Bunny Level Up Service BunnyLVLUP
Bunny Level Up Service BunnyLVLUP
2017 年 8 月 22 日
所有討論 > General > 主題細節
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions
Q1 •What is a badge?
A• A badge is an icon on your profile (and tied to your account) that represents the trading card sets you've collected or your participation in an event.
If you want to know more Visit : Official Page Of Steam Trading Cards

Q2 •What is a set?
A• A set is all the trading cards needed to craft a badge one time.

Q3 •Do I need to Own the Game if I want to Craft it's badge?
A• No.
You can Craft badges for any game if you have a complete set of trading cards from that game.

Q4 • What do I get if I craft a card set?
A• You get 100 XP, Profile backgrounds, Emoticons & Coupons or event items/Cards when you craft a badge.

Q5 • What are the benefits of level up?
A• Increased Friends list size (+ 5 friends slot increase per level Upto Maximum of 2000 once you reach level 350)
Showcases for your Steam Profile (1 new showcase every 10 levels)
Increased chance of Booster Pack drop (+ 20 % chance for every 10 levels)

Q6•Will I get sets that I have already Crafted?
A•We will check your badges before sending you a trade offer for sets. Please make sure to craft all sets from your inventory first before buying sets.

Q7 •How Safe is Trading with Us?
A•100% SAFE. It is a trade done via trade offers. You will give us your keys or gems for our card sets via trading. You don't have to deposit anything to trade with us.

Q8 • Who do I contact If I need help or have any questions?
A• Contact Us Via DISCORD[]
Still Have Questions Add This Guy We are always here & happy to help.

Q9 • What do you need to buy card sets to levelup your profile?
A• 1. All CS:GO Keys (Only Sticker & Capsule Keys NOT Accepted)
Operation Hydra Case Key accepted but at a lower rate
Note: Keys Bought Inside CS:GO main menu are not tradable anymore. Only Keys bought from steam community market are tradable now.
2. Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys/Tf2 Key
3. Gems NOTE: SACK OF GEMS Should be Unpacked. To unpack gems go to your Steam Inventory & Click on Sack of Gems and then Click Unpack Gems.
4. Cs:Go Skins, Tf2 Items etc If you want to trade these or any other item for card sets Add This Guy

Q10 • How can you trade with us?
A• Add Bunny Level Up to your friends list. It will accept the request. After that type !help or !command in chat to see list of commands.

Q11 • Which Bunny Level up should I Add?
A• 1. Add Bunny (Very Low)Level Up : For people starting to level up. Can take you from 0 to 50+ Level
Add Bunny (Low)Level Up : For people who have crafted a few sets. Can take you from 0 to 100+ Level
Add Bunny (Medium)Level Up : For people who have already crafted a lot of sets. Can take you from 0 to 150+ Level
Add Bunny (High)Level Up : Higher variety of sets for high level profiles. Can take you from 0 to 200+ Level
as your friend whichever one suits you according to your current level or which one has card sets for your profile.

Q12 • How do I buy card sets for my Keys?
A• Add Bunny Level Up to your friends list. It will accept the request.
After that type in chat !buytf [amount of Tf2 Keys]
For Example: !buytf 1 (To buy my card sets for your 1 tf2 key)
It will send you a trade offer for the card sets for your tf2 key. Accept the trade offer. Bigger trade offers might take some time to accept please be patient. Once you get your card sets you can craft them to Levelup.
For CS:GO Keys use the same method to buy sets but with a minor change as following :
Type !buy [amount of Csgo Keys]
For Example: !buy 1 (To buy my card sets for your 1 Csgo key)
Accept offer and craft sets as mentioned above.
For Hydra Keys use the same method to buy sets but with a minor change as following : Type !buyhydra [amount of Hydra Keys]
For Example: !buyhydra 1 (To buy my card sets for your 1 Operation Hydra key)

Q13 • How do I buy card sets for my Gems?
A• Add Bunny Level Up to your friends list. It will accept the request.
After that type in chat !buygems [amount of Sets]
For Example: !buygems 1 (To buy my 1 set for your gems)
It will send you a trade offer for the card sets for your gems. Accept the trade offer. Once you get your card sets you can craft them to Levelup.
NOTE: Please don't use amount of gems in !buygems [amount] Use Number of sets. Also, your gems should be unpacked i.e Out of the Sack to be used.

Q14 • What if I want to reach a particular level?
A• If you want to reach a particular level Type in chat : !level [Your Desired Level] Example : !level 100
It will tell you how many sets, keys or gems you will need to reach that level. Type the command it tells you to buy that many sets. For example:
!buytf 30 (To buy my card sets for your 30 tf2 key)
!buy 30 (To buy my card sets for your 30 Csgo key)
!buygems 30 (To buy my 30 set for your gems)
It will send you a trade offer for the card sets for your keys or Gems. Accept the trade offer. Once you get your card sets you can craft them to Levelup.

Q15 • Why does it take so long once I accept the offer sometimes?
A• The trade offer gets sent in just few seconds but it may take a few minutes if it is a big trade to complete. The bigger the trade the more time it takes. Please be patient and wait for the offer to be processed.

Q16 • How Can I craft badges once I have Completed the trade for sets?
A• Go to your Profile page, click on the "Badges" link near the top of the right side or select "Badges" from your persona name drop down in the Steam menu. From your Badges page, the "Badges in Progress" tab will show which badges are ready to be crafted. Select a ready to craft badge to view its details and click on the blue "Craft a Badge" button.
Shortcut to check your badges:

Q17 • Why are you not able to trade with me?
A• 1. Your steam account is limited. Read this for more information :
2. You have trade holds i.e. trading with your account will lead to items going in hold for few days. Read this :
3. You don't have Steam Mobile Authenticator enabled. You will need to wait from 2 days to 15 days after your enable it to be able to trade without holds.
To enable it visit & follow instructions :
4. Your steam profile and inventory should be public.
5. Keys, Gems or Card sets are not tradable yet Or Your Gems are in a Sack. Go to your steam inventory to Unpack the Gems.
最後修改者:¡ ☆Bunny | S>Level Up; 2021 年 8 月 8 日 下午 11:29
所有討論 > General > 主題細節
張貼日期: 2021 年 6 月 2 日 上午 5:01
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