Christian Gaming Community CGC
Christian Gaming Community CGC
1 Eylül 2007
United States 
A guy claiming to have his own god
There is a guy who is an atheist and being quite the troll in the Trump make America Great Again game forum thread. Maybe this is a little mean but I think what the Hulk says at the end of this clip is appropriate:
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if it's the person I think you're talking about, I haven't responded to him for a very long time, he is consuming himself with his own hatred, he's taking care of his own problem one way or another, when he's fully broken he'll be destroyed, or redeemed.

Edit: I see it was a different person, don't waste your time, some people are willfully hatefully blind, I was that way until God forced me to see the Gospel and accept or reject, all you can do is pray for this type.
En son † Jack † Jesus Saves † tarafından düzenlendi; 24 Kas 2020 @ 17:40
Did you know that the guy gave a link that was supposed to give verses that the the Bible condoned genocide and included this verse:

14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (Jn 1:14). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.

Where exactly does this verse indicate anything about genocide?

Considering that these are public forums, I did not consider all of it as throwing it to swine because of the possibility that there might be others who see it.

MOD EDIT: Deleted one video based on the name of the video etc...
En son CrEaTiVe ✞ Jesus Saves ✞ tarafından düzenlendi; 30 Kas 2020 @ 19:51
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Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 24 Kas 2020 @ 15:36
İleti: 3