/Age of Colonialism\ _/AoC\_
/Age of Colonialism\ _/AoC\_
28 December, 2015
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Scots 30 Dec, 2015 @ 4:06pm
Military of Nations
- Swedish Empire: 80 Units Army, 20 Units Navy
- Kingdom of Prussia: 80 Units Army
- Austria: 180 Units Army, 40 Units Navy
- Russian Empire: 120 Units Army, 40 Units Navy
- French Empire: 200 Units Army, 120 Units Navy
- Great Britain: 140 Units Army, 120 Units Navy
- United Netherlands: 40 Units Army, 60 Units Navy
- Tsardom of Poland: 80 Units Army, 20 Units Navy
- Denmark: 40 Units Army, 20 Units Navy
- Old Swiss Confederacy: 10 Units Army
- Spanish Empire: 200 Units Army, 120 Units Navy
- Ottoman Empire: 180 Units Army, 100 Units Navy
- Serbian Revolutionists: 40 Units Army
- Finnish Separatists: 20 Units Army
- Dai Viet: 20 Units Army, 10 Units Navy
- Rebellion of Essex and Kent: 20 Units Army
- Venice: 20 Units Army and 10 Units Navy
- Knights of St John (Malta): 20 Units Army and 10 Units Navy
-Japan 60 units army and 60 units navy
-China 100 units army and 60 units Navy
Last edited by Nuke_Nick; 10 Jan, 2016 @ 11:39am
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
141 Paladin 2 Jan, 2016 @ 3:37pm 
Btw, Why would Russia have a Navy Bigger than Sweden's? I mean they dont have ports in the Baltic :P
Sèitheach 2 Jan, 2016 @ 4:01pm 
Why is my army count not on this, and why do I only have 2 armies, yeah I'm portugal but that is still tiny for portugal.
Scots 2 Jan, 2016 @ 4:21pm 
audric look at how much you make and swedenball we'll be right on that
Albin 3 Jan, 2016 @ 9:54am 
Remove Norwegian Separatists since we're defeated
Japan is not there so just add it when u have the time
Albin 4 Jan, 2016 @ 11:30am 
Add Venice
Nuke_Nick 4 Jan, 2016 @ 2:33pm 
Prussia needs an add
NotGpless 5 Jan, 2016 @ 6:03pm 
Add syria

#NeverForgetAngerBird, Syrialevel
Sleepstar 6 Jan, 2016 @ 11:06am 
pls add Georgia D;
please change Japan and China into one called the Union of Socialist Pacific Nations with a total of 260 units for the army and a total of 140 ships
Last edited by The Prince of Thebes; 6 Jan, 2016 @ 4:47pm
General Ragnobi 6 Jan, 2016 @ 6:26pm 
can't merge nations you will have you're seperate navys and army's but how you guys chose to use them is up to you,
Romulus Travis 8 Jan, 2016 @ 3:00am 
Please add The Bolshevik Revolutionaries
NotGpless 8 Jan, 2016 @ 8:32pm 
Syrian Rebels please?
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