Atmos Gaming AtmosGaming
Atmos Gaming AtmosGaming
20 september 2014
United States 
Alboog 25 jul, 2015 @ 18:20
Server suggestions.
I know to the owners or even some staff or anybody, you dont care, but some people would like to improve the server so they can grow the community. So I thought of some suggestions that I would share with you guys and would like some feed back on it and also get a vote of +1 meaning you want to see it happen or -1 saying that its a bad idea. all votes encouraged and will not be hated because you said no or yes. Sorry to the owners if this is offensive but I 'm just trying to make the server better in anyway. Here I go.

Number 1: I think the server should have a rule for the admins. this rule would be that if there were another admin/moderator online they would not be allowed to take a admin situatuion if it was against them. The player calling the admin situation should be able to pick the admin they are comfortable talking to and dont have a grudge against. this would solve arguing during admin sits, and also stop people from getting banned instantly if they do something wrong to an admin instead of a person.

Number 2: For new players joining the server and wanting to help the server by becoming a moderator, there should be someone in charge of the fourms. someone who would always be on the fourms to reply almost instantly to anyone who wants to apply for the position. This would take the stress off of the owners or James because he wouldn't have to go onto the fourms at all and sit there typing to people he doesn't know.

Number 3: More staff would deffinetly help the server. I say this because of suggestion number 1 also because if there was a situation going on with an admion there has to be another mod/admin to be online to help. So recruit some new people. It's alright if they don't get on for 2 day in a row. Some people have a life or like to play other games than to grind out one and wait for action. But i say more staff mostly because I always, or used to, see people come into the server and grief by prop spamming and instantly crashing the server, but if there were more admins/ mods online at the time they could instantly deal with the problem and ban those people.

Number 4: If you want to run a smooth server and actually make a profit, don't be so strict on your rules. I have seen admins warn me because I was punching my friend and they dont care whether or not they are your friends they just want something to do. Which in my opinninon is really bad. Admins should be able to see if you and your friend are having a good time and not disturbing anyone else. It has happened to me so much and just kills the mood and makes me not want to play on the server and i feel like that how other people feel also.

Number 5: Since the new server has launched I have played a few times but for not that long. The reason being that i dont have my old stuff (VIP, money). Money isn't really the issue but the vip is. I was thinking that maybe the server owners or devs could make a quick group that has all of the same rights as a member but gives the player access to some donator items. such as Advanced Duplicator Tool. We donated 15$ to your server and even more for custom classes and then you guys just decide to start a whole new server and not give us anything. Yes I know you guys say that you can't give back VIP because yo uneed the money to run the server but you can at least make this group and get people to play on your server and atract more people on because there were a lot on anyways. No one wants to join a server that has 5 people playing on it and no bases to raid. They want a server with 40 people and and bases to raid.

Number 6: If the owners are thinking about promoting someone there should be some kind of poll. reason being that some players might want to say something and put an oppininon in about what that guy has done but what the owners haven't heard of. This can improve the overpowerment that I see in some cases. The owners would have the right to do whatever they want, meaning promote or demote the person but they would just get a little more information off of the players then see how they are doing. People shouldn't be getting promoted because they are friends with the owner. the owners should chose wisely because then more people would play and the server could get popular. Also another thing that I saw and head of is that the owner Nuero, The previous owner of all servers and strill is, has been trying to demote a good admin of the server and almsot did it but James the new owner stopped him. He wanted to demote him for not being active. But i feel like the people who are the most inactive are the owners. I f the owners don't want to put the time to try to improve their server or even log on then how do they expect to make money. I'm just saying the admins of your server are the ones who make money for the server and you want to demote them for being off for 2 days.

If you guys read all of that thank you very much. It is a lot to read but those are my six MAJOR suggestions that i feel need to be done. If you have question leave a comment down below. Thank you
Senast ändrad av Alboog; 25 jul, 2015 @ 20:23
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Alboog 25 jul, 2015 @ 20:06 
Thanks for the feed back man . Awesome man. I totally agree with everything
Alboog 25 jul, 2015 @ 20:07 
Ya awesome man. Just trying to spread it out as much as possible. thank you
Alboog 25 jul, 2015 @ 20:21 
Ursprungligen skrivet av ♠A Fat Panda♠:
I linked your post in the forums, hope you dont mind. It should be seen more there.
Ya I also talked to James. The new owner of the server and asked him if he could take a look at it and said that he would be he was to busy at the moment and needed some rest. I was thinking that maybe we could get them to make an announcment to the whoole group with the link and everyone can come in here and post their opinions. it might also atract some people back to the server. just a thought though. maybe we can make it happen. I can try to talk to james tomorrow morning about it.

Alboog 26 jul, 2015 @ 10:06 
Ursprungligen skrivet av AtG | James:
Sure I'll do that right now. :)
Alboog 26 jul, 2015 @ 16:48 
Ursprungligen skrivet av AtG | James:
I have a plan, don't worry. some VIP players will get back (those who have their receipt)
However, It'll have to wait for another week.
Ok sounds good. is it possible that you can put this link in an announcemnet? so others can see what they want to say about this.
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