Blazing SpeedRunners [ВSR]
Blazing SpeedRunners [ВSR]
게임 중
2015년 1월 2일
United States 
Blazing SpeedRunners 정보

Welcome to Blazing SpeedRunners!

Hi! So you've either found this group from being invited by a member, or you just wanted to join one, Either is fine! We play SpeedRunners only and are a friendly community!

Who we are
We are an open, casual SpeedRunners group that you and your friends can join so that you can meet other players, connect, and play the game together!

Our Staff
Currently, we have 3 people running the show.
Below is their names, ranks, and character they most often play as.
Clawzz - Owner - Dodger
Zantre - Officer - Speedrunner
Bray ✯ Bear - Moderator - Markiplier

We will be hosting friendly tournaments from time to time so that we can all get together and and play the game.
The tournies are restricted to group members only though, since we plan on having a lot of people in the tournament at once.
There will be prizes in the Tournaments, and the value of the prize will depend on the attendance and skill of the Runners in the Tournament.
Make sure if you want to join a tourney, you check the calendar to stay up dated with the date so you don't miss your chance to be in it.
More Tournament rules coming soon, so stay on the lookout for those.

We encourage all of you to join our group, and if you don't have the game, buy the game, because SpeedRunners is a very fun, but competitive game, best played with others. So encourage your friends to play the game with you, because the amount of action and amusmant you'll get from this game is beyond the limits of what you think you'll have.

Remember, stay Speedy, and keep Blazing past the others!
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Tell us your League rank!
댓글 5
Tito_v1 2017년 8월 6일 오후 8시 04분 
I remember this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass group
Purple 2015년 8월 4일 오전 12시 11분 
Youre so ugly u remind me of a jew in a furnace in 1944
[3:09:26 AM] Zantre: yo momma so fat u look like a jew in a furnace in Auschwitz + Johnny Rebel ♥♥♥ naacp ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Post this comment on the page
BrayGG 2015년 3월 5일 오후 6시 45분 
Catman is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Jordi the Smol Wah 2015년 2월 19일 오전 9시 06분 
I don't even know why I was invited here, I don't have speedrunners and I don't want it. This is pointless for me, Catman out.
TheCampingHouse 2015년 1월 16일 오전 9시 54분 
I'm in beginner league ;-;
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0 채팅 중
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2015년 1월 2일
United States 
관계된 게임