Stimulus Map Pack Boycott Official
Stimulus Map Pack Boycott Official
2010 年 4 月 23 日
关于 Stimulus Map Pack Boycott

Activision's Greed

We are boycotting "Activision" products, such as MW2. Our main goal is not to allow them to rip people off. This would mean expecting people to pay 60$-40£ for a game, and knowing that it will sell tons of copies.

How will I get my COD games? You just need to wait till 50% off weekend, then you can get your games very cheap and pay a fair ammount.

Example is COD4, this weekend 50% off allowed us to get the decent game for 9.99£-14.99$.

Also about upcomming COD7:Black Ops.
No matter how amazing it will be we and a promise of dedicated servers sounds sweet, but we will have to punish ourselves to punish them. But we win on a sale day.

There are many substitute games comming up.
New Medal Of Honour from EA, which may be great game the way MW2 should had always had been.

Lets keep our eyes on Respawn Entertainment, and support their. This will hit them hard because that will punish Activision as they stole people from Infinity Ward. Yes we will hit the hard.

Now lets go back to maps its been said before:
COD 4,
5 maps release from IW for free
Broadcast, Creek, Chinatown, Killhouse, Winter Crash

CODWAW Map packs 1-3 = 9 maps from Treyarch devs for free
Nightfire, Station, Knee Deep, Banzai, Corrosion, Sub Pens, Battery, Revolution and Breach

They dont deserve money for maps, they have resources and people to make the maps and it can take up to 10 hours per map. Thats 30 hours of professional work, who might have used some parts from user made maps to get ideas.
Ohh did I forgot to mention that there is two COD4 recyled maps. Yay.

Do your judgement, but when I would pay 60$ for a game I would never allow them to charge me for maps.
Go to chatrooms.
43 条留言
𓆚 standardheadache 𓆚 2010 年 8 月 21 日 上午 11:39 
and yet they keep leaving. =/ obviously, we're not very obvious to Activision. But if we can keep a steadfast statement, then they will eventually notice that 500+ people aren't happy with how they're handling DLCs on PC.
Jeronimo1964 2010 年 6 月 27 日 下午 1:02 
Please don´t leave this group. We can only increase pressure on EA
with many members. Every day new members are coming, but also
old members leave. Look at the group history. Then invite your friends.
And the next map pack is on the way. Another 14 €.
XxDuhastxX 2010 年 6 月 19 日 下午 12:57 
OPPS looks like a friend sent me the stimulus package
AeneasXI 2010 年 6 月 8 日 下午 2:41 
@jawfun the group just reached over 550 people ;)
I think alot of people are pissed off at their rediculous 14€ mappack. EVEN EA did include new weapons, nations and vehicles besides 4,5 new maps for 10€.

Now acitvision comes without any of this but 5maps plus even 14€pricetag? What is so great in this mappack that it deserves a higher pricetag than ANY of battlefield 2's boosterpacks...

bf2: 4maps, new weapons for all classes, new tanks, new nations (meaning also new playersskings etc) -10€ (besides that the price tag of those booster pack still was kinda a ripoff too but way better than what acitvision does now!)

cod: 5maps - 14€ and 2 of those are even remakes! -.-
λ lost little puppy 2010 年 5 月 23 日 下午 1:12 
If only console people would come to their senses... L4D2 had great entertainment value at least, and free maps.

They're coming out with another ripoff pack, btw. Speaking of L4D2, one map was a carnival.

Still not buying.
Jawefun 2010 年 5 月 15 日 上午 8:15 
thb people are gonna buy it this is not gonna be like the boycotting l4d2 but if 500 or so people are on this group then it does show that some people have the inteligence to see a rip of
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2010 年 4 月 23 日