.:British Empire:. ♔|BE|♔
.:British Empire:. ♔|BE|♔
17 September, 2011
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
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  • Have you purchased a nobility pack? If so, which one?:
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  • Noble Title (if you have purchased a nobility pack):
  • Political Affiliation:
    • Bute's Tories (Conservatives), The Patriotic Whigs (Liberals), or The Mercantiles (Mercantile)
  • Biography:
Last edited by Thomas Lawford; 12 Dec, 2020 @ 1:46pm
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Thomas Lawford 12 Dec, 2020 @ 1:51pm 
Character's Full Name: John Stuart

Family Name: Stuart

Birth Date: 25 May 1713 (Aged 37)

Occupation: Lawyer, Politician, Business Owner, and Financier

Have you purchased a nobility pack? If so, which one?: Count

Noble Title (if you have purchased a nobility pack): Earl of Bute

Political Affiliation: Bute's Tory

Biography: Born in Parliament Close, close to St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh on 25 May 1713, the son of James Stuart, 2nd Earl of Bute, and his wife, Lady Anne Campbell. I attended Eton College from 1724 to 1730. I went on to study civil law at the Universities of Groningen (1730–32) and Leiden (1732–34) in the Netherlands, graduating from the latter with a degree in civil law.

A close relative of the Clan Campbell (my mother was a daughter of the 1st Duke of Argyll), I succeeded to the Earldom of Bute (named after the Isle of Bute) upon the death of my father in 1723. I was brought up thereafter by his maternal uncles, the 2nd Duke of Argyll and Archibald Campbell, 3rd Duke of Argyll, 1st and only Earl of Ilay. In August 1735, I eloped with Mary Wortley Montagu, whose parents Sir Edward and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu were slow to consent to the marriage. In 1737, I was elected a Scottish representative peer; despite being in London in December of that year, I did not participate in deliberations in the House of Lords. Because of my support for Argyll against Walpole, I was not re-elected in 1741. For the next several years I retired to my estates in Scotland to manage affairs and indulge my interest in botany.

In 1745, I moved to Westminster, London, where my family rented a house at Twickenham for forty-five pounds per annum. I met Frederick, Prince of Wales, in 1747 at the Egham Races and became a close friend.
Character's Full Name: Steve Oflead

Family Name: Oflead

Birth Date: IDK

Take the test here Politician, Military, Finance, Business
Have you purchased a nobility pack? Grand Duke

Noble Title IDK

Political Affiliation:
The Mercantiles

Biography: IDK
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Date Posted: 12 Dec, 2020 @ 1:45pm
Posts: 2

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