AI wars: Goon Command AWGC
AI wars: Goon Command AWGC
30 de mayo de 2010
28 comentarios
Marchand 26 FEB 2019 a las 10:17 p. m. 
So this is the group when AI war 2 hits 1.0 right?
kondrat1k 13 MAR 2014 a las 6:26 p. m. 
Game Title: Rust
Server name: [RUS] RGBD (Moscow)
IP address to connect:
IP address to gather statistics:
Current Map Server: rust_island_2013
Game Type: Oxide
Password: No
Location: Moscow
The allowable number of players: 105
Airdrop 20 +, Sleepers ON, PvP ON
Oxide latest version.
Admins on the server adequate adults, sometimes play with other players, but seriously in the gameplay and do not interfere with raids are not engaged. Server still young and you still have good places for settlement, we are waiting for you! :)
atomikkrab 23 JUN 2013 a las 10:17 p. m. 
Bluh Bluh Huge Expansion
Hypha 5 FEB 2013 a las 6:11 p. m. 
You are all so precious.... I almost feel like breaking standard procedure.
LegallyWard 2 FEB 2013 a las 5:41 a. m. 
hi there, i just got the game yesterday and would love to play co-op wiv sum peeps. i dont use hamachi though, never really worked for me, ill play direct however, thanks :)
Fidel Cashflow 3 ENE 2013 a las 4:44 p. m. 
fairly new to the game, msg me if you want to play a campaign.
Central Standard Times.
Hypha 17 DIC 2012 a las 6:30 p. m. 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I am back! One day I might even update the OP. Hate me all later, I'm hosting again after something like 2.5 years. Prepare your best coffee for the return of the bitter vets,k probably this saturday.
Str1ker7 8 NOV 2012 a las 12:34 a. m. 
any peps for a game?
atomikkrab 3 NOV 2012 a las 1:50 p. m. 
We should do a thing
Knight of Kittens 23 ENE 2012 a las 2:47 p. m. 
If anyone wants someone to play add me and throw me a line! Almost any time i good
Phantom Six 8 ENE 2012 a las 9:32 p. m. 
Just got the game a few but if anyone wanna play with me just add me and hit me up though I'll only play on a day that I got a lot of spare time and I'm not too experienced yet.
chickensalad 9 SEP 2011 a las 8:00 p. m. 
AI Wars this saturday (tomorrow, 2011-09-10)
Zipster 2 AGO 2011 a las 7:29 a. m. 
I saw this game and at first thought it was incredibly difficult. That is still the case as I am still learning some strategies and what each ship, turret, etc. does. I would love for someone to add me and give me a great run through of the game, ^_^.

Steam Name, Xfire, Raptr:: zzipster

P.S. LordSloth I love your rants on the forum posts; you make me LOL, XD.
LordSloth 1 AGO 2011 a las 4:48 p. m. 
Nukes are a lot like pringles...
isolationist 25 JUL 2011 a las 9:13 p. m. 
I just bought the game, and I wanna learn to play while having some random internetter laughing at me. Anyone wanna be that random?
bonds0097 14 JUL 2011 a las 3:36 p. m. 
If anyone's up for a game, hit me up.
Aspecz 7 JUL 2011 a las 3:52 p. m. 
hi all that play ai wars and are new add me be great to have a game some time :)
Ancorehraq sis 5 JUL 2011 a las 8:42 p. m. 
Would anybody like to play?
LordSloth 13 MAR 2011 a las 2:06 p. m. 
Sorry for messing up the session I'd planned. I'd forgotten Daylight Savings. Feel free to send me a message any time you see me online if you'd like to start a game.
Hypha 5 JUL 2010 a las 8:35 p. m. 
welp, somehow somebody made me ban happy. Sorry Socratic.
Easy AI 2 JUL 2010 a las 6:24 p. m. 
HiRyS 2 JUL 2010 a las 6:04 p. m. 
anyone want to play tonight?
Easy AI 1 JUL 2010 a las 9:02 p. m. 
That game tasted horrible.
HiRyS 1 JUL 2010 a las 4:33 p. m. 
hurf hurf
Easy AI 1 JUL 2010 a las 3:24 p. m. 
Lets play a canadian game.
Easy AI 30 JUN 2010 a las 2:02 p. m. 
Idling in #aiwar. It is just me.
Hypha 13 JUN 2010 a las 2:32 a. m. 
Don't really care. Games are long and I don't expect everyone to play all the time this game. Just if you want to play, this exists for organizing games.
Pixie Cuts are great 9 JUN 2010 a las 8:44 p. m. 
Well sorry My idling in tf2 all of yesterday has pushed AI wars down from the #1 played game for the group, I'll idle in AI wars to make up for it