Anarcho Capitalist [AnCap]
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Anarcho Capitalist [AnCap]
17 de septiembre de 2012
Rifleman 13 MAR 2014 a las 4:12
Linux Master Race Anarchists
Stand and be counted.
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Mostrando 1-9 de 9 comentarios
Poppacoldone 13 JUL 2014 a las 11:36 
just put ubuntu on an old xp machine and more than doubled the frame rates!
Rifleman 13 JUL 2014 a las 13:35 
Welcome to the brownish/orange side.
Dean Corso 13 JUL 2014 a las 22:36 
I use win 7
Ashley 14 JUL 2014 a las 0:33 
Don't take this as sarcasm, but what you just said could quite possibly go down as the greatest meme of all time.

arch linux kde... with the ati drivers if I resize the window my whole desktop crashes... I dont dare try any games on it, just using it to hang out in chat

Don't take this as sarcasm, but what you just said could quite possibly go down as the greatest meme of all time.

Don't take this as sarcasm, but what you just said could quite possibly go down as the greatest meme of all time.
Rifleman 14 JUL 2014 a las 3:39 
> with the ati drivers

1. Get an nvidia card with the proprietary drivers.
2. Rejoice.
IceGuru 7 OCT 2021 a las 20:59 
I was one of you. But my whole gave me the newest macbook and I'm honestly loving it so much.
Rifleman 11 OCT 2021 a las 11:36 
Wow. I was an ancap in 2014? CRIIIIINGE
I'm now a based and redpilled Q anon believer.
But I still use Linux.
Rifleman 11 OCT 2021 a las 11:37 
Also, AMD drivers work great now, and are open source. How times have changed.
ArtBell 20 DIC 2021 a las 3:54 
Liinux fgts
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Mostrando 1-9 de 9 comentarios
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