«×þ®eDåŦ¤®» BUNDLEMANIA BundleMania
«×þ®eDåŦ¤®» BUNDLEMANIA BundleMania
1 July, 2015
[GROUPBUY] Greenlight Bundles
Otaku Maker - Greenlight #3 []
- me {x5}
- LeeExMachina {x5}

Otaku Maker - Greenlight #4 []
- me {x5}
- LeeExMachina {x5}

Otaku Maker - Bundle Mix #1
~ note only 3 games greenlight , rest were steam keys
~ games = Rescue Lucy = Ping Ping = Karma Miwa

- me {x5}
- LeeExMachina {x5}

Otaku Maker - Greenlight #5 []

- me {x5}
- LeeExMachina {x5}

~ 3 Steam keys + 5 Greenlight/Greenlit
~ games = Particles , Temporal Temple , Drunk Wizards , Thunder Gun, Tomato Jones

- me
- LeeExMachina {via special coupon - i think greenlit steam keys will go direct to you}

Otaku Maker - Bundle Mix #2
~ note only 3 games greenlight , rest were steam keys
~ games = Chronicles of the Holy War = El Ninja = NightmareZ

- me {x5}
- LeeExMachina {x5}

Digital Homicide {via} - Super Summer Greenlight Bundle
~ note 40x Greenlight games , steam keys coming asap
~ games =
Coastal Carnage regularly
Grimmehz's Journey regularly
Bombing Run regularly
Hovering Heli Death regularly
Withering Kingdoms: Flurry Of Arrows regularly
Decimation Of Olarath regularly
1 Ball 2 Win regularly
Crazy Adventures Of Poo Flung Doo regularly
Reginald's Knightly Duties regularly
Sarah To The Rescue: Hungry Monkeys regularly
Sarah To The Rescue 2: Hungry Lions regularly
Sarah To The Rescue 3: Hungry Zebras regularly
Sarah To The Rescue 5: Hungry Snakes regularly
Merle Wizard Extrodinaire 3 regularly
ELT regularly
Assault On Orion 7 regularly
Sarah To The Rescue 4: Hungry Kangaroos regularly
Merle Wizard Extrodinaire regularly
Merle Wizard Extrodinaire 2 regularly
Operation Vile Strike regularly
Withering Kingdom: Arcane War 2 regularly
Assault On Xarturz regularly
Assault On Xarturz 2 regularly
Not In My Crapper regularly
Barnacle Explorer Sub: Shark Rescue regularly
Daisy's Sweet Time: Cupcake Mania 2 regularly
Barnacle Explorer Sub: Octo Helper regularly
Daisy's Sweet Time: Cupcake Mania regularly
Barnacle Explorer Sub: Fish Rescue regularly
Daisy's Sweet Time: Cupcake Mania 3 regularly
Pete's Pumpkin Apocalypse 2 regularly
Pete's Pumpkin Apocalypse regularly
Mike The Astronaut: Battle on Arturian Twelve regularly
Sinister Spiders: A Sticky Situation regularly
Mike The Astronaut: Assault on Thalasian 5 regularly
Mike The Astronaut: Zentaru Armada regularly
Sinister Spiders: Beetle Barrage regularly
The Lost Jewels of the Zathalarin Jungle regularly
A Fight - in the Garden regularly
Sinister Spiders: Garden Vermin regularly

- me {x5} (no split just me)

Otaku Maker - Greenlight #6 []

- me {x5}
- LeeExMachina {x5}

Otaku Maker - Bundle Mix #3 []
~ note only 3 games greenlight , rest were steam keys
~ games = Rise of Evil Deadite: Kill Or Be A Slave = White Hero {new greenlight page coming} = Game of Memes

- me {x10}

Otaku Maker - Greenlight #7 []

- me {x5}
- LeeExMachina {x5}

Otaku Maker - Greenlight #8 []

- me {x5}
- LeeExMachina {x5}
Last edited by «×þ®eDåŦ¤®»; 15 Jan, 2017 @ 11:03am
Date Posted: 26 Apr, 2016 @ 12:50pm
Posts: 0