AccidentlyReviewed Free Keys!
AccidentlyReviewed Free Keys!
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27 Tháng 12, 2015
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Tất cả thảo luận > R.I.P - Old Contests > Chi tiết chủ đề
Lucasen811 18 Thg07, 2016 @ 12:44am
End of the Leviathan giveaway! Winner announced!
Nguyên văn bởi Lucasen811:
Hello gamers,
Today I would like to talk about an upcoming game, Leviathan: The Cargo. This game is the sequel to the game Leviathan: The last day of the decade. This game releases on the 7th on July, tomorrow! *UPDATE* It has been delayed for a week or two :D I'm here today to describe the upcoming game and the details of the early access release as well as to announce that the team of Leviathan, has hooked me up with a key for both of the Leviathan games to giveaway!

First of all, if you would like to know more about the first game (my review is coming soon and accidently has already posted a review of it) you can visit the store page here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/328270/

So the new Leviathan game is supposed to be connected to the story line of the first one and will feature some of the old characters that we know, while also introducing some new ones that we have never seen before. The game has been crowd funded and because of this it is planned to be really big! On the release date, it will be in early access with only episodes 1-3 available, however the release price of the game is planned to be the cheapest price of the game for at least 2 years. So what this means is that with each update, and the more content that they add to the game, the higher the game price will be. So by the end of the development of the game, it is estimated to be $35. They have also stated that they will not participate in any sales or bundles within at least 2 years of the game's release.
So if you are interested in the game, I recommend you buy it on the release date as that will be the cheapest price and the price will only go up from then. Here is the store page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/411130

To go along side with the release of the new Leviathan game, there will be a pre-release stream. In this stream there will be some discussion (maybe a Q&A) about the new game and also, they will be giving away a free copy of the game too. To enter their draw to win Leviathan: The Cargo, simply share any post from the Leviathan facebook page. You can share any post as long as it is recent (there is one post where it tells you about the details of the draw and says that from that post and any future post, a share will get you an entry into the draw). A link to their facebook page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/leviathangame/?fref=nf

Ok, so to get into the draw to win BOTH Leviathan games, all you have to do is leave a comment on this discussion thread. This will give you a chance to win the game. Another way to get an extra entry will to be inviting friends to this group. However you can only get 3 entries in total, therefore you can only invite two friends on top of leaving a comment. At the end of the release week of the game (14th July) all active users will be gathered into a list and put into a random number picker (just a system to make the choice completely random). Also, try not to change your username. The winner will then be announced and rewarded their prize! So remember to leave a comment on this chat as from this point and forward, I will be creating the list of people who have enetered the draw :D


So today it is the 18th and therefore I will be announcing the winner of the Leviathan series giveaway. Thank you to everyone who participated and shared this giveaway with their friends. So without further ado, the winner off the giveaway (using a random number picker) is:
I will be providing the codes to him via personal chat but he will post a confirmation announcement that he did indeed get the codes and that they work :D

Thank you for participating and stay tuned for future giveaways :D
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Đang hiển thị 1-7 trong 7 bình luận
Sqverl 18 Thg07, 2016 @ 12:46am 
Congrats! :2016popsicle:
IFIYGD 18 Thg07, 2016 @ 12:49am 
Congrats @supervictor! :2016roasted:
Lần sửa cuối bởi Lucasen811; 18 Thg07, 2016 @ 3:17am
Supervictor 18 Thg07, 2016 @ 3:46am 
Thank you all, specially Lucasen. He has already sent me a message to tell me that I won. I'll leave another comment tomorrow when I had received the keys.
MonoTheKing⭐ 18 Thg07, 2016 @ 5:18am 
Yay congrats supervictor, very nice event Lucas :3:
Mike 18 Thg07, 2016 @ 5:52am 
Congratulations!!!! Enjoy them!!!
Necrolexicon 18 Thg07, 2016 @ 8:08am 
Nice, let us know if it's good!
Supervictor 20 Thg07, 2016 @ 8:19am 
I've just received the keys, no problems (as I expected). I'm downloading the first one and waiting to try it!!
< >
Đang hiển thị 1-7 trong 7 bình luận
Mỗi trang: 1530 50

Tất cả thảo luận > R.I.P - Old Contests > Chi tiết chủ đề