BlackHawk Networks |BHN|
BlackHawk Networks |BHN|
17 February, 2017
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Ranger 22 Feb, 2017 @ 7:43pm
Drill Instructor Application
In-Game-Name (Ex. John):


How active can you be?

How would you describe your maturity level?

How would you describe you patience level?

Why do you want to become a Drill Instructor?

How would you describe your training style?

Nallout's Edit
I Nallout, in game name Company Major Murphy will be training DI's personally. When accepted you will report to me for training.
Last edited by Ranger; 25 Feb, 2017 @ 10:53am
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
GOOBY 8 Apr, 2017 @ 4:30pm 
Originally posted by Fox Keeper:
In-Game-Name (Ex. John):
(James) Fenton

Age: 12 ish

How active can you be?
I try to be on EVERYDAY

How would you describe your maturity level?
In RP I do my best to serve the army. But sometimes laugh if in a funny moment

How would you describe you patience level?
10-15 mins If expecting it, 1-7 days if applications, Inf if event or other.

Why do you want to become a Drill Instructor?
I want to learn to train recruits, to train recruits and hire more for the glory of this ARMY

How would you describe your training style?
FIRST: ./name CDT (Name) then I'd teach them faces in this order: Left face, Right face, Right face, Left face, About face. Tricks them sometimes. I'd then tell them how the server works (Platoons ect). I'll then go to the rules and make them read 1 rule out loud and keep lapping it over. I'd then take them to the shooting range (This part was inspired by the person that trained me) I'd tell them when I say shoot at "TORSO, HEAD, ARMS, LEGS" I'd generally say a word like SHOULDERS and if they shoot they failed.

If I needed to arrest someone for missuse of weapon I'd arrest and comms in RFA: Missuse of Weapon!

Keeper you have been accepted as a Drill Instructor. Sorry the process took so long
LinemanLife40 9 Apr, 2017 @ 3:22pm 
In-Game-Name (Ex. John): 22nd Gambler PVT S Carter.

Age: 17.

How active can you be? Active.

How would you describe your maturity level? 10/10.

How would you describe you patience level?. 9.5/10

Why do you want to become a Drill Instructor? So that I can instruct the new people on this lovely server.

How would you describe your training style? I would be strict, zero tolerance. I would act like a real DI would. I also have made a training manual too.
Last edited by LinemanLife40; 9 Apr, 2017 @ 3:25pm
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