Chosen Of Kami {K.A.M.I}
Chosen Of Kami {K.A.M.I}
26 April, 2015
United States 
ishe 18 Dec, 2016 @ 1:33pm
Application for Daimyo of House Fūjin
As was discussed at the most recent meeting, the position for the next house has opened. As per the usual i will be requiring an application to which i will discuss with my fellow leaders in making the decision on who will be best for our group. There are some differences from previous applications however. For one, even if you are not applying you can grant your vote of confidence or commendation by messing myself directly in discord. While this vote does not directly count towards your chances of getting chosen, we would like to hear the opinion of the mass. If its found that one or more parties are abusing this however, you will be removed from the running and will not be considered in the future. This is meant to be for our betterment, not for your own.

Second on the list of changes, while i would like some of your own insight, i will be making some requirements for the sake of formatting and to make sure only those who have shown their ability and willingness take the role.

First: you have to have run ATLEAST 3 full events (they can be simple game events but they need to have been put in the application section on discord, and furthermore in the events in steam, between now and selection next meeting.

Second: your application will now have some requirements, After that the rest is up to your own choosing.

Format should be the following:
Name/prefered name:
Current rank:
Date your joined Chosen of Kami: (if you dont remember, ask me or one of the leads to check the group history page on steam)
What your greatest strength you could use in this position:
What your greatest weakness is in this position:
Optional from there....

If you have any questions, see izzy or one of the leads.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
thedapperpug 18 Dec, 2016 @ 4:35pm 
Name/prefered name: bossy jerky
Current rank: Samurai of house Tsukuyomi
Date your joined Chosen of Kami: (A long time ago)
What your greatest strength you could use in this position: My greatest strength would be the ablitly to be able to come up with lots of new ideas for tournaments and such
What your greatest weakness is in this position: my greatest weakness would be the fact that i get discouraged very easily however i truly believe that i can help to make kami even better then it is.
THC 20 Dec, 2016 @ 4:33pm 
Name/prefered name:Kinky or Will
Current rank:Samurai of house Tsukuyomi
Date your joined Chosen of Kami: November 26. 2016
What your greatest strength you could use in this position: My greatest strengths would have to be that im very understanding and i like to connect with friends members and new people i am a friendly guy and i love to play with people and run stuff all the time when i have the time..
What your greatest weakness is in this position: My weakness would have to be that i have bad anger issues but i can control it i just be high alot but i am working on my anger issue.
Warfire300 20 Dec, 2016 @ 8:21pm 
Warfire / Jacob
Rank: Samuri of House Amaterasu
Joined steam group: Novmember 16, 2016; was on discord for a bit before joined steam group
Strength: i am understanding and nice to the people around me
weaknesses: i can get frustrated easily at specific situations, and i sometimes get depressed when i feel like what im doing in the game is useless.
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