group Castlerminer Z =|GCMZ|=
group Castlerminer Z =|GCMZ|=
13 December, 2012
United States 
Jaybensan218 3 Feb, 2014 @ 11:47am
A class system of our own.
Hey i know there is no class system (and there should not none) but why not makeup our own? i will give a few (not a few more like a lot xD) examples. (reminder when i say what weapons, i wont include what type cause we all know iron,gold,diamond,bloodstone,alien are hard to come by so i will let you decide on that, and tools and knifes are optinal except with the assassin class)
FORWARD CLASS: The Forward class is used to advance forward into the world, exploring extremely dangerous ares/caves, and is also used for defending areas or other players. Heavy gameplay style. Forward class will have early acces to stronger LMGs due to the constance forward into the world and dangerous missions.

Weapons of choice:
Light machine gun, Assault rifle
SCOUT CLASS: The Scout class is used to accompany diffrent partys/classes, it is also used to a quick round up of the area it is in. Light/supportive gameplay style. Scouts will have early acces to stronger pistols and SMGs due to the light and quick loadout.

Weapons of choice:
Pistol, Submachine gun
SOLDIER CLASS: The Soldier class is a common class for its balance offience and defence, soldier class will be used to storm into areas with a large party force to take over the area. Soldier gameplay style. they will have early acces to stronger assault rifles due to the large raids.

Weapons of choice:
Assault rifle, Pistol, Grenade,
UNDERGROUND CLASS: The Underground class will be used for excavation missions as well as mining missions, Underground class is like a mining class but with a little known for its underground like missions they will also be in charge of most of the ore resources, miner type gameplay style. they will have early acces to better pickaxes for better results underground.

Weapons of choice:
Shotgun, Submachine gun
DEMOLITION CLASS: The Demo class will be in charge with anti dragon attacks and alien raids due to there explosive habit, they will be used to accompany large raids for explosive firepower and will help defend against dragons of all sort and might even help destroy mountains for a safer and faster travel, Explosive and suicidal gameplay style. The Demo class will have early acces to better and stronger RPGs, grenades, and anti dragon RPGs.

Weapons of choice:
RPG, Submachine gun, grenades
SURVIVOR CLASS: The survivor class will be used to gather resources such as wood, stone, dirt, and serface ores, not many will choose this class due to the stronger and survival rate classes but the survivor class will be needed for more resources and can take over for any other class when in need of help, survival type gameplay style. survivor class will have acces to more building materials then most classes will due to the constance rate of trying to survive by building shelter and other helpful temp homes.

Weapons of choice:
Pistol, Rfile, Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel
SNIPER CLASS: There is not much to tell about the sniper class, by its name you should find out what its primary goal will be, usually helps scouts on there missions and provides air support too against jumping zombies and dragons, sniper type gameplay style. The sniper class will have acces to better sniper rifles and rifles due to the long range attacks.

Weapons of choice:
Sniper rifle, Rifle, pistol
ASSASSIN CLASS: The assassin class is something only a chosen few will most likely use due to low firerate and low ammo, the assassins can assist ANY class on any mission, due to the very VERY light gameplay style the assassin only has a pistol and a knife, what makes him good is that he can survey the area and go for the kill with his knife, the assassin class will have early acces to better knifes and pistol due to there low firepower.

Weapons of choice:
Pistol, knife
Leave comment down below and tell me what class you would most likely be and what you think, if we should have a system like this, or you call me a flipping dumbutt, eaither way it took about 15 min to write this so i hope you do like what you see. may i see you all in the world of CMZ
Last edited by Jaybensan218; 5 Feb, 2014 @ 12:17pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Jaybensan218 3 Feb, 2014 @ 11:54am 
of course you can also make your own loadout, im just suggesting something interesting...
Five Knight 3 Feb, 2014 @ 12:07pm 
not bad
Jaybensan218 4 Feb, 2014 @ 7:28am 
Cyber Elite 3 Apr, 2014 @ 2:36pm 
You should of added a Dragon Exterminator that uses a gidded missle rocket launcher or maybe an LMG when a dragon apears. Very cool idea's btw
Jaybensan218 3 Apr, 2014 @ 6:36pm 
Originally posted by Stealth Gamer:
You should of added a Dragon Exterminator that uses a gidded missle rocket launcher or maybe an LMG when a dragon apears. Very cool idea's btw
Hmmm not a bad combo..... but the Demo class is kinda a anti dragon class of its own, if you do have a new idea lay it on me, i like to hear :D
Last edited by Jaybensan218; 3 Apr, 2014 @ 6:40pm
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