The Brittanian Empire ♔TGBE♔
The Brittanian Empire ♔TGBE♔
21. Juni 2011
United States Minor Outlying 
148 Kommentare
nasche 25. Nov. 2020 um 13:33 
i like tea
Pa1kusss 28. Juni 2020 um 3:05 
All Hail Lelouch!
becksgirlfriend 31. Mai 2019 um 13:35 
Anthrozoon Exterminator 28. Dez. 2012 um 16:32 
DanMystro 26. Okt. 2012 um 13:54 
Can I help promote this group by posting links on facebook?
Plebson 9. Sep. 2012 um 15:24 
Well then enjoy yourself Kewell, goodbye.
Killance 8. Sep. 2012 um 19:46 
I was gonna lie and say its been fun, but it hasn't been.
This group has gotten boring and turned into one of those "just there" groups.
I will be leaving this group, wish you all well.
Plebson 24. Aug. 2012 um 12:29 
I will speak with Lelouch on any position requests.
Aurora 5. Aug. 2012 um 22:30 
I can be the Cornelia from time to time, if you don't have one allready.
My friends who watched Code Geass say that I resemble her in personality, and how I handle combat in FPS games. And I have a friend who's just like Guilford, too.
I wonder if Britannia plays TF2 aswell.
I'm envisioning a team of Britannians VS some public F2Ps or some random clan, crushing them gloriously.
I would gladly lead the charge. All hail Britannia. All hail Lelouch.
Killance 5. Aug. 2012 um 20:34 
To be on the list of the front page. You need to get representation by one of the princes. Talk to them for more information.
Aurora 5. Aug. 2012 um 10:06 
Don't worry, It's not admin powers I want, just a fancy royal title and being part of the nice list up there. Though the name changing prevents consistency, so it's just a fancy thought I have.
Aurora 5. Aug. 2012 um 10:01 
Also, Nunnaly In Wonderland anime seems to be coming out. First episode is on various anime streaming sites.
Killance 1. Aug. 2012 um 19:06 
You can always change your name to a Princess and will adress to you as such.

Admin position is a completely different story.
Aurora 1. Aug. 2012 um 15:51 
You don't have an Crown Princess? I love Code Geass and Britannia, and am amazingly smart and intelligent. *self praise there*
I recommend myself, although I change my names constantly.
Killance 1. Aug. 2012 um 14:28 
English would be great.
Anthrozoon Exterminator 31. Juli 2012 um 22:31 
Killance 29. Mai 2012 um 11:08 
┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)

(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
Aurora 26. Mai 2012 um 4:33 
All hail Britannia!
Plebson 8. Mai 2012 um 18:05 
Very well I shall speak with Lelouch as soon as possible.
Perel 8. Mai 2012 um 15:26 
i would be happy to to help in any way all hail Emperor lelouch all hail Britannia also is there any knights yet i would love to be one of the 13
Anthrozoon Exterminator 16. Apr. 2012 um 19:05 
Yes please direct all inquirys to me!
Killance 11. Apr. 2012 um 22:28 
All Area's are controlled by our two Pirnces. If you want a Area, you'll have to speak to them.
[5H] Homeland Security 10. Apr. 2012 um 15:51 
Hello, i was wondering if i could apply as prince of Area 12? (I am part filipino)
Tazdeviltron 7. Apr. 2012 um 8:48 
well if i were an admin i will not leave because i was a admin. :3
Killance 25. März 2012 um 16:06 
Everytime we recruit admins, they always leave.
Tazdeviltron 24. März 2012 um 12:16 
can i be an admin then? :3
Killance 24. März 2012 um 12:00 
Well this is troublesome, we lost 2 admins.
Rhen 5. Feb. 2012 um 3:20 
Ah, this will be hard to explain, but I'll give it a try.

We are all steam role-players. Steam role-play is essentially a semi-political, multi-cultural, international political simulation which spans throughout all time periods and civilizations in humanity's past. There are also branches whith different role-plays, such as "Star Wars Role-Play" etc. This "Empire" is a fictional one, and takes therefore a part in a fictional role-play. Anyway, back to the topic. We are all members of this group because we like the Britannian Empire in the series (anime) called: "Code Geass" (I'll put a link below). The more members a group has, the stronger it stand and the better it can fend of enemy attacks (other groups). If you want me to explain it even better/more, contact me and I'll happily explain it to you.

~ Hiroshi Okazaki, Royal Britannian Advisor

-Link to episode 1:
-Link to wiki (THBE):
Tazdeviltron 4. Feb. 2012 um 14:41 
do all you people want to be british or something??
Killance 28. Jan. 2012 um 9:43 
/Insert troll reference here..... FOREVERALONE.jpeg
The Architect 27. Jan. 2012 um 14:22 
*Insert Zero reference here*
Zombiegamer 27. Jan. 2012 um 13:47 
LookyDooky 27. Jan. 2012 um 13:46 
lol thats funny i am suzaku
Killance 27. Jan. 2012 um 13:02 
Nothing but a faker.
Rhen 22. Jan. 2012 um 9:32 
Alrighty then. o___0
Rhen 22. Jan. 2012 um 3:13 
Kyron, Zero? As in the Familiar of Zero?
Rhen 22. Jan. 2012 um 3:12 
Rue 21. Jan. 2012 um 4:18 
Though I would probably appreciate a link to a quick reference guide or something. Or maybe I can google for a wiki tomorrow. :3
Rue 21. Jan. 2012 um 4:17 
I see. I've never seen the tv show, but I can understand that. :3
Anthrozoon Exterminator 20. Jan. 2012 um 15:01 
Our group runs differantly than the tv show but we keep group info accurate to the show thats why!
Rue 20. Jan. 2012 um 14:58 
How come the page makes a list of number-areas, if it says at the top that the number-area system was abolished?
♎ Captain Archer 20. Jan. 2012 um 14:51 
May i be Prince of area 9 as i live near New Zeland (i live in Australia)
Anthrozoon Exterminator 20. Jan. 2012 um 13:27 
Perhaps its not of importance!
Plebson 19. Jan. 2012 um 18:11 
Why does no one comment anymore?
Rhen 16. Jan. 2012 um 5:49 
Wear 16. Jan. 2012 um 3:56 
Brb, Signing a contract for my Geass :P
LookyDooky 15. Jan. 2012 um 21:45 
Polio Rolio 15. Jan. 2012 um 20:00 
Thank you Emperor Lelouch