72nd Legion -72nd-
72nd Legion -72nd-
29 June, 2014
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Server Rules
1.) Respect Staff Members.
Remember, we are here to help, but at no time shall any player disrespect or argue with a staff members decision or request.
Disagreeing is okay, and we will hear you out if you do so in a polite manner.
If you have issues, requests, or need advice. Feel free to reach out to Captain or another administrator via in game chat, discord or personal message.

If you have concerns about how a situation was handled, please take screenshots and document the interaction between involved parties and send it to Captain and we will attempt to resolve or explain the situation.

Killing the player along your merry way is okay.
Seriously. Don’t do it.

2.) No Combat Logging
Logging off to enable ORP to stop a raid will not be tolerated. If you get disconnected during the raid, please log back in immediately and notify Captain of the situation so there is no confusion. Purposely logging off in the middle of the raid will result in your ORP pillar to be destroyed so that the raid can continue.

3.) Raid Timers & MERCY
There is no raid timer, raids can go until either.
A) The person raiding is done.
B) The person being raided picks up their ORP pillar and gives up enabling the raider to finish as they please.
Raiding can be started at any given time and do not require any warning.
PVE/PVP Contrast is DISABLED- this will not change. Craft night vision goggles/Binos/or eat shadow steak.
No killing passive Dinos during raid. If a player reports that this has happened, you must stop the raid.
There is now a new system to prevent griefing using the [MERCY] tag in a tribe’s name. Here is how it works:
You or your tribe has been raided and you feel that you will require a grace period to continue playing on the server, please post in the #adminassistance discord channel requesting a mercy tag and make sure to put Ark Admins in the post. An admin will contact you shortly.
Once we determine you were indeed raided and have little ability to defend
yourself further, we will post in the #mercy discord channel listing your tribe name, and when your mercy period ends (it will always be 72 hours). You may then add [MERCY] to your tribe name. It must be removed at the end of the 72-hour period.
You may not initiate PVP during this time or your mercy tag will be removed.
If you find a player or tribe with this tag in their tribe name you will not be allowed to PVP with them or their structures/Dinos in any form AT THEIR BASE LOCATION
until either the tag is removed, or 72 hours has passed since an admin posted their name in the #mercy discord channel.
It is up to the admin to decide whether your tribe is eligible for mercy. It will only be awarded to tribes that have lost
enough progress to warrant a 3-day grace period. Do not argue with an admins final decision.

4.) Base Limit/Location rules
This server ADOPTED The 100-turret limit within 10k units. When you exceed 100 turrets within 10k units, there will be a
warning placed on the turret to inform you, so you can adjust as necessary. Once the turrets are within the permitted amount, they will function again. In accordance with this change,
the damage of auto turrets and TEK turrets will increase by 20%,
increasing the item slot count of auto turrets by 50%.
The turret limit effects the following. Plant Species X, Auto-turrets, and TEK Turrets, It will soon cover s+ turrets
You are limited to two base build locations with ORP beacons. HOWEVER
only one of those bases can be protected by turrets. Any other base builds after the initial base build are free game (but can be protected by Dinos).
No building inside/outside the Wyvern pit, no blocking artifact/loot caves/dossier notes. If you
are built close to a dossier note, players must be able to safely gain access to it without taking any damage to themselves or their Dinos.
No intentionally blocking resources (IE: spamming foundations on metal spawns/Building Metal depots right
next to resource spawns, if found doing this, your structures and Dinos at the location will have a really bad time. It is fine if your base blocks a few resources so long as it is to build maintain your base. Absolutely NO building in resource
rich spawn locations. (Rich area means more than 4 regular nodes or more than 2 heavy/rich nodes in a single spot.

5.) Raiding Rules
When raiding, you can cage/handcuff players,
but NO LONGER than two hours or until raid is over. Whichever comes first.

If you are foundation wiped (nothing left) contact an Admin we want to get you back on your feet and on the road to revenge! We will be happy to get you going with a Salt Free Pack, it will include a (4x4 s+ metal foundations, ceilings, large walls,
double doorframe, Double door, S+Smithy, S+Crafting Station, S+bed, S+ refining forge, one flyer (whatever admin has at the time), 50 of each resource, and a metal pick, hatchet, sickle, pike.

6.) Chat Rules
Swearing and ♥♥♥♥ talking is all well and
good. But racism, sexism or toxic chat activity is frowned upon and will result in a warning. Repeated offenses will result in 24HR kick and possible bans.

7.) Server Population
If your tribe is drastically affecting server pop, the admins reserve a
right to remove you. IE: don't go and raid the whole server in a day/Wipe new player just because. You want pop to build, not scare everyone away. We will always contact you first to let you know you are affecting population and ask you to calm down
before resorting to tribe wipe/bans.
8.) Exploits
Using Primal Healing Potions during raids.
S+ Auto turrets can be placed on platform saddles. You are NOT ALLOWED
to do this for PVP.
No building or exploiting inside boss arenas. Wyvern Pit or Drake pit.
This means don’t leave Dinos in any of these places for easy picking.
No using death helper to cheese caves in an exploitative manner.
No killing of passive tames OR leading Dinos outside of ORP range on purpose. This will not be tolerated
passive after a dino has already attacked a player/dino does not protect it.
S+Teleporters are allowed HOWEVER they must be used between base locations if you want them to be protected. If you place them around the map they are fair game and cannot be protected
by turrets/ nor can they be placed within 50 foundations of a resources rich area. Please refrain from using these during PVP outside another tribe’s base. If teleporters start to be used in an exploitive manner, I will remove them from the map
Any tribe
found doing any of these things will get a warning, 2nd offense will result in a tribe dino wipe, third offense will result in a ban.

9.) Welfare.
We are no longer giving out handouts (with an exception of foundation wipe from raid), there are no replacements,
no starter packs or free Dinos starting out from ADMINS. You can always ask in chat, or discord in the trade channel. Some players might have things they don’t mind parting with.
Last edited by Captain Derp; 1 Jan, 2018 @ 8:24pm