Bored of Default KF? BoDKF
Bored of Default KF? BoDKF
14. März 2021
ÜBER Bored of Default KF?

Group for all Killing Floor Players who like modded KF

This Group is for KF Veterans, Newcomers, Achievement Hunters, custom Perk Lovers, Weapon Freaks and friends of custom Zeds.

Whenever you want to play modified KF, different to the default KF, this is your Group!

Everyone is welcome to join this Group and of course joining the Servers. In this Group, you will find many Hints, Informations, Server IP's and other Stuff to get knowledge about the Servers and its modifications.

I wish you all a lot of FUN !!!

ScrN Balance Server

Crazy Madness Server

Hell in Space Server

Here you can download the main Parts of the Mods including the Maps, to join the Servers way faster

Download Section

Here you can find the files from the Updates and some Informations about the Updates. You don't need to download the Updates, when you don't use the main Downloads

Update Log

If you like the Servers and my work on them, you could support me with a little Donation


When you donate, i can mention you in the following Section, provided you want it

Donator Section

Here you can post some Screenshots, taken while playing on the Servers

Screenshot Area

If you have any Issues, you can visit the following Section

Help, Fixes & Programm Boosts

You can discuss your thoughts, request, problems and general stuff here, or you can even post your own Server

General Discussions

BUG REPORT (ScrN Balance)
ScrN Balance Bugs

BUG REPORT (Crazy Madness)
Crazy Madness Bugs

BUG REPORT (Hell in Space)
Hell in Space Bugs
Win a personal and Player related Skin
What is the Skin about?
  • You can win a Skin, which is Player related and personal
  • It will be the Jigsaw Billy Skin
  • The Skin will have your Name tagged (Colour and Font selectable)
  • The Skin will have a Icon, which you can choose (Colour selectable)
  • The Skin will have a unique Insult, which you can choose (You can select 2)
  • It can be used on the "ScrN Balance Server" the "Crazy Madness Server" except on the Outta Space Mod, since the Skins on this Mod using a special Trader Voice, fitting to the Mod and the "Hell in Space Server" except on the Dead Space Mods, since the Skins on this Mods using a special Trader Voice, fitting to the Mods

How to win a Skin? (You only need to achieve 1 of the 6 requirements below, not all 6)
1. Win 4 Map Achievements, on every of the following Mods, on the Crazy Madness Server the ScrN Balance Server and the Hell in Space Server (No matter which Difficulty / 2 Skins can be rewarded for the first 2 Players completing the requirement)
  • Hardcore Mod (Crazy Madness - 4 Map Achievements)
  • Legacy Mod (Crazy Madness - 4 Map Achievements)
  • Outta Space Mod (Crazy Madness - 4 Map Achievements)
  • WTF Mod (Crazy Madness - 4 Map Achievements)
  • Magic Doom Mod (Crazy Madness - 4 Map Achievements)
  • Unholy Warfare: Endgame Mod (Hell in Space - 4 Map Achievements)
  • ScrN Floor: Any Mod (ScrN Balance - 4 Map Achievements)

2. Complete at least 3 Achievement Groups, of the following Mods, on the Crazy Madness Server the ScrN Balance Server and the Hell in Space Server (3 Groups on all Mods together, not 3 Groups in every Mod / 2 Skins can be rewarded for the first 2 Players completing the requirement)
  • Hardcore Mod (Crazy Madness - Except the Perk Level Groups)
  • Legacy Mod (Crazy Madness - Except the Perk Level Groups)
  • Outta Space Mod (Crazy Madness - Except the Perk Level Groups)
  • WTF Mod (Crazy Madness - Except the Perk Level Groups)
  • Magic Doom Mod (Crazy Madness - Except the Perk Level Groups)
  • Magic Doom Insane Mod (Crazy Madness - Except the Perk Level Groups)
  • Unholy Warfare (Hell in Space - Except the Perk Level Groups)
  • Unholy Warfare: Endgame Mod (Hell in Space - Except the Perk Level Groups)
  • ScrN Floor: Any Mod (ScrN Balance - Except the Perk Level Groups)

3. Fully Level up 3 Perks, on the following Mods, on the Crazy Madness Server the ScrN Balance Server and the Hell in Space Server (3 Perks on all Mods together, not 3 Perks in every Mod, but when Perks level up the same, only 1 does count / 2 Skins can be rewarded for the first 2 Players completing the requirement)
  • Hardcore Mod (Crazy Madness)
  • Legacy Mod (Crazy Madness)
  • Outta Space Mod (Crazy Madness)
  • WTF Mod (Crazy Madness)
  • Magic Doom or Magic Doom Insane Mod, since the Perk Levels are the same on both (Crazy Madness)
  • Unholy Warfare or Unholy Warfare: Endgame, since the Perk Levels are the same on both (Hell in Space)
  • ScrN Floor: Any Mod (ScrN Balance)

4. If you invite 10 people, joining this Group (Not only the Chat) and they join, then you will be rewarded with a Skin too (1 Skin can be rewarded for the first Player completing the requirement)

5. If you make a donation of at least 10€, you will earn a Skin too (NOTE: I am not selling the Skins, since i am not the Autor of the whole Skin anyway, i will just reward you with a Skin, to show you how thankful i am, for the Donation (1 Skin can be rewarded for the first Player completing the requirement)
Link: Donator Section

6. Complete the first three requirements above (1, 2 & 3). If all skins for the requirements above have already been assigned, you still have the chance to win a skin this way (2 Skins can be rewarded for the first 2 Players completing the requirement)

What to do, when you are successful?
  • Make Screenshots of your Success
  • Upload the Screenshots, to the following Section Screenshots (Skin Rewards)
  • Add a notification and make sure, that i can see, which mod it is and what you have achieved
  • I request you, to upload the Screenshots directly together, to have a better overview
  • When you invited People to the Group, tell me, which People you invited and please them, to confirm your Invite
  • When it is a donation, you don't need to make a Screenshot, just give me the Info, that you have donated something and who you are
  • Don't try to cheat, i can and will check your progress inside the Files ;-)

10 Skins can be rewarded (9 left)
  • 2 x for Map Achievements (1st & 2nd Player completing the requirement)
  • 2 x for Achievement Groups (1st & 2nd Player completing the requirement)
  • 2 x for Perk Level (1st & 2nd Player completing the requirement)
  • 1 x for inviting 10 People, joining the Group (1st Player completing the requirement)
  • 1 x for donating at least 10€ (1st Player completing the requirement)
  • 2 x for completing requirement 1 - 3 (1st & 2nd Player completing the requirement)
  • You can win only once
  • If you have a question, just ask
  • Winners and Screenshots of the rewarded Skins, can be found here: Screenshots (Rewarded Skins)

Example Skin

Final Word
I hope you all enjoy the Hunt for the Skin and i am really curious, who is winning the first Skin and who is winning at all

See you soon and HAVE A LOT OF FUN!!!

40 Kommentare
P-Jay 12. Feb. 2022 um 16:14 
The Crazy Madness Server has been updated too, more information will come up soon in the Update Log Section
P-Jay 12. Feb. 2022 um 9:00 
ScrN Balance Server is updated with the latest Version
P-Jay 31. Jan. 2022 um 2:02 
@Eleutherococcus Fixed :)
Eleutherococcus 30. Jan. 2022 um 7:29 
Hey, I can't join to ScrN server. So slow download cache.
P-Jay 22. Dez. 2021 um 5:48 
The ScrN Server has been updated with the Final ScrN Version and unlike before, all Mods are now available via MapVote!
P-Jay 1. Nov. 2021 um 12:34 
New ScrN XC Mode is available on the ScrN Server =)
Chat betreten
14. März 2021