Blood Bowl - Australasia BB - ANZSEA
Blood Bowl - Australasia BB - ANZSEA
28 Desember 2015
Bhs. Inggris
Semua Diskusi > Diskusi Umum > Rincian Topik
This seems to wotk for other groups, I guess we can try it too.

We can use this to help organise games, discuss results etc.

Group E Coaches:

Tchaz - High Elf, Companions of Chrace
RhysA - Lizardmen, Chk'Tk Chameleons
BrotherGrim - Skaven, Guttersneaks
Zehro - Dark Elves, Malekeith's Mishap
Redlance - Dark Elves, Raw Messiah

TBC - GW0074 - Human, Slice 'n' Dice
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Redlance 13 Feb 2016 @ 4:38am 
I'll start. I've been playing Bloodbowl with a group of friends since the 90's. I've played all flavours of the online game. Am I any good at it... not really. But I love playing.

I'm in the GMT+10 timezone - Melbourne/Sydney - but I'll happily stay up to play games until late. I can usually kick off after 8:30pm on a weeknight after the kids are settled, and I'm happy to be on until the small hours of the morning.

Hope to hear from the rest of you soon. Regards, Will
TedCummings 23 Feb 2016 @ 2:31pm 
Redlance I'm your opposition for this week's match. When are you free to play it?
Redlance 23 Feb 2016 @ 11:49pm 
G'day Ted. I'm good anytime tonight. Otherwise, any night after 8:30pm. Let me know.
TedCummings 24 Feb 2016 @ 9:31pm 
Sorry I missed you post. Look the next couple of nights might be a litle difficult, would 8.30 Sunday be okay? If not give me a time and I'll see if I can make it fit.
Redlance 25 Feb 2016 @ 12:26am 
Sunday night is cutting it a little fine, but that's OK with me as long as you can make it. If your availability changes, let me know.

Playing during the day is tricky for me because of work and family...but there are times on weekends where I can free myself up for a few hours. If you see me online, shout out.

Cheers, Will
Rhys 25 Feb 2016 @ 3:16am 
Hi Guys,

I can be a little leniant with times if you let me know ahead of time. 8:30 Sunday will be fine if you are both fine to play then (normal cut off is migdnight anyway!)
TedCummings 25 Feb 2016 @ 10:16pm 
Hi, There's a time zone issue here as well, I'm NZT, GMT+12, so 2 hours ahead of you. I'd prefer to play at 8.30 pm NZT or say 8pm your time (10pm NZT). However I know you said you could play after 8.30, if that applies to Sun, then I'm happy to play then.
Redlance 26 Feb 2016 @ 3:04am 
No Worries. I didnt realise you were in NZ. If you want to make it earlier on the Sunday (8:30 your time?), I can manage that.
TedCummings 26 Feb 2016 @ 2:52pm 
Yeah, that would be great, thanks, so 8.30pm NZT Sunday.
Redlance 27 Feb 2016 @ 4:34am 
6:30 pm our time. No worries :)
TedCummings 27 Feb 2016 @ 11:38pm 
Redlance, Hi, waiting in game for you.
Redlance 27 Feb 2016 @ 11:50pm 
OK. jumpin in now.
BrotherGRim 28 Feb 2016 @ 9:47pm 
Hey Ted I'm your next opponent. Im generally good for an evening one (or morning on weekends) more likely around the 8pm timeslot if thats when your free
TedCummings 29 Feb 2016 @ 1:11pm 
Hey, just accepted your friend request. What time zone are you? I'm NZT. I'm good evening for Wed, Thur, Sun (definitely), could make something work othe times if needed.
Redlance 29 Feb 2016 @ 2:01pm 
Tchaz, your High Elves are next in line to crush my hopes and dreams. Let me know when you're free to play.
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