Council of Law and War C.L.A.W
Council of Law and War C.L.A.W
2013 年 6 月 23 日
关于 Council of Law and War

Est. 1995 and still rolling.

CLAW CHARTER est. 1995
CLAW Mission Statement

The goal of CLAW in any game that the guild plays is simple: to have fun. Nothing more, nothing less. We are a guild of friends, and our mutual friendships are more important than anything else. We expect that all members of CLAW uphold to this idea of mutual friendship and contribute to a friendly playing environment.

CLAW is governed by a Council. The Council exists not to rule the guild, but to serve the members of the guild by providing organization, communication, conflict resolution, and leadership. The size of the Council will be determined by the size of the guild -- new openings on the Council will be created at the Council's own discretion. The position of Guild Master is strictly perfunctory. The GM's use of guild leader commands is limited and bound by the Charter. His role is to make sure all decisions of the Council revolve around the charter.

Individual Councilors may be assigned different responsibilities, such as Webmaster, Events Coordinator, Secretary, Head of Recruitment, etc. All of these specific duties are secondary to the duties shared by all Council members.

Advisors:(Senior Members) Advisors are people who wish to help with the running of the guild and making it a friendly environment. Their responsibilities will range from helping new members to the guild with guild-tagging,answering questions in Guild Chat, helping with the organization of anything in-game and emailing or icqing current council members with any suspected problems. We are adding Advisors to help the guild because most Council Members can not play 24/7. These responsibilities are things most Members of CLAW can help with but are not required but the Advisors will be proactive in helping with these items.


Finally, I want everyone to know that CLAW is full of families and that is what makes us special. CLAW is made up of Husbands/Wives, Boyfriends/Girlfriends, Fathers/Sons, Uncles/Nephews, Brothers/Sisters and lots of Real Life friends with the assorted Online friends that have known each other for years. CLAW will be around long after any of our online games end. We shall be playing together in many more online games. If you want a online family, fun and adventure then CLAW might be the guild for you

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2 条留言
ZerO (К.Φ.Ϛ) 2013 年 6 月 23 日 下午 8:33 
Just so everyone knows I will mainly be playing DOTA 2 and BL2 until I get a new stick of RAM then I will be joining back with my community on Star Wars the Old Republic, not full time. I will still be playing steam games like always
ZerO (К.Φ.Ϛ) 2013 年 6 月 23 日 下午 8:30 
Welcome to CLAW community, nobody in the community set up a steam group so I went ahead and did so.
AKA - DubyaBuddah. Hatshepsut, Son of Oxican
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2013 年 6 月 23 日