings is because you chose to post them on steam, where there are a lot of active disapproving tongue-clicking atheistic trolls?

AD as the mark of the beast, is flipping the roles of Christ and Antichrist (Isaiah 5:20) because AD, rather, a.D. means more than anything anno Domini "In the Year of Our Lord", right now it is 2016 because it is the year 2016 in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some simpering self-important radical liberal limp wrists have tried to change AD/BC to CE/BCE, but all they've really done is confusing the issue to the layman, so many people will use the terms interchangeably and have no idea what they mean.
AD=Anno Domini (from the estimated birth year of King Jesus, some people wrongly believe this to mean After Death)
BC=Before Christ
CE=Common Era(Because only the commoners need a savior King, the pharisees don't need saving ;))
BCE=Before Common Era
CE was meant to replace a.D. and BCE was meant to replace BC
(Obviously I know AD means something else in the game itself)

So this is another attack on the "present age", I can tell you this having researched the early roots of the new age movements, Madame Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society(and the reason Adolf Hitler used the Swastika, but I digress) started this new age spiritist thought that the age of pisces(which she associated with Jesus, because he multipled some fish a couple times to feed the hungry, and icthys was used as an early christian symbol) was coming to a close and would be replaced by the age of aquarius.

Now, the symbol itself could have a lot more meaning in the game as well, I have no idea.

You say you're pretty much going to call the "bad guys" Christians, as well you should, they're mocking some presupposed hypocrisy and theocracy, neither of which exist in western society because our society at large is INCREDIBLY secular and even-handed on matters of faith, but they know who the target audience is, a bunch of whiny spoiled western self-loathers who despise what is good and love what is evil (I have plenty of experience in this because this is what I was for a long time)- The irony of course, is that societies like this do exist on earth but NOWHERE Christ has flourished, it is Sharia Law, the iron-fisted caliphates of islam, where you will have your head or hand handed to you if you step out of line, they are theocratic and extremely intolerant of other faiths. The closest exception would be Rome/Inquisition, but since they were all about burning the saints of God, and protecting their own power structure, and hated Biblical/Born Again Christianity, pagan Rome and its pagan papa popo do not count. :)
God doesnt punish us
Which is correct: Creationism or Evolution?
Ursprünglich geschrieben von CrusaderVW the Evangelist:
I think in some aspects you could say Creationism is a more broader sense of Theistic Evolution. Maybe when God created all that is and all that shall be it almost magically appeared or it could have came to be from cells clashing together only by His Will. I think the general argument of Creationism and Evolutionism has shifted from the question of how God created the Earth to did God even create the Earth.

Not in my mind, sounds like you hang with a lot of secularists if you aren't even sure if God created the Earth? Or maybe you just mean "the world" that most of the world is on some level of unbelieving and does not trust or follow God? God gave us life and dominion, and all of scripture is tied together and cross-confirming and self-referential. When I was a young naive Christian I believed that, evolution is true but God gave the "spark of life" etc, see I had gone from being a proselytizing atheist, to the realization of JESUS, He put His light in my heart and that's all that mattered, I didn't really think about Genesis or anything, and I had a very slow spiritual growth.

Since that time however, and especially since I've been researching spiritual warfare so much, I have come to the realization and the knowledge of why evolution was brow-beaten into us to begin with (and it was sure brow-beaten into me, in the secular public school system).... The reason is Transhumanism, the reason is end times universalist religion. The obvious conclusion of evolution is that we will continue to evolve into something that looks like a god compared to our current selves, it will be as different as a man and a chimp, or perhaps more so. There are those who believe we are now tasked with consciously directing our own evolution, some schools of transhumanism are very new agey and spiritual, others are very S.T.E.M.-related, they are all chasing the serpent's lie though, you will not surely die? you shall be as gods.

In closing, we can choose to take Jesus at His Word, or not. Jesus confirms the Genesis Creation:
But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. Mark 10:6-8

Ehh instead of quoting every single thing, here is a nice(at a glance, I've yet to read the whole thing) article for further reading for anyone interested:
Ergebnisse 2,051–2,060 von 2,069