BOOM! Zone Zaheen
BOOM! Zone Zaheen
14 May, 2013
Zaheen 17 Aug, 2013 @ 8:36am
Worms Clan Wars - Class Types
Originally posted by Whippet:

Remote Detonation
Can remote detonate any thrown weapon that has a fuse timer, press fire again at any time after it has been thrown to make it explode. If the weapons timer expires before remote detonation then it explodes anyway. In the final game Soldier worms will have an effect around their hand whenever they are holding a weapon they can detonate.

Increased Accuracy
The radius from the centre of the explosion out that determines the explosion does maximum damage has been increased on all explosive weapons. This makes it slightly easier to get a maximum damage shot with a Soldier.

The Soldier is otherwise the default worm and is average in every other way.


Can now tunnel twice as far as a soldier with all digging utilities making him amazingly versatile for navigation. These tunnels can only be entered by other Scouts (like in Revolution). Also due to the Scout ability to 'Scout' the area he is immune to mines, he is simply too light footed to set them off.

The scout is much faster than the other classes, can jump higher and further and can fall greater distances before taking damage.

At the start of the scouts turn he sends a ‘Ping’ out from himself that covers about 1/5 of the map in a radius around him. Any crate caught within this ping reveals its contents to the Scout. So he can see if its worth travelling to collect in advance. He is in effect a localized 'Crate Spy'. The final effect for this is currently missing.

The Scout does FAR less damage and far less land destruction with all his attacks he is weak even compared to the Scientist and Soldier.


All explosions do 20 percent more landscape damage than they did in revolution making the Heavy a great tool for reducing the landscape to zero. He also has much increased damage with all attacks over the other three classes allowing him to defeat a worm much quicker. Melee weapons such as the Baseball bat hit other worms further.

When the Heavy dies his death explosion is now the size, force and damage of a Holy Hand Grenade, this extends to using Kamikaze. It means that even though he is very slow no one wants to be standing next to a Heavy when he dies.

All other attributes are similar to revolution, he walks very slowly, has a much lower jump height and distance. Not only this but all movement utilities are massively less effective when used by the Heavy


Support Buffs
Plug holes now drain twice the amount of water as a Soldier, sentries have even more health than ever before. Magnets now NEVER run out so they must be hit out of the way.

Scientists health buff only works in a localised area 1/5 of the map in a radius around the Scientist. This means you have to have them out near your other worms meaning that rather than healing all team worms they need to be near the scientist. All worms healed by the scientist are cured of poison!

Scientists move and act like Soldiers, however they do less damage and less landscape damage than Soldiers and can't tunnel as far either.
Hope it helps!
Last edited by Zaheen; 17 Aug, 2013 @ 9:44am
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Mia 17 Aug, 2013 @ 8:37am 
Thank you :)
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Date Posted: 17 Aug, 2013 @ 8:36am
Posts: 1