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15 December, 2015
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NEW Admin applications (OPEN)
Hey everyone, i am opening up this discussion regarding applications to keep things organized since some applications were looked over.

If you are still interested in being a ranked member of our community, do make an application below following the guidelines Queen-Bea has posted, I will be repasting them for convienence sake, thank you.

If your application is too large for chat provide a link to your application.

Hello, QueenBea here! Just letting everyone know we will be taking Moderator applications now. Don't worry as I will still be extremely picky with those I take on.

Before we get started, here are some basic rules you should keep in mind before entering your applications;

  • I have every right to decline your form for any reason, but I will do my best to be fair. Do not whine and complain about me rejecting your form, as it will make your chances even slimmer in the future.

  • Your form will not be accepted if I or any of my admins have not seen you on the server. We need to know how you act as a player before we can decide how you will act as a person in power.

  • If we have reason to believe you are abusing your power, we have every right to revoke it.

  • By submitting your form, you are agreeing to be kind and respectful to our users, as well as doing your best with their best interest at heart. Do not act like you are better than the users just because you have a rank. You are there to protect them and the server, not to boss them around.

With that in mind, here is the application!
  1. Why do you want to be staff on CentralViolet?

  2. Do you feel you have a good reputation with the other players?

  3. Do you believe you can always do your best to be respectful and helpfull to those around you?

  4. Do you have any prior staff experience? If so, are you still staff on that server, why or why not?

  5. Over all, what do you think makes you qualified for this job?
When you have completed filling out the form, Post it in the comments, or if you'd rather it stay private, send it to me (QueenBea) via steam chat (broken up if needed), or to my skype (mitzi.ray12).

If you have any other questions post in the comments or message me! Thank you!
Last edited by 死 Snags 死; 2 Dec, 2016 @ 5:47pm
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Wednesday 2 Dec, 2016 @ 5:05pm 
"If you have any other questions post in the comments" Sorry, I have a question :P

In the content of the discussion, it states "we will be taking Moderator applications now."

Whereas the title is talking about an "Admin application discussion"?

It's not that big of a deal, but it's enough to confuse me. Thanks.

死 Snags 死 2 Dec, 2016 @ 5:47pm 
Hmm, true! Fixed.
Vivianne 3 Dec, 2016 @ 9:02pm 
My previous applicaton has little to do change, as i have had no update of the status of my spplication (the last thing i got was a "well think about it" and that was the very end of it) but if needed i can re-word this to current standards, here is the old one
Smiddy 4 Dec, 2016 @ 12:23pm 
Why do you want to be staff on CentralViolet?

Honestly i like the server and need something to pass the time. getting rid of minges is always fun, am i right?

Do you feel you have a good reputation with the other players?

It's kind of mixed feeling at the moment. i can't tell whether the people who visit regularly think i'm an annoyance, or if they think of me neutrally.

Do you believe you can always do your best to be respectful and helpfull to those around you?

Yes, most definitely

Do you have any prior staff experience? If so, are you still staff on that server, why or why not?

I have staff experience on multiple servers. some of which were taken down due to lack of funding sadly.

1. Raze Gaming - Moderator
2. Adversary Gaming - Moderator
3. Nemesis Build/Kill - Admin/Moderator
4. RireTram - Moderator
5. Bipizar - Admin
6. Snyde - Respected

Over all, what do you think makes you qualified for this job?

I have been on CentralViolet/BlueCloud for a while (not recently enough apparently, my time was reset) and i have a lot of staffing experience with multiple kinds of sandbox servers.
Wednesday 6 Dec, 2016 @ 2:32am 
I've thought about it for a little while, but I suppose I better give it a shot.

1. Why do you want to be staff on CentralViolet?

There are times I can help during the early hours of the morning, as I am from Australia.
I believe I can help significantly.

2. Do you feel you have a good reputation with the other players?

I do feel I have a good reputation with other players. I have made some good friends on this server.

3. Do you believe you can always do your best to be respectful and helpfull to those around you?

I do believe I can always do my best to be respectful and helpful to the best of my ability to those around me.

4. Do you have any prior staff experience? If so, are you still staff on that server, why or why not?

I have been in various positions over the last three years. These include:

Administrator - lost position/server died (no players left)

Operator - I was an operator in our old server group. \ ( ` u ` ) /

Moderator - lost position/server died (owner 'vanished')

5. Over all, what do you think makes you qualified for this job?

I think I am qualified for a higher role as I have learned from my past the limit of what is acceptable. I do overthink things a lot, but sometimes I get fixated on something. I believe that I can help other people with this role.

Thankyou for reading.

Please get back to me soon,
NuclearWanderer 8 Dec, 2016 @ 10:08pm 
Why do you want to be staff on CentralViolet?
I want to be staff because i have had experience and CentralViolet is a go to server now and i enjoy the company of the other players.

Do you feel you have a good reputation with the other players?
Completely, i may be a bit of a pain sometimes but i am friends with Jook The Zook(Operator) Mr Turtle (Admin) and SwiftStrike(Honorable).

Do you believe you can always do your best to be respectful and helpfull to those around you?
I believe i can do my best, i have had a good reputation with other players.

Do you have any prior staff experience? If so, are you still staff on that server, why or why not?
I used to be a moderator on a server called Nureax Gaming, i am not anymore due to inactivity on the server, since CentralViolet is pretty good (Not saying that for a better chance of getting the rank, it just is).

Over all, what do you think makes you qualified for this job?
I enjoy the server, got a pretty good reputation and have a few friends on steam who are higher ranks, thats why i think i am qualified.
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