AccidentlyReviewed Free Keys!
AccidentlyReviewed Free Keys!
27 December, 2015
United States 
How to convince a friend to join the group...
This is Ezra heyyyyyooooo, howdy. My friend HalfSilent (yes i am calling him out :v fight me dork) is skeptical about joining the group for multiple reasons.

:gs_shuriken: He says he feels bad about asking for free games, but I've explained to him that this is a way to give back to the community and be more united :v

:gs_shuriken: He thinks is a bit odd that it's so easy to get free stuff. Granted I was a bit shocked at how nice everyone was when I first joined. I didn't have to take any surveys lol

:gs_shuriken: He wants COD Black Ops w/ all the DLC. (This was a joke he is actually really down to earth and humble :3)

So everyone feel free to send him a message saying to join this wonderful community, nothing to fear, we...are...The Avengers!!! .__. thank you bye xoxo Ezra :LIS_butterfly:
Last edited by MarcosTheMachine; 28 May, 2016 @ 7:32am
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
He shouldn't feel bad about getting free stuff, that's why we donate... And every time someone pick a key you gave, it feels amazing. :resmile:
Mike 28 May, 2016 @ 9:16am 
Free stuff is awesome, who doesn't want to get things for free? Just tell him that we do this because we want people to enjoy this games no strings attached.

And as Ms. Cinnamon said, we are getting the keys from donations and yes, feels nice when someone picks a game you donated XD.
Last edited by Mike; 28 May, 2016 @ 9:16am
MarcosTheMachine 28 May, 2016 @ 10:25am 
Originally posted by HerQLes:
BTW He won't get COD Black Ops w/ all the DLC...only keys from the list of the current month.
I know this lol I'm 100% sure he was just joking around, nobody expects to get a big name game for free :)
Checked his profile and it is private ... I think he won't get a game if his profile is private, unless he changed it.
Mike 6 Jun, 2016 @ 4:09pm 
Hey... did your friend join?? or he's still doubtfull??
MarcosTheMachine 7 Jun, 2016 @ 10:26am 
Originally posted by Kei-chan:
Hey... did your friend join?? or he's still doubtfull??
I'm not sure, haven't talked in a while :x
Mike 7 Jun, 2016 @ 1:27pm 
Originally posted by SaucyTaco:
Originally posted by Kei-chan:
Hey... did your friend join?? or he's still doubtfull??
I'm not sure, haven't talked in a while :x

Ahh. ok then. just remember to tell him that he must make his profile public, otherwise it'll be difficult to accept his friend request XD
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