BetterBettors BetBetter
BetterBettors BetBetter
26 Februari 2015
Bhs. Inggris
United States 
Semua Diskusi > Diskusi Umum > Rincian Topik
Acw 8 Jul 2016 @ 9:23pm
ESL One Cologne Day 5
ESL One Cologne Day 5. I will try to tweet about maps and who they favor when we find out and if you have any other questions feel free to tweet @AcwCSGO!

Virtus Pro vs SK Bo3
Our Odds:30-70
Virtus Pro have looked very rough in this tournament, struggling against an Astralis without two of their most influential players. To be honest they should have been 2-0’ed by the weakened Astralis, but in the end they barely managed to close it out in two overtimes. I just really don’t see this iteration of VP beating SK. While the “golden rule” usually remains true regarding VP matches, this one just doesn’t seem very likely. However, because of odds, i’d have trouble going high on SK unless odds go under 70%
Popo’s recommendation:
Acw’s recommendation: Going high on SK under 70%.

Liquid vs Fnatic Bo3
Our Odds:30-70
Honestly I think this is where Liquids run ends, Na’vi is a significantly weaker opponent than Fnatic, especially in current form. To have another Liquid upset we would need another Nitro + Elige + S1mple on fire. I would also be surprised if Fnatic let Nuke through, unless they have some put in some extra practice on it behind the scenes. This would basically make the maps Cobble / Cache and a random map. Fnatic isn’t great at Cobble so I could see this series going to 3, so that may be a good bet as well depending on odds.
Popo’s recommendation:
Acw’s recommendation: Skipping for now.

Disclaimer: Losing bets is bound to happen, but you should avoid it as best you can. Speaking of avoiding doing stuff, go do your homework. You bet at your own risk, neither this group nor the individuals involved with the group are responsible for the loss of your skins. Can ghosts see in the dark? Because that would be super spooky. We cannot, and will not refund your lost bets. We cannot predict each bet correctly, therefore you should only bet what you are willing to lose.
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